Author Topic: Why almost no one joins missions  (Read 393 times)

Offline Animal

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Why almost no one joins missions
« on: January 13, 2002, 09:26:38 PM »
Because the missionmakers always choose a lone undefended field.
You join the mission, you wait for 5 minutes for it to start, it starts, you fly for like 7 minutes, and when you get there, its 20 people swarming a lonely field like bees, struggling to get some vulch kills if they are lucky.

I say all missions should have lots of action.
I say all missions should have few survivors.
I say perk points should be awarded for successful objectives.
I say successful mission makers should be given higher ranks.

Offline Octavius

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Re: Why almost no one joins missions
« Reply #1 on: January 13, 2002, 09:46:07 PM »
Originally posted by Animal

I say all missions should have lots of action.
I say all missions should have few survivors.
I say perk points should be awarded for successful objectives.
I say successful mission makers should be given higher ranks.

I agree.
I agree.
I agree.
and I agree.

But I don't feel that all missions are boring.  A field capture is always a plus even if its 100 friendlies to one vulchee :cool:
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Offline Kieran

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Why almost no one joins missions
« Reply #2 on: January 13, 2002, 09:59:10 PM »
People don't shout loud enough. It's a well-known fact that, if you want people to follow you, you have to carry on like a broken fire alarm. You have to be obnoxious as possible, and clearly illustrate the whole virtual world is about to collapse, and only your divine inspiration can save it. People will rally to you. Really.

Offline Hangtime

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Why almost no one joins missions
« Reply #3 on: January 13, 2002, 10:01:19 PM »
LOL Kier!
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Offline SOB

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Why almost no one joins missions
« Reply #4 on: January 13, 2002, 10:04:38 PM »
Originally posted by Kieran
You have to be obnoxious as possible...

LOL...Animal does this all the time!  :D

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Offline Reschke

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Why almost no one joins missions
« Reply #5 on: January 13, 2002, 10:18:10 PM »
Animal I agree with almost all of what you put there except the survivor part but that is a different story.

As for being rude and obnoxious about getting people to join I tried that today and for the last few weeks in each tour. Nothing, nada, zip, zero.......I even attempt to mix in plenty of the popular aircraft and a few of my favorite LW rides for the LW only squadrons.

Since I fly Knight all the time primarily in the MA here is what happened today.

But today I had a mission leaving A44 in the Baltic Map headed into the heart of the action to pull pressure off A41 by attacking A34 and the depot beside it. With that said I had only 4 or 5 people show up for a 25-30 plane mission. It was broadcast all over the arena and only those few players showed. It goes to show that only a few people are actually going to join most missions. While the rest of the Knights preferred to ignore any thing aside from A1, 46 and the massive furball going on between A34 and A41. So with that I stopped making missions today and have vowed to never make another in the MA and only fly them until there is a change in the system of what happens when you make a mission and it is successful.

So I say to HTC bring on ranking for successful mission builders. Make it a different statistic if you have to but also hand out perk points to all the members of the group over and above whatever they get for kills and destroying ground targets.
Reschke from March 2001 till tour 146
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Offline Wotan

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Why almost no one joins missions
« Reply #6 on: January 13, 2002, 10:27:03 PM »
mission planner.............

or gang bang planner............?

Offline Seeker

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Why almost no one joins missions
« Reply #7 on: January 13, 2002, 10:37:16 PM »
Mission planners should be able to distribute their perkies (should they have any) amongst the participants.

Caps lock should be tied to killshooter so that any one typing "JOIn miSSION NOW NOW NOW COdDAmMIT!" should explode in the hanger, and loose all thier perkies.

You should be able to join a mission *while in flight*. It seems daft that escorts take off at the same time as the buffs. (I know they don't have to, but I've never seen them not do so). I certainly don't want to sit in the tower for 30 mins while the Lancs grab.

I think planners should get something for their efforts. I don't do that many missions, and when I do, there's only a few I'd pick from. Ripsnort, Fariz, Hang etc. There's more to being a landgrab general than a well oiled caps lock key, and those that plan well, should get some reward of some sorts.

Offline Fatty

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Why almost no one joins missions
« Reply #8 on: January 13, 2002, 11:11:27 PM »
We need our squad boards back before Animal becomes a valued part of the community.  Please hurry Ronni.

