Remember when you were a kid and could feel the knife scraping plastic as you made a peanut butter toast/sandwich?
Never thought about it then. Most things came in glass, cans and paper. A few things going plastic I don’t see as a concern. Today everything is plastic and a lot more exposure. Bottled water was not a thing.
When bread of a sandwich kept in a plastic container took on the taste of plastic, it makes one think what chemical is leaving the plastic as it dry rots. Plastic dry rots as it emits its chemicals.
I think point being, we’re over using and too much exposure to plastics and the chemicals and particles they emit. Mostly consumption from plastics.
This stuff is found in hearts and livers too. This stuff builds up in heart arteries or valves you could have issues.
Exposure to some is one thing, constant exposure isn’t good.
Btw, my wife was RN last live-in GF was RN (both RIP)And hundreds of med conferences… After endless stories ya learn stuff and pay attention to medical.