A walk down Memory Lane...
Back in the 2001 -2009 era there were annual AH Cons. Most took place in Grapevine, TX near HTC HQ. Always a blast with Skuzzy running around getting folks up & running, Pyro holding court with Dale during Q&A's, special speakers including WW2 vets, Robert "Mouse" Shaw who wrote Fighter Pilot; Tactics & Maneuvering. Saturday night included a banquet followed by "EVIL CON MISSION"

Attendees were treated to goodies like RV-8's with Vulcan cannons, Klingon like starships with laser guns, Sheep that fired 4 50 cals per side (try upping from a runway with 100+ sheep firing at you!) and a few other gems I've forgotten. Dale was known to imbibe a swig or 2 of single malt Scotch and everyone had a blast. Numbers ranged from 90 - 150+ Definitely some fun & memorable times.