Author Topic: AH Events Bigweek Player Comments  (Read 471 times)

Offline jordi

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AH Events Bigweek Player Comments
« on: January 22, 2002, 07:59:54 AM »
Here are the comments posted by the players in the BIGWEEK Questionnaire ( VERY LONG READ ! )

The comments below and the results to the questionnaire will help us make future events that much better !



Comments regarding the Big Week scenario:
- From a technical perspective, the scenario went well for me. There were no major terrain problems, no discos, or other problems of that nature. Kinda nice. I feel that a scenario team should be allowed to win any way they can (sans cheating, of course). I realize that my opinion differs from the 'purists' viewpoints, but I would gladly fly in a 'purist' scenario as well, but I am not sure I would like being on the 'weaker' side, unless there was a side-switch similar to the 'Pearl' scenario <G>.

General comments regarding Aces High scenarios, events, CMs:
- I found the AH scenario's and AH in general very squad oriented. Different from <ahem> AW, but not necessarily bad different. A really good example is the TOD (I really like those...I am participating in my first one..kinda nice). I am not sure how this squad oriented perspective will be received by the AW refugee's. My personal opinion has not been made yet...I want to see how the squad oriented perspective effects me first. I know that after flying as a guest in a TOD, I need to find a TOD 'home squad', which may be different from my MA squad...weird to say the least. Without the intent of offending anyone, I found the BW scenario rather unorganized compared to my experiences with AW. Not sure why that is. I suspect it was due to a lack of information being presented to the GL's from the CO/XO level. Due to security concerns?? I think the scenario was hurt from the lack of information perspective more than from a security stand point. Of course, others may regard what happened in the scenario as 'gamey'...cant please everyone <G>. I enjoyed the scenario and look forward to the next one. You know, the TOD may assist the AH'ers with managing larger scenarios. I received my Friday frame 3 orders on Monday!! I kinda know what is expected of me ahead of time. That's kinda nice!


Comments regarding the Big Week scenario:
- Overall good impression,,,,,,the terrain a bit boring,,,,but
I suppose to keep up the FRPS.

General comments regarding Aces High scenarios, events, CMs:
- Just Keep up the good work


Comments regarding the Big Week scenario:
- My first AH event. I flew many in AW. I think AH is going through the learning stages, and noticed improvment through the course of Big week.

CO's need to provide more detailed mission instructions, with associated maps of the route, associated BG and FGs with your target, and maps of the target itself, and recommended route of flight over target for maximum effect.


Comments regarding the Big Week scenario:
- I did not like the way orders where sent out on the allies side (but thats not up to the CM:s to deside, that was up to allied CO)
all this talk and fear that forums passwords were in enemies hand.(in my oppinion that is ridiculus)

To send out orders via e-mail to squad CO did not work in my opinion, we were to many that did not know flight paths and position of squad in formation etc.(when several squads were suppose to go together to target)

And the 2:nd frame I dont think anyone on allied side knowed what to do,orders were not known to all, e-mail got out to late and to CO:s that did not recieve them or was not in frame,
there should have been some time between frame 1 and 2 maybe 1h,or have separated start of frames more, since frame 1 did not start in time people who were shot down in frame 1 hade to stay in arena to check on when frame was over to be ready for frame 2.(its no fun just sitting and waiting for 1h in front of your comp.)

General comments regarding Aces High scenarios, events, CMs:
- Scoring is not that importent IMO just set up goals to archive and the system used in Hostile Shores with limited replacment of a certain type of aircraft is good, then mybe u are litle more concerned to rtb saftley instead of going for a kill and be killed ur self.

AH scenarios are everything for me whitout them I dont think I would have a subscription just for MA:s furballing.


Comments regarding the Big Week scenario:
- One major issue I noticed off the bat was having the sign up run while there was still a lack of pre-selected command staff and group leaders for the different flights already. I believe the best way to start off a scenario is to publicly recruit the side CO's and then have these CO's recruit thier own XO's as well as all group leaders for every flight group under his command.

The signup process was excellently layed out but I had to score it low for the way the sign-up date and time was done.

The rules should be clearly posted, as well as emailed. Never ambiguous or hard to find. Players being rats and all  So I scored the "info from the CM's" low for that reason only.

And last, I had to choose "no" to being part of the CM staff soley for the reason that I do not have a lot of real life time to devote to such activites.


Comments regarding the Big Week scenario:
- Appeared the CM's were not putting the amount of time needed for a scenario, OR, they were not communicating, but overall they did real good. The worst part was the Allied command staff. You do not "lead" an effort by keeping everyone in the dark until 24hrs or less before the frame. Make a BBS forum, password protect it and "deal with it" if someone wants/tries/does gain unauthorized access. Combine that with the NOE raid which was the type of loophole only an ethicly challenged individual would have attempted in the first place and you have killed the chance at a truly GOOD scenario. Bigweek had a LOT of was good, wish I could say it was awesom. I never even bothered to look at the "scores"...Allies lost as far as I'm concerened.

General comments regarding Aces High scenarios, events, CMs:
- Way too much time between scenarios.

Comments regarding the Big Week scenario:
- The two a day frames were fun and made it very immersive for me, the draw back being of course the 4+hour knock out of the day that it required. Also having an ISP go down on the day of the event meant that 50% was missed rather than 25% of the event if it was done as a 1 frame a day. This was my only problem with the big week, and is really a minor whine.
Personally I like the "what if" aspect rather than the strict "historical" setup which some expected.

General comments regarding Aces High scenarios, events, CMs:
- I would like to see all ROE and information posted on the event webpage, and no deviation from rules posted. This will be difficult I know but would save alot of UBB outrage that we saw

Comments regarding the Big Week scenario:
- A well researched, well rounded scenario in design and execution.

There was astoundingly little information from the command staff, group, wing and squad orders were sent far to late to enable discussion; there was little or no leadership shown at the squad level, there was little or no effort made to generate "squad feeling".

In the air, there was very little communication between buffs and their escort, too many radio channels needed monitoring, orders/directions were relayed via yet another radio channel to squad leaders only, and if he went down.....

There seemed little interframe review of performance.

There seemed an oversensitivty to player squeaking. It's my belief that in the competative world of on-line gaming, if players aren't squeaking, they're not emotionaly engaged.

