Author Topic: Everything Starts With Nutrition  (Read 12191 times)

Offline Oldman731

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Re: Everything Starts With Nutrition
« Reply #60 on: February 06, 2025, 08:40:39 PM »
Around 1980 is when the low-fat craze started in the US.  What the fraken-food industry found was that if you take out healthy fats, food taste like crap so you can hide it by adding tons of sugar and call it "Low-Fat!"  And the cheapest "sugar" for highest profit is high-fructose-corn-syrup.  You might as well be eating rat posion.

 Our bodies didn't evolve to absorb these toxins.

Get the picture?

I get that sugar is bad for you. My mother taught us that 70+ years ago, and as a before-fluoride kid who knew the panic of the sound of the tooth drill, I grasped the lesson.  So far as I know, red meat is still full of cholesterol, therefore bad for your heart.  Has that changed?  Have statins eliminated the threat?  Not being judgmental, I'm just curious.

- oldman

Offline CptTrips

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Re: Everything Starts With Nutrition
« Reply #61 on: February 06, 2025, 09:59:17 PM »
I get that sugar is bad for you. My mother taught us that 70+ years ago, and as a before-fluoride kid who knew the panic of the sound of the tooth drill, I grasped the lesson.  So far as I know, red meat is still full of cholesterol, therefore bad for your heart.  Has that changed?  Have statins eliminated the threat?  Not being judgmental, I'm just curious.

Sigh.  I've had some really painful life experience around trying to convince even loved ones of what I have learned over twenty year of obsessing over this stuff.  That's why I have made a rule about only ever discussing this stuff with fellow travelers who have already made the decision on their own to follow a low carb\keto\carnivore path, and never ever again try and convince anyone of anything nutritionally related.  So I not trying to be evasive to be dique.  I made a pact with myself.  :rolleyes:

I'll say this though, the current science (no study pre-about 2010 should be trusted fully...most of which was sponsored by big sugar or the fraken-food industry and utterly fraudulent  BTW, Ancel Keys was a son of Satan and a mass murderer I hope he rots in Hell) dietary cholesterol has virtually no effect on serum cholesterol in vast majority of people.  There is a very small population of hyper-responder that it MAY have SOME effect on.

Very very few doctors over the age of 30 have virtually any knowledge of nutrition.  Maybe they had 4 hrs of nutritional study in their entire curriculum.  Most of that was based on utter fraudulent information decades old and the science of nutrition has advance exponentially over the last 25 years.  Sadly the situation only improves as the population of Boomer doctors die off.

Cholesterol has extremely vital role in the human body.  One of which is as a first responder to cellular damage.  Coronary heart disease is largely caused when cholesterol particle adhere to the rough surface of damages arteries wall.  Think of the damage walls as having a roughed up surface that causes the cholesterol to stick and then start a clog.  But the root cause isn't the cholesterol.  It is the damaged arterial wall.  The damage is caused by glycation.  A side effect of excess blood sugar.

Think of cholesterol as a fireman responding to an emergency.  You drive by a 4 alarm fire and see all these firemen hanging around.  To assume the firemen must have been the cause is the analog to our thinking about cholesterol and heart disease over the last 30-40 years.  Does that make logical sense to you?

That said, I am not a doctor and you should follow the advice of your licensed medical professional.  God help you.
« Last Edit: February 06, 2025, 10:08:17 PM by CptTrips »
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Re: Everything Starts With Nutrition
« Reply #62 on: February 07, 2025, 02:49:03 AM »
Ansel Keyes was the one who came up with the idea that Cholesterol was bad. He did a 22-country study but only used the 7 countries that loosely fit his hypothesis. According to one doctor the book Keyes wrote was scientific gibberish.

I do not worry about Cholesterol; I concern myself with carbs. As a side note I don't worry about calories either because I know I'm heating very healthy.

I would suggest, if interested, research Cholesterol on YouTube. There's quite a bit on it.

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Offline Eagler

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Re: Everything Starts With Nutrition
« Reply #63 on: February 07, 2025, 08:02:52 AM »
Exercise is the key..

When you woke up before the sun and worked in the field farming or chased cattle until sunset, you could eat just about everything and you stayed healthy as you burned it off..

