Author Topic: Newbie Observations  (Read 1044 times)

Offline =LeadPump=

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Newbie Observations
« on: January 16, 2002, 03:33:58 AM »
Well being a seasoned 1 week veteran. I've noticed a few things about AH and flight sims in general that might help others. Just a little fun, hope it brings back some memories or a smile :)

1) Dust specks on the monitor can cause you a great deal of stress.

2) While (IMHO) CH Products rock!!! They need to hire someone to translate their tech stuff into english.

3) While (IMHO) CH Products rock!!! You will not find the exact item you are looking for in SE Michigan including the Detroit area. Just order the frickin' things online and pocket the gas money. While Best Buy and Electronics Boutique may stock them, they don't actually have them in their stores. Huh? Certainly much easier to find something like an elephant collar actually on the store shelves.

4) Taking off is easy (even without auto take off). But landing is hard.

5) It would seem having a good POV system setup is more important to having a good plane.

6) Staying calm and relaxed will get even a newbie an occasional kill :)

7) Newbies have an advantage in one respect. There is absolutely no way to figure out what we are going to do. As we usually haven't decided this ourself. Our complete lack of understanding of any proven flying technique can at times give us some incredible moves. My famous "climb straight up, stall, and fall straight down" is something to behold. And if I happen to pull out of it I've got some real speed going!

8) If you seek advice ... there's usally 10 different ways to do the exact same thing. So just go with the easiest one.

9) Smoking while in a dogfight will get the hell burned out of something. Usually you or the carpet.

10) Don't put a lot of money into the "honor among pilots" stuff. I've been vulched, shot down in a chute, and nearly everything else that "isn't suppose" to happen. As more folks wander in I'm sure you'll see a lot more of this. Although I admit if I gotta chase your butt for 15 minutes, you can bet jumping out isn't going to distract me much. I've considered killing you for far to long to turn back now ;)

11) While a spit may be the one of the most dangerous planes in the game. A vet in a piece of junk, off the wall plane, will hand you your donut much faster than you would think.

12) Taking off at the edge of the world to get a ton of alt is fine. But you will run out of fuel at nearly the first instant you see any enemy plane. Having had this happen twice I feel there is a mathmatical theory at work here.

13) Regardless of you altitude, someone will *always* be 1 to 2K above you. And they will be smiling.

14) If you shoot at things, they will come.

15) Someone will send you a request to join their bomber at the worst time possible. Just because I'm on a field gun doesn't mean to me I'm not having fun or busy :)

16) It takes way to long to bother going anywhere in a tank.

17) Wife and or children will demand your attention usually at the moment you are about to make that first kill that showed the slightest amount of skill. Don't make the mistake of going for the kill. Just auger and write it off. Or listen to the "why don't you have the computer make dinner" story for 3 days.

18) Enemy planes will be on the opposite side of whatever ship gun you select. For some reason this falls way out of the 50/50 chance thing.

19) Bombing in this game is clearly explained only if you've already learned how to do it.

20) Don't confuse "I'm taking this guy in front of me out" as a lack of SA. If I have half a chance at killing this guy in front, I don't care if there are 4 enemy planes behind me. When your new deaths are common and kills are few. I knew you were back there :)

21) If you run out of ammo chasing someone and they are basicly going the way you want to anyway, just play along. It's also a good way to focus on tactics without being hindered by needing to concentrate on firing.

There's way more, but this post is too long already :) Hope you got a grin. LP
« Last Edit: January 16, 2002, 06:43:35 AM by =LeadPump= »

Offline Geeb

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« Reply #1 on: January 16, 2002, 05:06:15 AM »
LMAO good stuff

Offline akak

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« Reply #2 on: January 16, 2002, 05:38:56 AM »
Thanks for the laugh :D

Offline Poony

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« Reply #3 on: January 16, 2002, 05:57:55 AM »
Newbie Observation???  I've been here two and a half years and most of them still apply!!   :)

Thanks for putting them into words!

Offline batdog

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« Reply #4 on: January 16, 2002, 06:06:34 AM »
THAT was a damn funny post. Thanks for the morning laugh! :)

Of course, I only see what he posts here and what he does in the MA.  I know virtually nothing about the man.  I think its important for people to realize that we don't really know squat about each other.... definately not enough to use words like "hate".


Offline WildBlue

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« Reply #5 on: January 16, 2002, 06:15:50 AM »
Number 18, hell yes! Always! Good "observations"... even vets run into that, hehe. I did get a good laugh, even if it was a bit close for comfort, lol. One thing I would add... when you take the worthless shot to scare a guy off your wingie, he will almost always come kill you. Prolly 'cause I have too much speed and overshoot, but that's just me. Still learning, lol!

Offline Seeker

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« Reply #6 on: January 16, 2002, 06:23:49 AM »
Can we keep him, huh, can we, huh?


Offline ~Pyroman~

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« Reply #7 on: January 16, 2002, 06:53:18 AM »
Thanks for the laugh and thanks for the ego blast.

I thought I was becoming a decent pilot till I read this post.  I STILL do every one of these things.  Especially the 4 guys on your six thing.

I usually use the excuse that the guy in front of me was going to take out my squaddie :D

Great POST!!!

Offline Ripsnort

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« Reply #8 on: January 16, 2002, 07:27:32 AM »
Hehe, good list and prosepective!  When I came to AH, all of us were newbies, so the transition wasn't as hard since we "learned together" :)

Offline Curval

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« Reply #9 on: January 16, 2002, 07:34:08 AM »
Excellent post.....they are all apt, but I like:

6) Staying calm and relaxed will get even a newbie an occasional kill

Staying calm and relaxed is probably my biggest problem.  I can't count the number of times I have lost an easy kill of some poor schmuck climbing and ignoring his six by getting overexcited and firing too early and overcompenstating for an initial miss.  

I have even made some skillful moves, like sucking a good flyer into a rope-a-dope, only to lose the kill by getting too excited and not consentrating on where the rounds are going.

Perhaps some "zen" is needed in my flying.
Some will fall in love with life and drink it from a fountain that is pouring like an avalanche coming down the mountain

Offline popeye

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« Reply #10 on: January 16, 2002, 07:52:37 AM »
Good stuff.  :)

1) Dust specks on the monitor can cause you a great deal of stress.

At certain times of the year, little flying bugs (gnats?) find my monitor an extremely attractive place for a little stroll.  I've chased the darn things for the better part of a sector before realizing what they are.  Doh!

Where is Major Kong?!?

Offline WildBlue

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« Reply #11 on: January 16, 2002, 08:04:43 AM »
lmao... dang gnats! been there, done that... I have somehow become very very picky about screen

Offline Rude

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« Reply #12 on: January 16, 2002, 08:06:13 AM »
Great'll fit in well here:)

Offline K West

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« Reply #13 on: January 16, 2002, 08:06:51 AM »
"Hope you got a grin. LP"

lol. Definately did, thanks  :)


Offline hblair

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Re: Newbie Observations
« Reply #14 on: January 16, 2002, 08:17:54 AM »
Originally posted by =LeadPump=
7) Newbies have an advantage in one respect. There is absolutely no way to figure out what we are going to do. As we usually haven't decided this ourself. Our complete lack of understanding of any proven flying technique can at times give us some incredible moves. My famous "climb straight up, stall, and fall straight down" is something to behold. And if I happen to pull out of it I've got some real speed going!


This guy is hilarious.