General comments regarding Aces High scenarios, events, CMs:
- This question:
*Would you prefer:
shorter but more frequent scenarios longer but less frequent scenarios

Is poorly phrased. What about longer, more frequent scenarios?

It seems the events "scene" is pursing a policy of negative exclusivity: Almost every post I see from the team (with the exception of the CT team) is a "no" or "not here" or "not while I'm in charge" and "No walk ons!"; coupled with a marked lack of response to player request or suggestions together with an obstinate refusal to learn from or aknowledge outside experience.

It gives the impression of an unsure, insecure leadership, unwelcoming to the newcomer or outsider.
AW - AH Pilot 199? - 200?
Pulled out of Mothballs for DGS Allied Bomber Group Leader :)

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Offline jordi

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AH Events Bigweek Player Comments
« Reply #1 on: January 22, 2002, 08:01:41 AM »
Comments regarding the Big Week scenario:
- The scenario was well thought and an incredible amount of fun to play, i had only been on AH for around a month and it was the most fun i had by far.
On a tactical point of view B17´s needed gunners, on final run my whole wing was busy with bombsight and we got completely wasted, maybe it was bad luck but gunners would have made a big diference.
Technicaly side i got a great connection the whole time (even though i connect from Argentina); I did get bluescreen of death bug on 2 of the 3 frames i played though, and both times on important moments (during final run on b17) maybe its related to density of airplanes/people per space?.
banana did a great job on the walkon assigments, fast efficient and everyone pretty much got what they wanted.
Both sides CO´s (i played one frame as german) did a great job and my flight leaders took me to where we were supposed to be without hassle, channel 1 (all) should be banned though, on frame 4 there was a leak of information (b17s target being called on channel 1).

General comments regarding Aces High scenarios, events, CMs:
- Scenarios are the reason i joined AH, i didnt know what they were, but in my mind a World War II combat sim had to be something like what bigweek was, MA is tons of fun and i understand it would be imposible to have a full realism scenario going on 24/7, but i would like to have at least 8 hours of scenario per month.
Now that 60 years anniversaries of the biggest events on WW2 are aproaching i think you should put a lot of effort and time to recreate them, i would certainly love both to fly there and then download the whole edited films (any way of putting them on the webpage? or making a cd?.
I heard TODs are similar but i need to find myself a squad first.
I had little contact with CMs, but for what ive seen and heard they are doing a terrific job although they seem a little overwhelmed.
Ive heard comments about scenarios rules being too strict and not allowing CO´s to use tactics that would improve their posibilities, im not a veteran so i really wouldnt know, but i think if CO´s had started to do small flaking and probing bombing and field straffing cap for example it would have made the whole experience a lot like MA from the pilots point of view; when ive read Bigweek i pictured big formations of b17s being swarmed by FW190s, and thats what happened and i doubt without the rules it would have been like that.
Finally i would like to help in any way i can with the CM team, but as i said im basicaly a dweeb in AH, i do have some online community gaming experience (mmorpgs for over 5 years, battletech for 4) and have a decent enough knowledge of WW2 air warfare history, so if you can think of any way for me to help just contact me and we can work it out.

Comments regarding the Big Week scenario:
- My group II./JG 106 was the had the most axis kills and I had the most as an individual pilot. There needs to be a better set of rules. What ever comment I have that is not "positive" is instantly considered a whine so I will let just say that the planning and execution of this scanario was excellant by the cms involved. Dowding did a heck of job. However, I dis-agree with the allied approach to these things so I mostly likely I am finished with them.

I have participated in every scenario and in every frame that we have had in AH so far. I had different expectations as to the direction the PLAYERS and participants were headed in.

General comments regarding Aces High scenarios, events, CMs:
- AK and HS set the standards imho and going into BW the stage was set by the cms to out do the other 2.

I cant in go into an event in that is nothing more then a "snapshot". I did a lot of check 6's and snapshots when I 1st came to Ah expecting a more "historically immersive" stting then the main. Unfortunatley they became nothing more then a "mini-main".

BW to me became nothing more then the "main with registration". I could have cared less whether I got killed 2 min into ever frame and the lw was slaughtered. I dont care for gimmicks or "gamey" main type things.

I and my squad take a serious approach to these things. We test and practice and research. I am too much of a hot head when I see things that imho are nothing more then a way to "get over" on me. every buff in bw I killed was an easy kill. I not taking away from the allied pilots but buffs are easy to kill in any event arena unless they are flown in a very tight disciplined formation. All my kills were from dead 6. I am only pointing this out to show I am not a "sore loser" or someone whos upset over "uber buffs".

I am not one to "go along to get along" if it pisses me off I am gonna tell ya. With this in mind it would be better if I just remove myself from situations where I will get pissed and then vent in a way that causes other to get pissed and diminish the fun of the rest.

If in a Big Week scenario NOE buff runs and the others things I saw and read about in the allied forum are the new standard of Ah scenarios then thats fine I know they aren't for me.

That said the cms have done a great job and I have no ill will or anything bad to say about the guys that pull these things off.


Comments regarding the Big Week scenario:
- Seemed like it was over too soon, I'm used to 6 frame scenarios. With only four frames, everyone just starts to get warmed up, then there's nothing left to be warmed up for.

I really don't like the signup method of getting the squads signed up, then expecting a GL to magically 'appear.' GLs should be pre-registered, then allowed to pre-register a FL of their choice, too.

General comments regarding Aces High scenarios, events, CMs:
- It seems to me like the events team is trying to keep it all to themselves, and not doing too good a job at it.

Check out this link...

IMO, the events team should be there to help players create events, instead of only putting out their idea of what an event should be. A single team controlled by one person will stagnate and only appeal to certain people. A variety of teams, creating different types of events, will appeal to different people at different times, and get more people overall interested in events.

Right now, TODs are the only events in AH that are worth a crap. Snapshots are worthless, trying to create an organized event on the spur of the moment. Check Six events (which are much like AW's Warnights) are nonexistant. Full blown scenarios are rare (even though we've been promised more), and not planned well. Wild Wednesdays took a good, time honed event (KOTH), and threw out many of the rules that made it work.
(honestly, though, I never cared for KOTHs much, either)

And where oh where is the 'HATE'?!?!?!?