Now we eat big macs and click our phones and mice for our daily "work" problems there...

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Offline Animl-AW

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Re: Everything Starts With Nutrition
« Reply #64 on: February 07, 2025, 09:12:16 AM »

I get that sugar is bad for you. My mother taught us that 70+ years ago, and as a before-fluoride kid who knew the panic of the sound of the tooth drill, I grasped the lesson.  So far as I know, red meat is still full of cholesterol, therefore bad for your heart.  Has that changed?  Have statins eliminated the threat?  Not being judgmental, I'm just curious.

- oldman

The way I understand it is eating meat helped humans grow larger brains.

I found in my medical journey above is how long red meat is in your gut. Cholesterol will dissipate if you give it time to.  Red meat can stay in your gut over 1 day. If you eat red meat every day you’re not giving it a break, it builds up. Some foods help get rid if it.

Red meat can also make you feel sluggish.

Best to alternate diet 1-3 days s week eat salad, seafood or chicken. Easier to digest, gives time for beef to clear out. I tend to feel mire energetic in revolving diet.

If the Dr says take a beak from beef your cholesterol will drop.

Again good cholesterol and bad cholesterol.

It still comes down to everything in moderation. If you don’t give your body a break ffrom anything you’ll have problems,

Offline Bizman

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Re: Everything Starts With Nutrition
« Reply #65 on: February 07, 2025, 09:41:10 AM »
It still comes down to everything in moderation. If you don’t give your body a break ffrom anything you’ll have problems,

Wayyy back in my teens I read an article titled

 "Oat porridge is poisonous, too!"

The subtitle continued by telling
"...if you eat it by the bucket-load."

« Last Edit: February 07, 2025, 09:42:55 AM by Bizman »

Offline CptTrips

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Re: Everything Starts With Nutrition
« Reply #66 on: February 07, 2025, 10:05:40 AM »
Ansel Keyes was the one who came up with the idea that Cholesterol was bad. He did a 22-country study but only used the 7 countries that loosely fit his hypothesis. According to one doctor the book Keyes wrote was scientific gibberish.

I do not worry about Cholesterol; I concern myself with carbs. As a side note I don't worry about calories either because I know I'm heating very healthy.

I would suggest, if interested, research Cholesterol on YouTube. There's quite a bit on it.

My previous doctor told me he was concerned about my cholesterol level and at some point we may have to consider medication.  I was at 225.  Literally at the lowest point of measured all cause mortality. 

I just rolled my eyes and said, "OK Boomer."   :D
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Re: Everything Starts With Nutrition
« Reply #67 on: February 07, 2025, 10:35:26 AM »
First thread I can remember that was 5 pages long and I read it all.  Great information!!
Some call dementia type 3 diabetes.  About the same time, late 2023, I was also diagnosed with type II diabetes but am not overweight. 5’11” and about 165.  Still need my first colonoscopy at 66 with a positive cologuard but my two lower friends, Hemi and Roidy have some blood release when they fight. Trying to learn more and get healthier.  I’ve never been real active and restarted exercising some and it feels good. Used to eat more eggs but got away from that and I’ve restarted eating them often if not everyday.
So much to learn!  Have to get into fasting more.
Glad your doing well Getback, and others on the journey too.
« Last Edit: February 07, 2025, 10:37:31 AM by fuzeman »
Far too many, if not most, people on this Board post just to say something opposed to posting when they have something to say.

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Offline Eagler

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Re: Everything Starts With Nutrition
« Reply #68 on: February 07, 2025, 12:19:57 PM »
Just got back from the cardiologist..aok!  :aok

Cholesterol was 116, BP good too!

Hoping not to see him again until February 2026..

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Re: Everything Starts With Nutrition
« Reply #69 on: February 07, 2025, 02:26:16 PM »
I'll try to keep this short.
In early February of 2002 I had knee surgery and developed a blood clot in the calf below that knee. It broke lose and lodged in my lungs giving me a bilateral pulmonary embolism. I literally dropped over dead at work. Luckily, I worked at trauma hospital and they were able to revive me with a menagerie of drugs including TPA (clot buster) and CPR-including being defibrillated twice while I was conscious! Horrific pain right there. I was then transported to the Intensive Care Unit for an 18 day visit. I weighed 334lb at the time.

