And for the record... I would be the last person to abuse this feature. I spoke with Dale, a FEW times, on the phone...over this topic. He clearly let me know a long time ago, that abusing this feature would lead to a reverse chat ban. The only problem was.... I had the Tropical Thunder guys, and OldWolf, using the chat reporting on me. I have been unfairly reported now about.....4-5 times. The last time...I called Dale and Dale did nothing. I told Dale that I would never waste my time calling him again, and I meant it.
Gldnbb called Dale last week and got a few players reversed banned....hence this new wind in Shane's sail, that he is un-reportable now. Well comment up top was to "remind" you, BEFORE you dug your way into a 8 day chat ban. Your actions are man up and maybe shutup on 200.