Comments regarding the Big Week scenario:
- The logistics of getting so many people together (even via Internet) in one place at one time are staggering. <S> to the CMs for pulling it off. The usual communications problems getting ready just before the event were evident, but I see this as part of the scenario. I'm sure preparations for a big raid by the 8th AF were no less chaotic.

The big debate about historical accuracy didn't bother me much. The most important thing about the scenarios to me is the planesets and the terrains. I still enjoy the game most when planesets are allies vs axis, rather than all mixed up. Shooting down a Lancaster with a Spitfire over the Phillipines just doesn't feel right.

General comments regarding Aces High scenarios, events, CMs:
- These events are excellent ways to mix blood among the players. You often find yourself flying with people you hardly know because they fly another country in MA, you fly with non-squadmates more intimately, and in general do things you might not otherwise have thought of. New friends and new enemies are always fun


Comments regarding the Big Week scenario:

General comments regarding Aces High scenarios, events, CMs:
- While I know there is a lot of hard work involved in setting up these. But allowing registration where you are to just sign up in the squadron you want is a problem IMHO. I beleive it is better to have everyone sign up and state a "preference" as to fighter or bomber. And a choice of flying together with squaddies would be a very welcome addition. While its not always possible there is a feeling among squad mates who fly all year long together in the MA that makes for a much better coordination among flyers in the event. I would much rather fly in the event with other VMF 111 on my wing than people I don't know there. But it is refreshing sometimes to fly with others, I still prefer to be with my m8's. FA used to have a really good system for their events. And a couple of their events had 700 to 800 people rgeistered and ran the events in 4 diff arenas. The website I beleive has been taken down so it would be hard to explain. I might be able to find out who ran it and give you their email addy if you wanted it if so just give me a holler if you would like to pick their brain for ideas. Over all though these have been a good and fun experience for me and I look forward to the future.
AW - AH Pilot 199? - 200?
Pulled out of Mothballs for DGS Allied Bomber Group Leader :)

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Offline jordi

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AH Events Bigweek Player Comments
« Reply #2 on: January 22, 2002, 08:02:15 AM »
Comments regarding the Big Week scenario:
- Scenario was a blast. Only complaint in the first two frames was one side expected the scenario to be "historical" while the other side expected the scenario to be a "what if" version. Led to a lot of bickering and whining on the forums, which was not beneficial, IMO. Overall, I had a blast. Registration could be looked at for improvement, I'm not sure what would be best though (I got unlucky and my DNS at work went down, and when it was back up, all my squadmates were in closed flights. It wasn't bad tho, I flew with guys I've never winged with before and we all had a great time!)

General comments regarding Aces High scenarios, events, CMs:
- The events as a whole (Scenarios, TODs, and others) are the most important aspect of Aces High to a significant number of subscribers. These events need to be enjoyable and accessible for as many people as possible. As it is, I think that's the case for the most part and the CM team does a fantastic job.  
ps - I've already submitted my application to banana and Daddog for the latest round of CM openings.

Comments regarding the Big Week scenario:
- It was great! Also great job of my CO <S>!

General comments regarding Aces High scenarios, events, CMs:
- I'd like to have more differents maps and most of all I'd love a desert one with Macchi vs Spit V. I greatly appreciate the work you're doing in setting up scenarios. Scenarios are the heart of a simulation. Unfortunatly Main arena isn't so fun anymore. Perhaps stimulating people about the knowledge of historical backgrounds can also grow up numbers in the CT. Aces High is evolving fast after the low price fares deal...
...I'm sure you guys are thinking a lot about the directions AH is moving.
Srry for my "international" english (-;
greets and "buon lavoro!"

 Comments regarding the Big Week scenario:
- Considering the scale of the event, I think it went very well. Our group had a terrific time!

General comments regarding Aces High scenarios, events, CMs:
- Hats off to the staff - I know how much effort it takes to pull something like this off. There will always be snags, and folks who are pissed about one thing or another, but the staff does an excellent job of taking these things in stride and making sure the scenarios are a success. S!


Comments regarding the Big Week scenario:
- 1. The level of controversy regarding the Allies NOE mission was truly unfortunate and generated a great deal of unnecessary ill will. My take on it is as follows: based on postings, it is clear that the CM staff knew the Allies were contemplating an NOE mission and did not forbid it. That done, they should have stood up during the controversy and CLEARLY stated that the mission was within the rules and that, as such, the scenario permitted tactics which went beyond history. Their failure to clearly do so caused the Allied command (honorable folks in a profession and an institution which prize honor beyond what most civilians can comprehend) to receive an unconscionable amount of criticism.

2. As I noted in a post on the Big Week board, I do not think that the current configuration of buff gunnery in AH permits anything like historical accuracy in ETO scenarios. Leaving aside questions of lag, etc., there can be no historical accuracy when the buff pilot has a choice of either flying, bombing or manning the guns.

General comments regarding Aces High scenarios, events, CMs:
- 1. I personally fail to see the point in purely "reenactment" scenarios, at least those that go beyond one frame and require significant staff work. In a reenactment, the outcome is pretty much preordained and I don't think many sim pilots would be willing to put in much effort to plan what in effect would be a parade. Reenactments can be enjoyable, such as a the initial Warbirds Pearl Harbor event, but that was a single frame that was heavily scripted in advance and required almost no staff work.

2. In the snapshots, there seems to be a significantly higher level of technical glitches than I remember from WB (e.g., arena problems, plane availablity, etc.). Since I assume that the CMs in AH are at least as dedicated and personally competent as those in WB were, I can only assume that the CM tools in AH are harder to use and/or unreliable. This really needs significant attention, since nothing will turn people off more than a goat rope in their first event experience.

3. I frankly do not understand why HiTech and Co. have not paid more attention to scenarios and snapshots in filling out the plane set. We have great carrier task forces but no dive bombers (and no japanese bombers at all). We need only a couple planes (TU or PE and a stuka) plus a russian tank to have the makings of a great ostfront scenario. One Italian bomber and a stuka (plus maybe an earlier allied bomber) would round out the set for Mediterranean/North African scenarios. Among casual gamers flight sims may wax or wane in popularity, but in the long haul good scenarios will attract and retain the dedicated sim pilots who will support the company for years.