That story itself should have been enough to motivate me but it wasn't, it was something way more stupid.

 Of course I knew most of the ICU staff and was friends with a number of them. One evening a nurse whom I was friendly with had to wipe my rear end for me because I couldn't reach as I wasn't allowed out of bed, IV lines and wires taped to my chest and mostly I was too damn fat! I felt horrible for her and I wanted a stroke to take me out right then and there. Thankfully, she was a trooper and friend and literally thought nothing of it as she was a true professional as well. To this day, I redden with embarrassment when I talk to her and she gives me good-natured grief. Minutes after that humiliation I decided I'd change my life and get healthy when I got home. I never wanted to be that helpless or be a patient ever again.

I got home on the 22nd hooked to a bottle of oxygen, a shiny new CPAP machine ( they noticed I had sleep apnea during my stay) and an old man cane. The unopened can of chewing tobacco was still there waiting for me on the counter. I hadn't had a dip since the ER nurse had scooped the last one out of my lip while they were trying to get a heart rhythm back. I put a big fat dip in my lip, hobbled to the back deck and threw the can over the fence into the field behind the house. I never touched the stuff again after doing it for 21 years. That was hard, real hard but it was something I wanted to do.

I have friend who'd lost a bunch of weight doing the Atkins low carb diet. He gave me the book while recovering and I decided I'd try it after the pulmonologist decided I didn't need bottled oxygen anymore. I shuffled into his office after a week at home and he took me off the stuff. I asked him when I could stop using the CPAP machine. He stopped looking at the images of my lungs and told me, "you are way too fat and you will always need the machine if you remain so fat." That stung and I truly wanted to dot his eye and maybe go key his BMW but I knew he was right and a few hours later began to appreciate his brutal honesty. I appreciate it to this day and have told him so. He tells me most patients are not so appreciative. Too bad.

On March 1st 2002, I went all in on the Atkins diet, no carbs for 2 weeks as induction. I dropped 16lb (mostly water) in that 2 weeks and decided to stick with the induction phase which is limiting carbohydrates to under 20gm per day. That's a tough go for a carb addict like myself. No pizza, pasta, potatoes, bread, candy, Pepsi, beer, beans, Doritos...fricken Doritos! I used to take a bag of those, dump a bunch of tabasco in the bag, shake it up then play Air Warrior until gone. I was done with all of it. I started gorging on salami, cheeses, eggs, bacon....lots of bacon, beef and canned tuna. I lost 33 pounds that first month. I began gorging less and less as protein and fat are very satiating. I'd get full pretty fast eating this way-unlike carbs where I'd never get full. There was always room for a 2nd or third helping and always room for desert. anyhow I was down to just eating until I was full before work and eating until full when I got home from my 12 hour shift.
I stuck with it and started exercising. I bought a cheap stationary bike and rode it daily. It had an odometer on it and I would try to go further each day. I rode it until it disintegrated under me one day so I bought a beefy mountain bike and started riding outside. I taco'd the rims pretty quick going off curbs with my still pretty heavy wide body but the hook was set for my current addiction to cycling. The weight was still plummeting and people were noticing. My scrubs were looser fitting and they no longer looked like over-stuffed sausage casings. My shoes kept getting too wide for my feet, I didn't need to wear a shirt under scrubs to absorb sweat anymore. I even gladly trotted up and down the stairs of the 6-story hospital on my lunch breaks. The elevators were glad to see me go. I even got off of CPAP after 11 months! I got home, grabbed the machine and took it to the garage. I proceeded to smash it with a sledge and it felt great but was a dumb move as I could have sold it for a nice amount.

Smash cut to late May of 2004, I was down 120lb. I was still not eating carbs and now was a member of a local cycling club doing group rides and climbing all the high mountain passes of California and Nevada. I eventually got down to 158lb at one point. That's more than half my original weight.

All the while, my high cholesterol, high blood pressure, high resting heart rate, triglycerides....all the bad ones were long gone and replaced with good numbers. Heartburn? Gone. Aches and pains from inflammation? Gone. Depression Gone? Brain fog? Gone. All of this started happening within weeks after cutting carbs out.