Offline Reschke

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Why almost no one joins missions
« Reply #9 on: January 14, 2002, 12:34:34 AM »
Well lets see then. What exactly Seeker is getting at here? Is it  that he only wants to see certain people putting missions up? I may be getting that wrong but that is what the gist of his following statement sounds like to me:

I think planners should get something for their efforts. I don't do that many missions, and when I do, there's only a few I'd pick from. Ripsnort, Fariz, Hang etc. There's more to being a landgrab general than a well oiled caps lock key, and those that plan well, should get some reward of some sorts.

To me that is just plain hard to figure out. In my example from today there was a base (A41) that was getting slammed hard from the north and it was probably everything the Rooks (I think) had going at it. So in my eyes I don't mind sacrificing many things to help the TEAM get some relief in an area. But I don't understand the mentality of if its not a select few mission planners then I am not going to try and help out where it is needed.

However Seeker does have it in the right context in a couple of parts. I agree that mission planners don't need to use All CAPS when talking about the mission all the time on the country channel. Although there is a need for it to happen once or twice when the mission is first announced and then when it is about to launch from its base. I also agree that some people who put up missions make the time till launch entirely too long. That is why most of the missions I would put up unless requested by a large group are launching inside of 5 minutes of posting and would allow late arrivals up to 15 minutes post launch. Because many times these guys are on time as cavalry is needed when you were short fighters in the beginning.
Reschke from March 2001 till tour 146
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Offline moose

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Why almost no one joins missions
« Reply #10 on: January 14, 2002, 12:39:24 AM »
i agree. but im only publically doing it to test this new forum thingy out




seems to work for me

Offline janjan

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Why almost no one joins missions
« Reply #11 on: January 14, 2002, 12:44:40 AM »
What Wotan sayed....

Offline Hangtime

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Why almost no one joins missions
« Reply #12 on: January 14, 2002, 12:51:46 AM »
Yah.. fer crissakes, hurry. We may have to string him up fer heracy. We already got the goods on him for animal husbandry, but we can't prosecute.. we'd have to string up all the rooks too.

Mission planning is tuff.. base it from a forward field and what was clear when yah uploaded the mission can (and has) turned into a mass launch of slow heavy fighters into a frekin enemy jabo attack on yer launch field. Got twenty guys slaughtered OTR or just tryin to get off the other night... gawd the carnage was incredible. Why? cause it took 10 min to get the freakin mission staffed and in that time the other side managed to change the map a few times. Virtual war with cats as pilots is hell.

Fuzzball claws furiously at the couch, sharpening her nails gleefully "..stop that dammit, thats MY couch!!" (carnage continues)

"..stop gunning the city.. it's dead and those are OUR troops fer crissakes" (carnage continues)

Sending missions ill equipped for a change in objective or unable to defend itself is a recipe for disaster.. so is sending up an understaffed mission filled with newbies in tbm's.

But when you get the right mix of toejame hot planes, armaments and guys hearded together for a TOT strike against the hated enemy, wild weasling their acks, pasting the VH, then the city and vultching his fighter assets, then snatchin his real estate all while listening to the laments of their women.. well now, that just gives me a woodie. :D

I really gotta start drinkin decaf.
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Offline Seeker

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Why almost no one joins missions
« Reply #13 on: January 14, 2002, 01:52:32 AM »
"What exactly Seeker is getting at here? Is it that he only wants to see certain people putting missions up?"

Not only no, but hell no! :)

I'll rephrase it. Some people put missions up, and those in the mission mood join; end of story.

Others put up missions; and find few takers. Instead of asking them selves what factors hold people back from spending their playing time in this manner; this type of planner is convinced that more people would join if only the planner ASKS LOUDLY ENOUGH, AND USES THE OPPORTUNITY TO POINT OUT THE STRATEGIC SHORTCOMINGS OF ALL OTHER PLAYERS

Now, I know I'm in the minority when I say I couldn't give a rat's bellybutton about which particular chess piece is in the ascendancy at any particular moment; yet I think most people can understand that I personaly enjoy taking part in a well balanced mission plan that offers both a challenge and a reasonable chance of success. I think we all do.

However; if, after I've taken a look in the viewer, I've decided that the mission of the moment isn't to my taste; all the caps locked, drool drenched, tantrum induced display of Tourette's syndrome in the world won't make me change my mind, it'll just encourage me to switch sides yet again, and take part in the mission at hand in my own very special way:)

Missions can be fun; and mission planning is not something one pick's up over night. I do feel that those of us that take part owe something to a planner for that fun.

That doesn't mean I'm prepared to give an ambitious planner liscense to dictate what my fun is.

Offline mudder

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« Reply #14 on: January 14, 2002, 05:43:45 AM »
good mission writeing and proven leadership---- I join wherever I find them.:)