Comments regarding the Big Week scenario:
- It was fun. There was some squeaking about rules and all, but I found the thing to be fun. I dont like cheeters, so any rules to restrict unfair play are good w/ me.

General comments regarding Aces High scenarios, events, CMs:
- MORE please


Comments regarding the Big Week scenario:
- We really have to remember this is a GAME, but we also have to remember, exploiting acts far off the spirits of the scenario is not fair for either side.
I had fun flying in the 1st and 3rd frame, I survived both and even got a couple kills in the 3rd. I have to say flying in scenarios is completely different from MA Quakes High -mentality. Pilots really have to think carefully what they're doing.


Comments regarding the Big Week scenario:
- Because of personnals reason I was completly unable to attampt any frame

General comments regarding Aces High scenarios, events, CMs:
- It's my 3rd scenario in AH but I've been fully involved just in the AK scenario as HS lasts frame where during my vacation ...
And as I wrote above BW was a sadly no go for me


Comments regarding the Big Week scenario:
- It was a good experience. I am a little different than most who play, I just have fun. I do get tired of all the squeaking that goes on. That is the one bad element of all events, people just cant have fun....The war is over, these events will not change history but we can recreate the atmosphere that took place.

 Comments regarding the Big Week scenario:
- You guys did a fantastic job, unfortunatly I didn't perform as well as feel I could so that kind of spoiled it a little. Our group was pretty much unprepared so that didn't help either. But that's not the fault of the CM's, who did a great job.

General comments regarding Aces High scenarios, events, CMs:
- The scenarios are by far the best aspect of AH for me. It's such a relief from the normal Main Arena dweebery. You guys are doing a fantastic job, often thankless but nonetheless appreciated. Only complaint I have is as a euro I cannot participate in wild wednesdays.


AW - AH Pilot 199? - 200?
Pulled out of Mothballs for DGS Allied Bomber Group Leader :)

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Offline jordi

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AH Events Bigweek Player Comments
« Reply #3 on: January 22, 2002, 08:02:46 AM »
Comments regarding the Big Week scenario:
- I very much enjoyed this scenario. It brought back memories of the Pearl Harbor scenarios I flew in AWIII. Overall I enjoyed myself. What I didn't like was all the back-biting afterwards regarding historical v. "gaming". I play to have fun. I follow the orders given as best I can and try to have fun. This scenario was well done AFAIC.
P.S. I think a better handle needs to be taken on the use of profanity, both online and on the message boards. No need for that kind of language.

Comments regarding the Big Week scenario:
- Very well run senario. On behave of all the cadets at the air force academy, we are ever thankful for the experience we received.

General comments regarding Aces High scenarios, events, CMs:
- Great community, the best flight sim let alone game ever made.

Comments regarding the Big Week scenario:
- Great fun.

General comments regarding Aces High scenarios, events, CMs:
- Just a thought, if the scenario is to be a re-enactment perhaps the CM's should act as the command staff and assign the flyers FL and GL jobs only. This would prevent "thinking outside of the box". Don't give the "rats" the opportunity to chew holes in the design.

Also, it would be helpful for the designers to state the intent of the scenario (re-enactment vs. what if) to set the spirit of the event. This would help clear any doubts for those participating and we might not have the over-reactions that occured.

Comments regarding the Big Week scenario:
- Once it got rolling it was very good.
With registration I would make it possible to change names on roster. I switched squads but could not use the email stuff. It would also make it easier for leader to swop groups around once the sign up is done. (squad mates etc) You could have a box for squad name ?
The walkon setup was time consumimg but I cant see how u can make it much better. I have been in events when the wait has been much longer
Im already on mailing list.
Next event I may try for squad leader. will have to see what happens.
I loved the last frame the best. Seeing all those bombers in one group made it for me.

General comments regarding Aces High scenarios, events, CMs:
- There seemed to be a bit of confusion over rules at the start. Seemed ok to me & it was alot clearer for frames 3 & 4.
I wouldn't mind if the events were shorter & more often or longer & less frequent. Maybe if they were more often people may not have the time to commit. Takes alot of planing & commitment for the HQ staff less often may give more time for planing.
I love these events well done to every one I had lots of fun.


Comments regarding the Big Week scenario:
- It was great fun and I lived, however, any longer would have gotton boring. 2 mission on 2 weekends is fine, turn out for a further week would have gotton real low. Bombing stuff is fun but not exclusively, nothing we did had any effect on the Germans. IRL strat bombing doesnt have an immediate effect but purely to add interest it would be nice.

Also, next time the cadets are involved, please explain to them exactly what the scenario is about. If they wanna use enterprising tactics then let em do it in a scenario where you'd expect it.

General comments regarding Aces High scenarios, events, CMs:
- I'd like to see 4 hour long frames, going on for a month long scenario. A what if / re-enactment of something with base capture enabled (although more along the lines of Afika Korps rather than the 1 goon approach) and supply enabled (aircraft replacements, etc).

Something REALLY massive.

Afrika Korps is still the best scenario done to date.


Comments regarding the Big Week scenario:
- I was a buff and I got pummelled. I was the only one of the group to go down from flak. I loved it.
I like running two frames back to back. Makes scheduling eaasier and I think attendance and coordination was facilitated also.

General comments regarding Aces High scenarios, events, CMs:
- Just want to thank all of you working on these scenarios, the time and effort you put in is reflected in the excellent product.


Comments regarding the Big Week scenario:
- For me (here in Europe) too long 2 frames in a night...I goes to bed to late

General comments regarding Aces High scenarios, events, CMs:
- I hope replay Afrika Korps... please please....


Comments regarding the Big Week scenario:
- Very fun scenario but there was hardly any inoformation abotu the event and release date at all so missed the sign up. Very funny event though.

General comments regarding Aces High scenarios, events, CMs:
- What isn't funny is some "what if" scenarios when there is a mix of F4u's and F6f's, Hurricanes etc vs 109's and such. Seems desperate to get as many planes in as possible.

Comments regarding the Big Week scenario:
- Very fun scenario but there was hardly any inoformation abotu the event and release date at all so missed the sign up. Very funny event though.

General comments regarding Aces High scenarios, events, CMs:
- What isn't funny is some "what if" scenarios when there is a mix of F4u's and F6f's, Hurricanes etc vs 109's and such. Seems desperate to get as many planes in as possible.


