Ya, you are a real big help. <eye roll> did ya jo to that? You’re no friend of AH, so…
Some people think that being a "friend" consists of slathering on empty flowery praise.
Others think that being a friend is to take an real interest in what is stopping you from reaching your potential and making honest concrete suggestions on what you might can do actually improve the situation rather than just circle the wagons and sing Kumbaya.
One wants to truly help. The other simply wants to be popular with the herd.
IMHO the 3 main factors causing the market to reject Aces High (in order of importance):
1. Graphics that have fallen too far behind current competitors to win the "curb appeal" battle.
2. Subscription only model that is out of step with current market expectations. Especially when there is no longer any new development occurring or planned.
3. To a much less degree, lack of any real viable SP content. SP is a great onboarding tool for MP and provides a safe space to ramp up in and provide younger players a way to get hooked on the game when their parents won't go for any subscription burden.