Originally posted by lazs2
I just looked at your score. perhaps most people would not be thrilled with your .0005 K/T.. If they were saddled with that they might indeed realize that closer fields were needed.
Sigh...This from a guy who said that:
I really care more about stats [more than "turning around to fight to save a squaddie even tho you have no ammo or fuel.. " that is]. they are fun.
K/T is probly the most important [statistic].
It is clear to me lazs that we see this game fundamentally different. While you seem to be more interested in some quake like deathmatch arena, where you can rack up the best statistics, I love this game cuz it gives me a sense of "being there" <--I dont know how better to explain it.
Bigweek and the TOD is the most fun I think I have ever had on a computer actually. Even though I only had one kill in the entire bigweek..Imagine that huh, I had fun anyway. (I wonder what my K/T would have been for bigweek...0.000000001?)
So my statistics suck... so what? I have been flying here for roughly 5 weeks, and I'm still having a hard time shooting down a buff 1vs1...so what? Does that disqualify me from having opinions on how the game could be improved? I could not care less about those statistics (it is kinda fun to see what you have shot down/been shot down by though, but thats about it).
What my statistics probably doesnt tell you is that I fly in a way I dont think you ever would. Sometimes I escort a buff on a mission without ever encountering the enemy. Sometimes I fly cap over a field for a while, and no one shows up. I dont mind, while I do that I can practice some acm's. Sometimes when I'm winging with someone I say something like "you move in first, and I'll cover you", and then I spend the entire dogfight doing just that (to the best of my abilities anyway).
Play the game you want to play it laz. I could not care less what you think of me or my stats. We will probably never meet in a fight anyway, since you will be buzzing around in some furball chasing stats while I'm escorting a buff or capping a field hundreds of miles away.