I'm still a carbohydrate addict so I don't eat them. Every once in a while, I'd try to reintroduce them to my diet but the wheels would come off in short order. I guess for me it's like a heroin addict staying clean except Saturdays and holidays....It just ain't gonna work.

I occasionally go have Mexican or Chinese food with my wife. She has no problems with food and it's nice taking her out for things like that. I kinda eat around the beans, rice and whatnot. I'll have the occasional margarita of course.

Last October a drunk driver T-boned my father and his wife at over 100mph, killing them both instantly. I went off the rails a bit. He had just fully recovered from prostate cancer and was in incredibly good health for an 80yr old. He was still rotating the tires on his truck by himself and climbing on the roof of his house to adjust his TV antenna in the days before he died. One of the last conversations I had with him he said "it was never too late to feel good again" while referring to his cancer free proclamation from his Urologist. I took that to heart and jumped right back on my new ways.

It's never too late to feel good again.
The Damned
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Offline Eagler

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Re: Everything Starts With Nutrition
« Reply #70 on: February 07, 2025, 02:34:21 PM »
Glad you are doing better xanax

A pulmonary embolism killed my mom a week before her 52nd birthday back in 1989..month b4 my 30th bd

If you don't have your health, you have nothing

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Re: Everything Starts With Nutrition
« Reply #71 on: February 07, 2025, 02:53:44 PM »
Glad you are doing better xanax

A pulmonary embolism killed my mom a week before her 52nd birthday back in 1989..month b4 my 30th bd

If you don't have your health, you have nothing


Sorry to hear that about your mom.

No truer words about your health than those. Sometimes it's hard to realize or remember them. It takes a sharp knock sometimes.
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Offline CptTrips

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Re: Everything Starts With Nutrition
« Reply #72 on: February 07, 2025, 03:00:47 PM »

All the while, my high cholesterol, high blood pressure, high resting heart rate, triglycerides....all the bad ones were long gone and replaced with good numbers. Heartburn? Gone. Aches and pains from inflammation? Gone. Depression Gone? Brain fog? Gone. All of this started happening within weeks after cutting carbs out.

Yeah, but, but, but.....what about the long term dangers of that diet!?!?!?!?!?!

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Offline Eagler

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Re: Everything Starts With Nutrition
« Reply #73 on: February 07, 2025, 03:20:29 PM »
Sorry to hear that about your mom.

No truer words about your health than those. Sometimes it's hard to realize or remember them. It takes a sharp knock sometimes.

Very sorry for your loss as well sir

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Re: Everything Starts With Nutrition
« Reply #74 on: February 07, 2025, 04:01:37 PM »
Yeah, but, but, but.....what about the long term dangers of that diet!?!?!?!?!?!

Well, I'll qualify and quantify by pointing out I'm only one data point.

 However, the data is out there and it's starting to recognized by younger healthcare professionals. The nutrition aspect of healthcare wasn't taught much in medical school in the past. Treatment rather than prevention was the lean-in it seems. Use the Big Pharma and Big Food sponsored studies and literature as guidelines and repeat those findings to the patients was it. My current doc is pretty young and is all in. "Keep doing what you're doing."

I'd never discount genetic factors and other potential inhibitors to low carb diet/lifestyles. I'd give it a solid month of faithful adherence and see how it goes feeling-wise and numbers-wise. If the LDL's and triglycerides are off the charts, ask your doc to help you and adjust. Some folks are predisposed to metabolic states that can't be helped with diets such as this one but there's always to modify and adjust.

I do believe lowering carbs would help most folks. We, as humans, never consumed this much sugar until very recently. Again, go look at pics and films of your family and other folks walking around in the 50's and 60's. Then put those aside and do the same with pics and vids of folks walking around in the 90's up to today. I don't need to point out the differences, they're in plain sight.

I won't even go into how quick one can eliminate NAFLD (non-alcoholic fatty liver disease) from their life with low carbs and exercise on top of all the other benefits related to lowering carbs. Sending diabetes into remission as Getback achieved for crying out loud!. Instead, I'll leave this physician's channel that friend pointed out to me awhile ago. I like him because he's been "there" and doesn't talk down to anyone and you can really tell he wants to help folks.

The Damned
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