I found the video to be enjoyable but he highlighted a lot of the learning issues with AH. I would say it would take the average person a couple months to get comfortable with the game and all of its nuances, probably less if said person has a background in flight sims in some capacity (a DCS person would likely find it easier, whereas a War Thunder person would find it to be slightly harder or maybe on-par).
Probably a lotta truth there.
Totally opinion. Probably another WOT
Some, like on steam, are looking for a game, ya pop in ya complete the levels and move onto another game.
This is a sim played as a game. The game part is a vehicle for flying in a sim. Its a two part experience. Sometimes the learning curve weeds out those who weren't planning on staying in the first place. IMO because our interest is in the sim portion.
DCS is so into the sim portion fun gaming is a Oh BTW. WT, sorry, but just watching that FM in vids is painful. IL-2 seems to have the glitter, but it's growing old too, that engine is probably maxed out. Again, I watch that FM in vids is not painful but I can see it doesn't really flow like AH. Mind you, drivel from someone who has played none of them. so take it for what it's not worth.
I have a different view as a return player on the learning curve. Actually flying the plane came like riding a bike, even tho I had seriously worn gear and muscle memory loss. The harder part was re-learning the setup and and how to configure to best suit me. It was amazing how much of that I forgot. I used f to fly bufs a LOT, couldn't even remember how to cal the sight.
I think every sim is a mass learning curve to someone who has never taken part in them. It's starting from zero. If we keep making it sound hard that alone could scare people from trying. If we can do it ANYONE can do it. Why I think training and tech support (customer service) is a highly valued system Minimize the curve.
That said, even those who have been a round a long time still find something to learn. And that to me is what keeps the longevity. IN other "games" you learn it, max out, move on. In most good sims it never ends.
I think we mistake the gamer for the simmer. Its a different mindset.
Genre dying? I dunno about that. Between all the sims there is still a massive crowd, who gets who is the challenge.
We,as a seasoned community can, to a point, ease the learning curve and tech support, that's something we can control. The recent Training Forum posts shows that is in full gear, where we need it.
What we cannot control is the payment model. We can only use the power of suggestion. There are some good ideas and some, on the biz end, are non-workable ideas. Including my own.
I think most of us think the same in regards to we need to draw new/future players,...make it more inclusive and inviting. IMO tweaks yes, over-haul no. Where is that honey spot?
These doomsayers have been doomsayers for over a decade now. Yes, the earth will end SOME DAY, that day does not make you right, its the inevitable. Today, is not that day or week or month or year. Know when one preached too long to prove a point that is not panning out. They said it would end 10 yrs ago. Nonsense drivel dark doom and gloom because they would enjoy credit for being right, even if they destroy it themselves to make it so. if you have to lie to make a point, you have no point.