well my idea of 15/30 probably came from my concert Talent Buy/Promoter days. A short stint I did in the 90s, about 2 yrs.
The amount of calculating and risk will make your nerves crawl. I'll try to keep it short.
I'll use my first as a learning experience example.
Waylon Jennings, I'm going to not use actual numbers, that is private biz.
Via an investor's money, I'm buying WJ for $25k. He carries only personal instruments as it's not a tour it's a fly-in.....so I must provide transportation to and from airport (limos), stage crew, sound, lighting, catering, promotions, plus 10k for the venue for the day. It's a 3200 seat theater. Now I'm up to $50k expenses.
Part of the contract is I had to provide no less than 2 months solid advertisement prior to the event. They even want to establish a minimum of money put towards advertisement. of what My investment just got bumped up from 50k to about 65k. I cannot run another WJ show within 6 months of the same venue or 100 miles between 2 venues.
The worst thing that can happen to your investment is you throw a party and no one shows up.
Second worst thing is you break even.
3rd is a 10k return on a 65k investment.
So trust me, you learn a lot about your target audience, in this case country, where they are, what they want to hear in ads to trigger them.
Now I crushed numbers on one concert about 30 times on ticket prices to lure and make profit.
At that time ticket average in that venue was $50 x3200 seats - 160k >IF< you fill them. The key in planning these is you want half house (1,600) to be the break even point.
My lure was not being full price of $50. I risked not filling the seats. SO I dropped down to $35. Minimize risk, At $50 I might have guaranteed 2/3 house seats filled. I DO NOT LIKE RISK NOR GAMBLING. I want a predictable full house.
That concept happened to pay off, as the lower prices filled every single seat Sold Out.
At full house at $35full house I made more profit than half-house or 2/3 house at $50, and more guarantee I'd stuff the house. That became my formula. You seemingly lose to make more. Profit of $47k. That 47k bought the next concert, which was 80% profit. If i had an artist that would guarantee a full house the ticket price formula could change. I was trying to help WJ stay relevant which made him happy and more likely to do biz again. I gave him a 3k tip for stuffing the house. Its just good biz.
My concept of 15/30 is the same concept. Less for more. There is a major problem with this concept, pretty much any concept,.. ya lower the cost and the numbers do not change, now you just put the guy (HT) in a spiral. Marketing is a risk, and it better be an educated one. It works only if it works, learning the hard way is not an option.. You could set it up as a short term Sale concept for one month to see if that kind of marketing actually produces numbers. Then you can use it or 86 it.
The family thing, that is harder to regulate, but if the numbers are crushed enough you may end up with a working concept. Its not the idea, its blocking holes how it cane be gamed, like one guy in a squad says it's family but it's 3 of his squad buddies, that ain't right. Next thing you have 3 guys in the squad doing it an all those are flying for less,... less profit for HT. The finished concept cannot put HTC at risk. It's not a finished concept, it just cracked the egg shell. Keeping them honest might require something like IP or device fingerprints( But if you change any hardware that fingerprint would change and you'd have to re-resister it.) I'm sure HT has much better way.