Author Topic: Why almost no one joins missions  (Read 392 times)

Offline Tjay

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Why almost no one joins missions
« Reply #15 on: January 14, 2002, 07:07:18 AM »
Originally posted by Kieran
People don't shout loud enough. It's a well-known fact that, if you want people to follow you, you have to carry on like a broken fire alarm. You have to be obnoxious as possible, and clearly illustrate the whole virtual world is about to collapse, and only your divine inspiration can save it. People will rally to you. Really.

Please see my separate post about Mission Bores. Don't broken fire alarms tend to get ignored? At least in AH one can squelch 'em. :p

Offline Tjay

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Why almost no one joins missions
« Reply #16 on: January 14, 2002, 07:09:55 AM »
Originally posted by Seeker
Mission planners should be able to distribute their perkies (should they have any) amongst the participants.

Caps lock should be tied to killshooter so that any one typing "JOIn miSSION NOW NOW NOW COdDAmMIT!" should explode in the hanger, and loose all thier perkies.

Far too mild a punishment IMHO. They should lose their perkies, their goolies, their wife and family and - worst of all - be banned from AH for a month.

Offline K West

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Why almost no one joins missions
« Reply #17 on: January 14, 2002, 07:29:05 AM »
good mission writeing and proven leadership---- I join wherever I find


Fariz was making missions, as well as others, for the Bishops yesterday. They were on a virtual Blitzkreig when I logged on for an hour yesterday ansd it was a fun! :)


Offline ET

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Why almost no one joins missions
« Reply #18 on: January 14, 2002, 07:33:35 AM »
I like missions.Good ones anyway.I try to join them when I'm not busy elsewhere.

Some times I join when I don't like the plane selection because I know the mission planner is a good one.I want him to have a good response and not get frustrated and quit planning.

I don't join missions where bombers carry too much fuel and B17s carry six 1000 pounders.Five 500s take down a FH and theres 2 bombs left over to use any where you want.

It's too bad that missions can't have two start times.One for any buffs in it and one for the fighters.

Thank you, to all you mission planners.You increase the fun in the main arena.

Offline Kieran

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« Reply #19 on: January 14, 2002, 07:49:59 AM »
...I was being sardonic. ;)

Offline lazs2

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Why almost no one joins missions
« Reply #20 on: January 14, 2002, 08:07:07 AM »
keiran.... Ya gotta wonder what type of person joins the guy screaming in all caps and then.... enjoys the result... a milkrunning gangbang.   Can't imagine what kind of a person does the mission thing more than once.


  • Parolee
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Why almost no one joins missions
« Reply #21 on: January 14, 2002, 08:12:06 AM »
Animal, there is a big problem inherent to making missions against hot spots. Once the mission is edited you will need up to 10 mins to wait for already flying people interested into the mission, add 5 or 10 mins more flying to the target. Usually, at this time the target is lost and full of reds or full of friendlies so the mission has little or no effect. That is why most of the people choose undefended targets. This way, if the enemy doesnt react, you will have little action but your mission will probably be a success. If the enemy reacts you will have a lot of action, your mission will be probably a failure but you, at least, have smoothered the enemy pressure in some places of your country.

Offline bozon

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Why almost no one joins missions
« Reply #22 on: January 14, 2002, 08:12:44 AM »
It's too bad that missions can't have two start times.One for any buffs in it and one for the fighters

yes they can.
Ripsnort's missions usually have diffrent takeoff time for different planes (buffs earlyer, then jabo, then mossies).
I'm not much experienced with the planner so i don't remember how to do it, but it's possible.

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Offline AN

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Re: Why almost no one joins missions
« Reply #23 on: January 14, 2002, 09:10:19 AM »
Because the missionmakers always choose a lone undefended field.
You join the mission, you wait for 5 minutes for it to start, it starts, you fly for like 7 minutes, and when you get there, its 20 people swarming a lonely field like bees, struggling to get some vulch kills if they are lucky.

