As winter is coming to an end time to fight in Greener Pastures , this time ya can long range Hunt or try and protect your Bridges!!!! Let see Who can do the best with an LVT in this weeks Event
Thursday Night Tank Fights
8pm Est in the AvA Arena
Map AvA Berl1
Battle Area Bish a5 and Knights a13
Join us for Some Heavy metal fun and excitement in
the AvA Arena
This event is Loads of fun , You will also make new friends
learn how to kill and die well!!!
Common Vox is 223 and the Comedy is hysterical at times!!
*****No Spawn Camping is allowed!!!!****
30 second Delay in Radar
Axis Tanks (Knights)
All Tanks Except Tiger 2
Allied Tanks (Bishops)
All Tanks Except Yiger 2
Hosted Every Thursday night by
Molsman and Jaeger1