Comments regarding the Big Week scenario:
- Having the Allied CO participate in the NOE raid was bad, very bad especialy since the CO of any side should demonstrate his ability to promote fair gameplay, WITHIN the rules, to the other participants. IMO the actions of Preon1 did nothing but put a big ugly blackeye on AH's CM staff's ability to produce a scenario that is fun for all.

General comments regarding Aces High scenarios, events, CMs:
- See above


General comments regarding Aces High scenarios, events, CMs:
- keep em coming
wtg to all the effort put into these events especially the guys who help without a profit!<S>


Comments regarding the Big Week scenario:
- I loved it, had a great time. I'd like to thank the CM staff, and both Allied and Axis command for a great time.

General comments regarding Aces High scenarios, events, CMs:
- Don't let em getcha down CM's . You did a great job.


Comments regarding the Big Week scenario:
- The Scenario went very well from all that I have heard and experienced myself. Am looking forward to the next one.

General comments regarding Aces High scenarios, events, CMs:
- As our squad in a Navy one flying the F6F Hellcat - I would like to see it more in the A/C line up on the CV's. Seems most of the time all we get are the Coursairs. I would also like to see the scenarios alternate as much as possible between ETO and PTO. Even if it is ETO or MTO would like to see the CV's included if possible.


Comments regarding the Big Week scenario:
- First time flying a scenario and it was a blast. Even with all the little bickering about some of the tactics didn't affect my experience with the game. I'm here to game...just give me a plane to fly and you won't hear any complaints from me!

General comments regarding Aces High scenarios, events, CMs:
- Dunno what to say except for one last time : Good job!


Comments regarding the Big Week scenario:
- Overall, very good show. I didn't experience any of the problems that some people were complaining about, such as ground strafing and flying above alt cap. So for me it was highly satisfactory.

General comments regarding Aces High scenarios, events, CMs:


Comments regarding the Big Week scenario:
- A very enjoyable event, I'm looking forward to the next one.

General comments regarding Aces High scenarios, events, CMs:
- Well done to everyone concerned. Organizing such things generally involves a lot of work and little thanks, so I'd just like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who contributed their time, so that people like me could enjoy it. Much appreciated!!


Comments regarding the Big Week scenario:
- My rating of the registration reflects the fact that I thought I had registered on the second day that Bigweek reg was open; and I responded to the call for verification that came out about 2 weeks before the event.. Yet my name disappeared/never appeared from the list for the group that was listed as the time for the scenario approached. Exile looked at all lists and stated mine CPID nor email addy was not on any. Yet I had saved the reg list and roster with my cpid at the time of reg. Unfortunatly I "had to reload" the computer with out "benefit of saving MSOE info" and lost the saved html pages from the registration. thus I flew two frames as a walkon.. after getting registered via a group because the walkon registration had been closed when the sceanrio started..
Took some doing, and I thank the folks who helped make it possible..

AW - AH Pilot 199? - 200?
Pulled out of Mothballs for DGS Allied Bomber Group Leader :)

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Offline jordi

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AH Events Bigweek Player Comments
« Reply #4 on: January 22, 2002, 08:03:19 AM »
General comments regarding Aces High scenarios, events, CMs:
- c) Scenarios are a combination of (a) and (b), where there is some, albeit controlled
freedom for the CO's to exploit advantages outside of what you would expect in a strictly
historical sense... but within certain bounds.

This is probably closer to my line of thinking, but it's not going to answer any questions. In the "NOE Dispute", both parties subscribed to some version of (c) above, with the "Pro-NOE" group accusing the "Anti-NOE" folks of subscribing to (a), and the "Anti-NOE" accusing their enemies of (b). So I'll pick (b) just to piss people off.


Comments regarding the Big Week scenario:
- I had a great time despite being shot down 3 times (bombs on target 3 out of 4 frams)

General comments regarding Aces High scenarios, events, CMs:
- TOO much work - you guys are way to dedicated to a "game", but greatly apperceated.
<S> to the staff


Comments regarding the Big Week scenario:
- A well organised event. Well done.

General comments regarding Aces High scenarios, events, CMs:
- I'm UK based, and the times of most of the other organised events have been impractical to attend. I am however, in the next TOD which is at a Euro-friendly time.

Please note that my answer to 'Would you prefer'in relation to scenario length has been entered because I could not submit this response without it. Ideal scenario length is between 4 and 6 frames. Any more than this and attendance drops off in the later frames.


Comments regarding the Big Week scenario:
- Bigweek Was Eccellent for me. Only blemish was that we glided P38s home deadstick nearly every time. But that was Our fault not a CM Planning one .

"*Would you be interested in one of the following postitions in any upcoming Scenario?"

Wheres The standard Grunt position? . Clicked FL meaning none of above till I gain more experience.

General comments regarding Aces High scenarios, events, CMs:
- Never Fly Wild Wedensday because of Euro times. Would dearly love to but I can see the Problems Moving it would cause.


Comments regarding the Big Week scenario:
- I thought Bigweek went pretty well. Despite the amount of vocal objection, it actually came from very few people in a scenario containing what was it, about 150-200 people registered?

The biggest factor for me is that the CMs set up some rules (ANY rules, I don't care what they are so long as they are there), then stick by them no matter what flak comes from it. Tweak in between but stick to what you started within the events and people will keep filling up the registration slots.


Comments regarding the Big Week scenario:
- I found the back-to-back frames extremely tiring, but most enjoyable.

I was a little disappointed that there wasn't much in the way of planning being discussed on the forums, which I am used to in AW. Security was apparently an issue which should have been addressed rather than restricting information.

The actual missions seemed a bit disorganised, with no waypoints or detailed timings. Forming up the bombers at the beginning of each frame was chaotic to say the least!

Overall, I did enjoy the atmosphere of the scenario, my first one as a registered player.

General comments regarding Aces High scenarios, events, CMs:
- I said Yes to the TODs, as I will be participating in the Saturday ones once they start.

On the length and frequency of scenarios.... I think I prefer longer, less frequent ones, which are well-planned - I would also prefer only one frame per day, possibly one on Saturday and one on Sunday. The alternative one one being played midweek is also OK, but I personally would not be able to participate in a midweek frame due to time zone problems (in UK, Eastern time + 5).