Give that man a ceegar!  Exactly the way I see it.

Although--I *have* been joining many MA missions lately,
because I really suck at jabo, and need lots of practice.  And it
*has* been lots of good practice, but not a whole lotta fun.

Last night I started to feel a little slimy from all the ganging
I'd been doing, and since the Bishops looked to be a little
numerically challenged, I decided to switch.  Now *that* was
fun!   Took up a -D30 and dived into the hordes.  So many
enemy planes I could hardly miss!   The MA actually became fun
for me again--if only for a half hour or so.


Offline muckmaw

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It depends on the planner..
« Reply #24 on: January 14, 2002, 09:20:02 AM »
Certain mission planners garner more pilots...plain and simple.

Ripsnort comes to mind for the Knights. Al he has to say is "Mission up" and boom, he's got all the assets he needs.

Why? Repuation. Rip not only builds well thought out missions, he LEADS them. Execution is just as important as planning. From target assignments, to flight leaders, etc, Rip, and a few others, control the mission from start to finish.

Other's who I've flown with, throw a mission together, and even if the strategy is there, the planner, just flies off and leaves the mission pilots to their own resources.

The there's the third type, who does none of the above and then whines when there is a low turnout and the mission fails.

I keep a short list of people, who's mission's I would never fly because they just don't lead them.

Build a reputation as a leader, and the pilots will join.

Offline Zippatuh

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Why almost no one joins missions
« Reply #25 on: January 14, 2002, 10:21:06 AM »
First I will confess that I have never built a mission.  Now, with that said the main reason I do not join most missions is due to either the aircraft that have been chosen or how the aircraft have been equipped.  Most of the time fuel and/or load outs are incorrect.  Although I want to help out I want to have a chance to survive also.

Someone mentioned leadership.  This is important to keep the initiative going.  Being able to direct the group to specific targets and then rally the group to the next target is very important.  I have been on many missions where the primary objective was captured only to fall apart after due to lack of direction.

Give us the option to “tower” in flight to join a mission and count it as a ditch.  When I’m online I’m in the air.  When missions pop up I’m already at 15k cruising to the fight or in the fight.  This is a somewhat selfish request, as I want to play all the way up to mission start.  When the two-minute warning is given let me tower from the air to join the mission.  Yes it’s possible to ditch or auger but I’m lazy and that takes to long.  If the aircraft has taken damage award the kill if not it’s a ditch, why not?


1   -   Correct load outs.
2   -   Lead and give direction.
3   -   HTC, can we tower in flight for missions?


Offline jpeg

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Why almost no one joins missions
« Reply #26 on: January 14, 2002, 10:27:05 AM »
Most of times I don't join missions is because of three reasons.

1. theres only 1 or 2 types of planes in the mission and neither are what i like to fly.

2. mission destination is not told (dont give me that spy bs, they know we are comming anyways from radar)

3. mission is to a LARGE field and all we have in mission is jabos with 250lbs... yeah ok, that will work :rolleyes:
Add some b26s at least

Offline muckmaw

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Ask and ye shall receive...
« Reply #27 on: January 14, 2002, 10:28:17 AM »

Just a heads up, alot of times, if you ask the mission planner to change a loadout, or add a plane for you they will. This is especially true if theya re desperate for pilots, and there is sufficient time until launch.

Many times the planner will appreciate the input, and avoid costly mistakes.

Offline -ammo-

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Why almost no one joins missions
« Reply #28 on: January 14, 2002, 11:16:08 AM »
Originally posted by Fatty
We need our squad boards back before Animal becomes a valued part of the community.  Please hurry Ronni.

There is absolutely no chance of that happening. No worries
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Offline Ripsnort

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Why almost no one joins missions
« Reply #29 on: January 14, 2002, 12:04:23 PM »
My answer is here:

Incidently, one should never just have Field capture missions, they become boring after awhile, even with a busy target field...variety is the answer. NOE to HQ, or city, B17 raids to pork front lines, Fighter sweeps...etc.