For everyone who was online on the 10th. I wanted to say first and foremost, whoever Rotor is on the forums of MA. I am sorry for my actions of acting like a crybaby on 200 and also of the pick when I was attempting to protect Zee20. Rotor the DA fights were exceptional fights in the Brew, and I feel that after what happened I feel that my 8 years experience is not good enough to be a good stick. You were the better pilot and I was terrible. I did invite you to try to prove I was a decent stick and in reality I wasn't. Also for anyone who was reading 200 last night I am sorry for my actions of acting like a crybaby, I wasn't trying to be but it got the best of me especially after I gave it my all to try to do my best in the DA against Rotor, but I felt like an embarrassment for doing, and for that I am very sorry.