I would be interested in FL or GL positions in future scenarios, as that was the sort of level I had just reached in Air Warrior scenarios.... I just need a bit more experience of Aces High first... :-)

I am also interested in helping with future AH events, though I am not sure if I would be any good as a CM.... I lack experience in what can be done in AH, especially when it comes to fighters... (mainly bomber pilot).

I was part of the volunteer staff at Air Warrior, and was a member of the Events Team there, though mainly in an administrative/publicity role.

As one of the seemingly very rare female players in AH, I am also extremely active in promoting female players both on the forums and in the arenas!


Comments regarding the Big Week scenario:
- I have stated earlier that historic reenactments and 'what if's should be seperated and the reason for this is quite simple but hard to explain.Ill break it down:

in RL the numbers of aircraft on paper did not necessarily reflect the actual battles.Often although hundreds of allied planes launched on missions they were not always outnumbering the axis in a local space.Heres a quote from an interview with A.Galland in 1991:
'As my next step I established, documented, and carried out a wing system for bomber escort which was well-known and well-liked as the best one possible. And in 1941, when we had to defend our bases and other targets against escorted RAF bomber formations, I developed fighter defense tactics which had the objective of attacking at one time and in the same air space with the largest force of fighters possible.'

There is well documented accounts of sections of the bomber stream being torn to peices and the Allied command were close to rethinking bombing plans on more than one occation.Losses for Lw were high but NOT always unsustainable.
WW2 was a close run thing for much of the 6 years and i feel scenarios should reflect this.

If we are re enacting then we must also remember that AH players are experienced and in no way represent your typical WW2 pilot.
This causes a big problem when the CMs give allied up to twice as many players as axis because its claimed thats how the numbers were.What we end up with is an almost impossible situation for an undermanned axis command.In a 'what if' scenario this is even more evident (hostile shores).

'What if's should be Equal in each sides numbers.None of this axis had low production so they get less replacements or there were 1000 allied bombers and 300 axis planes available so scenario numbers reflect this ratio type stuff. If its a 'what if' then please damn well MAKE it a 'what if' .AH pilots are equally skilled so should be equally numbered.

Ive played all 3 big scenarios as axis and I have to say its not much fun whaen you do so well and shoot down so many only to see a fresh force arrive and kill your remaining survivors.
Im really not sure now if i want to fly on Axis in a scenario again if Im just there as fodder for the allied flyers who always have advantage in numbers.

Bigweek was the worst for this imo and it has diminished my interest somewhat.


Comments regarding the Big Week scenario:
- Had a blast flying in it. Participant level seemed higher than previous scenario's, but I would like to see even more participation! I liked the feeling of not really knowing how well we did (not knowing the point structure, allied losses/acheivments), however, I did find that the final results came so late, and seemed so off to me that I didnt really care if we won or not. It seemed that we shot down such an amount of bombers that there was no way we could have lost, regardless of how many bombs hit. A clear understanding of how the scoring system works after the last frame, but before final results are published, would give the pilots an idea of how they did, and lead to speculation from both sides. A bone to chew on if you will. I never saw how the scoring system worked and like I said, by the time the results came out, the event was too far gone. Also, it appears that exact rules need to be specified to COs, and maps need to be triple checked  This feedback page is also a good idea and will hopefully help you guys in the next scenario. I appreciate your hard work fellas.

General comments regarding Aces High scenarios, events, CMs:
- I dont think I am capable of becoming a CM or CO, but if any help is needed, maybe to test somthing out, or with pretty much anything, feel free to ask.

AW - AH Pilot 199? - 200?
Pulled out of Mothballs for DGS Allied Bomber Group Leader :)

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Offline jordi

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AH Events Bigweek Player Comments
« Reply #5 on: January 22, 2002, 08:03:57 AM »
Comments regarding the Big Week scenario:
- If US Air Force Academy cadets are going to play a major leadership role in a scenario they need to have a more reliable internet connection. They discoed repeatedly. It's a national disgrace

Also it appeared that the lads just didn't have enough time to spend in practice/preparation (heavy course load and mandatory attendance at football games, etc.).

Also, the fact that only 32 cons (friendly+enemy) show up in your sphere of vision makes massive bomber formations problematic. The lag wasn't that atrocious, but attacking dots appearing at 300 from out of nowhere really sucks when buffing.

Overall, I have to say I was disappointed in the complete lack of coordination between the bomber flights and the escorts.

This was quite realistic I suspect, however.

In massive bomber group scenarios, the buffs and the escorts need to practice meeting at a particular place and altitude at a given time. The brass were totally "winging it" and it led to predictable results: A pyhrric victory, just as in WWII.

Overall, great job by the organizers!

General comments regarding Aces High scenarios, events, CMs:
- Keep them coming. They are the best part of AH. Sincere thanks for your contribution to the AH community.


Comments regarding the Big Week scenario:
- I have flown in many AW Scenarios and have been a FL in two.

Communications seemed to be the lacking feature in BigWeek in AH.

The rules seemed fair enough to me... However the outside parameters of play should be more defined. I think the controversy that surrounded the tactics used by the Allies was due to two different interpretations of what the parameters of Scenario play involved... It seems many AH veterans were expecting a more historical realism. The AW veterans on the other hand simply played according to AW tradition.

General comments regarding Aces High scenarios, events, CMs:
- Aces High is undoubtedly a far superior game to Air Warrior.
I played Air Warrior for 5 years and loved every minute of it until Electronic Arts took it over and made gameplay more labor than fun.

In my estimation AH is everything I had hoped that Air Warrior would someday become...

Thanks HiTech


Comments regarding the Big Week scenario:
- I enjoyed the scenerio. Thanks for the hard work.

General comments regarding Aces High scenarios, events, CMs:
- The only issue I had was getting the walkon's in place for the second and fourth frames. Maybe it would be smoother if the walkon's stayed with thier unit the second frame at the GL's descrecion. Maybe this would reduce the walkon process for the following frame.


Comments regarding the Big Week scenario:
- I enjoyed Africa Corps and Hostile shores more, not sure why.

Having said that I did enjoy Big Week (and would do it again).

I did not think having scecnarios over four weekends was a problem any way (for me) so overall I would prefer to play single frames per night over more weeks.

