Author Topic: Pulling Out of Spins  (Read 401 times)

Offline shoppe123

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Pulling Out of Spins
« on: January 12, 2002, 08:27:18 AM »
Well it's pretty clear I'm new. I don't have pedals and I hate using the keyboard ;) Anyway to get out of a spin?

I remember from years ago I think I'm suppose to turn into the spin. And it wasn't a problem with pedals, but I don't have pedals yet this time around. But now I've forgotten everything from years and years ago in Air Warrior. Better to throttle up or down? I imagine I will need to use the keyboard or program something into the throttle for the rudder. I'd like to get on the proper track before I set up something and start practicing it. If someone could run the spin basics by me I'd appreciate it. Thanks, LeadPump

Offline Geeesy

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Pulling Out of Spins
« Reply #1 on: January 12, 2002, 11:02:53 AM »
Well I think yes you better programm your keys for the rudder into the throttle.;) The keys you need are a s and d (a left, d right and s to center it back).

Spin basics as far as I know: you better throttle down, neutralize your stick and push it forward to keep your nose down and gain speed. In some planes like the Spitfire that might be enough to stop your plane spining, if youre not spining too hard you might even not have to throttle down in the spit... If this isnt enough and/or you want to get out of the spin faster you can put your rudder full into the opposite direction as you are spining to (better look for some new pedals, helps alot in other situations too;) ). Once your plane has stoped whirling around you should be very quick in neutralize your rudder back if you dont want to begin spin the other direction around:), and keep your nose down for a while, take a breath of relief and pull your plane back up very very very smoothly to avoid running into another spin again. Well if youre already very low remember the golden words of the hitch hiker's guide to the galaxy: don't panic!:)

Try to react as quickly as possible, in WB were some planes like the Ki84, which werent to recover after you have passed a certain point in spining (or it took a heck of experience to get them out), Im not sure if any plane in the AH planeset have such characteristics, but better dont try to find it out.;)
« Last Edit: January 12, 2002, 11:08:30 AM by Geeesy »

Offline Starbird

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Pulling Out of Spins
« Reply #2 on: January 13, 2002, 02:50:25 AM »
Actually, you generally want full power when getting out of a spin. The reason being that the plane isn't actually flying at this point, its falling. Your elevators and rudder are inneffective. If you stay at full throttle you'll move air over the tail to help bing the nose down.

No matter what spin your in, you want to get the nose down as fast as possible. From this point you can follow Greesy's advice. You want to get the nose pointing down as soon as possible. You usually have to apply full opposite rudder to keep the plane from rolling, this will help to recover sooner. Once you have control back, and are above flying speed slowly pull the plane out of the dive. If you try to pull up too soon, you might go right back into a spin.

Offline snafu

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Pulling Out of Spins
« Reply #3 on: January 13, 2002, 08:24:41 AM »
Probably a bit of a cheat really, but usually as long as you can get the nose down I find Full power and "shift x" will get you out of trouble. It's not something I use regularly but it just might save that perk plane you have saved up so long for ;)


Offline K West

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Pulling Out of Spins
« Reply #4 on: January 14, 2002, 09:54:07 AM »
I tend to cut throttle to about 50% or so and push the nose down, down, down.  You won't even need the rudder.  Course, if you're only a few feet off the deck anyway, well, then forget it.

 The only spin I cannot get out of in with that method is one that is tail first.  And they don't happen too often. More in the F4U than any other plane.


Offline Broes

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Pulling Out of Spins
« Reply #5 on: January 14, 2002, 12:28:50 PM »


Offline =LeadPump=

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Pulling Out of Spins
« Reply #6 on: January 15, 2002, 05:29:14 AM »
Well there seems to be a few ways to do this :)

Nose down was a big help and my rudder pedals should be here in a few days :) Much more comfortable in this situation now. Thanks for the advice. LP