I only tried one new one out last night, and to my surprise it wasn’t perked, the LA7. Also to my surprise not many people where flying it. The enemy anyway. Performed like I expected it to and all my “fears” where verified.
After I decided to leave the furball and look for some one on one type stuff I put her to the test. Climbed like a banshee, fast, and very maneuverable. I had a poor Zero drop in on me from 5k, 60 degree’s high 6. The only disadvantage I saw was that I was down to about 5 percent fuel left. I let him get close, did high Yo-Yo and dropped in behind him to which he started to turn. Sure, I’ll play along, followed about half way then broke off and started my steep climbs. Long story short, 3 Immelmans later, dead Zero. My fuel gave out about 20 seconds after the kill. Granted this was a Zero and the individual flying did not conserve E very well. It felt like brushing away a fly with my hand until I could reach my swatter.
I also, with a lot of confidence, decided to take two N1K’s on at co altitude. Same energy draining tactics used as with the Zero. Killed one, damaged the other. I would have had the kill on the second if I had not of ran into it during a “Rope”, severing part of my left wing, to which I limped back home at about 300 mph. I ran into various other types of aircraft, but these two engagements are the most memorable.
The only drawbacks to this ride are the ammunition load (I’m not the best shot in the world), and fuel capacity. This was as I remember it in FA, and still is a very deadly machine in AH. The last and final problem I see with the LA7, is that shooting down JUG’s only gives you about 0.60 perk points
I am in no way starting it, but I can foresee the future gripes and whines about the CHOG and N1K moving to the LA7. So, all you die hard Niki and Hog fans, look for the heat to toejamf, LOL.