General comments regarding Aces High scenarios, events, CMs:
- I have flowen in all of the scenarios so far and flew in all frames, I appreciate the work you CM do for the rest of the comunity, albiet for little thanks sometimes.

Well I thank you now.


Comments regarding the Big Week scenario:
- I had two issues as an Allied Group leader.

1) Throughout the first frame I did not know if there was an alt cap for fighters or not. I heard different things from the Allied command, and whilst I didn't ask a CM I shouldn't have had to. Personally I hate alt caps for fighters, though for buffs they can be neccesary.

2) The different command philophies re the NOE raid should have been understood before the scenario. Perhaps a lengthy online meet between the CO's and Scenario designers before the event can avoid this in future. Personally I didn't like the tactic.

On the whole though the scenario force balance, structure and map were very well done. It was immersive and overall I loved it.

General comments regarding Aces High scenarios, events, CMs:
- The 4 frames in 2 weeks worked really well for me. I'd like more scenarios to be run on this model more frequently.

I'm Euro based so am soon to experience the TOD for the first time: Am looking forward to it

Snapshot's I've tried but don't have the same appeal. I took my squad into a few a while back and very quickly my guys would drift back to the MA which was kind of depressing! IMO they can suffer from the same problem the CA has; the planesets may be historical but without the organisation and mission tasking of scenarios and the TOD, the gameplay usually is not.

But <S> to all involved in organising the events. I daresay it's frequently a thankless task, but for me Scenarios are the best part of this game, and AH would be immesurably poorer without them.


Comments regarding the Big Week scenario:
- Heya.

Is not a secret that BW, IMHO, was wonderfully designed by the CM staff but woefully cheated by the allied high command. All the pluses of the meaning of a scenario, all the pluses of the scenario design, and all the pluses of the excitement of being into a 1-life event faded instantly away with the NOE attack crap.

IMHO to avoid this kind of unrealistic behavior, scenarios should be what-ifs. Because when historic re-enactments are done, and if the allied side has any fears of suffering high damage, they will pull an unhistorical move. In a what-if, that doesn't mind. (forgive me for seeming to have a bias, but that is not the case. I'm COMPLETELY sure that the axis side won't have pulled that thing).

And, of course I'd BAN any ilegitim behavior by any of both sides. To go NOE on a NW european map to strike strategic targets when there is NO ack to cover those targets should be both BANNED as "playing a loophole" and severely penalized if it occurs. Loopholes are bad in the MA, but in the SEA they truly break the fun.

General comments regarding Aces High scenarios, events, CMs:
- Been quite long since I left Aces High, so I don't fly scenarios, or events any longer. Can't talk about them.

CMs work in BW scenario was outstanding. Their only mistake was not prohibiting NOE runs, but I can understand that even the CMs couldn't thought of such a roadkill move pulled. The ones to blame are the ones who pulled it, not the designers.


Comments regarding the Big Week scenario:
- Orders and maps should have been emailed out earlier.

General comments regarding Aces High scenarios, events, CMs:
- I'd like to see more scenario type events done more often. Rotating between strictly historical and what ifs is an excellent idea. I've found in my previous 8 years in mm flight sims that most scenario participants dont get the ride they want and end up comprimising for the sake of the event. More frequent scenario's would go a long way towards making sure that most of us get our first choice more frequently. Maybe developing some sort of tracking mechanism would help, like if one flew fighters last scenario then they would have to be bomber pilots this one. First come first serve signups are unfair in my opinion.
Depending on the dates, I'd be willing to gl a few....done a few for aw in the past.


Comments regarding the Big Week scenario:
- Sunday turned out to be a poor day for me, I would rather see them on Saturdays in the future. I was unable to make it home in time for the first two frames. I flew in the 3rd and 4th frames although was disconnected in the 3rd one just before we made contact. So I really can only comment on the 4th frame. I really enjoyed it. I wish there were more scenarios to fly in. My view on the what-if vs. reenactment issue is that the setup of the event should be as historical as possible right up to the starting point. Then, once the scenario starts, the commanders should be able to conduct their actions in the manner best suited to win the event. If this means using a strategy that wasnt actually the one used, that is fine. Once a scenario has started, it becomes a giant chess game, with moves made in the dark to some extent, between the sides, and thats the way I like it.

General comments regarding Aces High scenarios, events, CMs:
- I love AH scenarios, and special events. Probably my favorite is the TOD. WWs are fun too though. I would like to see even more types of special events in AH.

Comments regarding the Big Week scenario:
- Excellent work, had no problems with my end. One of the smoothest runnign events I've been in (which hasn't been many).

General comments regarding Aces High scenarios, events, CMs:
- Would like to sign up CM, but I just have no time.

AW - AH Pilot 199? - 200?
Pulled out of Mothballs for DGS Allied Bomber Group Leader :)

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Offline jordi

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AH Events Bigweek Player Comments
« Reply #6 on: January 22, 2002, 08:04:29 AM »
Comments regarding the Big Week scenario:
- Even though I had hardware problems I enjoyed myself.

The main problem I had with this scenario was the lack of information our COs had before AND during BW.

General comments regarding Aces High scenarios, events, CMs:
- Scenarios are the only thing keeping me in AH right now so I would like to see them more frequent.


Comments regarding the Big Week scenario:
- Big Week, was a great effort, thou it could use some improvment. Rules posted in advance, and held too are a must. The AAA was too strong, as in frame 3, it destroyed all but 1 B17 in my group. I would prefer to die at the hands of other players. Re-upping procedures should be posted, not assumed that players should know them. There seemed to be major security issues with the UBBs used for the Scenario. Alternate means of communitcation of material sould be looked at. The time between final Rosters, and Scenario Start didnt leave enough time for practices and first frame. In better words, the time between registration and final roster was too long.

Many Things went well. While I dont favor 2 a day Scenarios, It went fairly well. I wouldnt rule out this type in the future. The CMs did very well during each frame. Things went very smoothly. Thank them for thier efforts.

General comments regarding Aces High scenarios, events, CMs:
- Like anyone needs to be reminded, the CMs screwed the pooch on the Low Level attack. 1) If it shouldnt have happened, then the CMs should have set the rules as such. 2) Since the plan was made aware in advance to the CMs, Not fixing it, But then claimming it in bad form was not good. I think the CMs learned from this. (We players are Evil)

I hope in the future the CM team will be more open to suggestions, ideas and imput from players. This survey is a step in the right direction.

I hope these comments are not to negitive, Its easy to pick out the bad. Truely more went well than bad.


Comments regarding the Big Week scenario:
- My only "complaint" (at all) with the event is that CO's deemed the password protected NG too vulnerable to make plans in. This crippled the ability of the players to get engrossed in the planning phase.

Any command staff in an event MUST be trusted to report a cheating player to the other team and the CM's followed by swift and deadly action by the CM's. There just isn't any room for people that would cheat in a scenario, the CM's and command staff work too hard. (don't you know it

General comments regarding Aces High scenarios, events, CMs:
- Regarding the "reanactment vs what-if debate:
While I checked "B" above, I note that with time and practice you can close up as many loopholes as you see fit to "tweak" an event to your historical vision.

Anecdote: I once designed an event that allowed the Axis fiters to intercept only after the bombers were spotted by scouts. Well, when the scouts spotted the 17's the axis fighters promptly upped and flew DIRECTLY to the bombers home base to VULCH them upon landing. They wiped out the fleet, the Alies screamed (Cod I can still hear them!) and the CM's (Dawn and I) cried. Pass the maalox please.....

Your friend - Wayne


Comments regarding the Big Week scenario:
- I would like us to stick rigidly to timetables, particularly on start times. It is bad enough getting the family on your side, but when it starts (and thus finishes) up to half an hour (or more) late, it makes it very difficult. Start times should be strictly adhered to. If people are late or not ready, then that is their lookout; it's not as if they haven't had plenty of time to prepare!

Otherwise, a very good and enjoyable event.


Comments regarding the Big Week scenario:
- I have too many time commitments to take on CM Staff activities but that is something that I would like to do when I am able.

General comments regarding Aces High scenarios, events, CMs:
- It's alot of work to put one of these on. Most of us have an appreciation for it and most cut a lot of slack for percieved sleights and mistakes.

I enjoy them thoroughly and I think that AH would be diminished if the big events as well as the TOD and CT were not part of the landscape.

Well done. Keep it up.


Comments regarding the Big Week scenario:
- <S> to the CMs. I had an excellent time. I may have squeaked moaned and complained at times when things changed on me with little time or warning, but all in all those occurrences are unavoidable and didn't affect the outcome. It was an excellent experience.

General comments regarding Aces High scenarios, events, CMs:
- Aces High is a very large emphasis in Cadet War Gaming at the United State Air Force Academy. All activities that we do within its framework culminate in historic scenarios. I hope the community and the CMs remain open to Cadets using this avenue for professional and leadership training. For me, it has been and invaluable learning experience. Thanks to all for the opportunity. -Preon


Comments regarding the Big Week scenario:
- This was my first scenario as a virtual pilot after 5 years of online play and I can't believe i waited this long to try it. I'm afraid I'm hooked now


Comments regarding the Big Week scenario:
- The registration was handled very poorly. I was not able to register for a slot that was actually one of my preferences. Because people had registered in front of me, the Allied fighter slot that I wanted was not even available for me to select as a preference. I think the registration should allow you to select a position preference regardless of how many people have also selected that same preference. Otherwise there was absolutely no need to select a second and third slot.

The Allied command seemed determined to use as many loopholes as possible in the rules/setup to exploit the game limitations. Bombers attacking factories at low level and bombers releasing their ordinance on the runway to be used as fighters are just tow examples. I would like to see more emphasis on historical roles being played out rather than gamey win-at-any-cost tactics.

General comments regarding Aces High scenarios, events, CMs:
- Scenarios run as BW with 2 frames per day meant that I would have had to take off time from work to participate in the second frame each day (Australian time zone). Please run the events one per day or on Saturdays (US time).


Comments regarding the Big Week scenario:
- Honestly ???
It was a serious CLuster Fuk...
But I still enjoyed it...

General comments regarding Aces High scenarios, events, CMs:
- well I suppose in my case at least there
was a lot of goof ups, ie our co left us
right before it began, and our new one
was unable to get any kind of help or
info from the cm's as to orders / flight
plans or anything. I am from Airwarrior
and so I'm used to a differant way of
doing things, I love scenarios and they
are the most importent thing to me in
online games, I truly beleave that the only
serious thing wrong with them here, is
Lack of communication and maybe more interest.
Thanks for listening...


Comments regarding the Big Week scenario:
- You have heard this before.. If there were ready rooms like aw it would a much more enjoyable experience.............And the text buffer in my opinion needs to be more like "old" AW so it is easier to read.}


Comments regarding the Big Week scenario:
- I am in awe at how well planned and organized you guys are. I am new to this sim, but, as far as I'm concerned, Big Week was the most fun I've had in this game. I would be willing to contribute to any upcoming events, so please feel free to call on me when you need help.

I salute you all!!

General comments regarding Aces High scenarios, events, CMs:
- I really look forward to Friday nite/Saturday now TOD. Please keep up the good work, and ,again, I would be willing to help any way that I can.

Thanks again!!
AW - AH Pilot 199? - 200?
Pulled out of Mothballs for DGS Allied Bomber Group Leader :)

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Offline jordi

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AH Events Bigweek Player Comments
« Reply #7 on: January 22, 2002, 08:06:21 AM »
Comments regarding the Big Week scenario:
- The scenario came off very well and exceeded my expectation. Our CO, tsavo, was well briefed and did a great job of keeping our BG organized. The obvious hard work by the AH staff and the squadron officers is greatly appreciated!


Comments regarding the Big Week scenario:
- This was my first Aces High Scenario and trying to fit 2 Frames in one afternoon was difficult for me but I was able to do it. It would be easier for me at least, to seperate Frames on different days.

General comments regarding Aces High scenarios, events, CMs:
- One of the reasons I flew in Air Warrior Full Realism was the opportunity to participate in the Scenarios. That kind of group participation is more enjoyable for me than flying in the MA.

Note: I at first did not complete 2 questions. Did our group practice before the Sceanario? I really do not know if rest of group did. *Would you prefer? Please note my comment above about length of Frames.


Comments regarding the Big Week scenario:
- My Opinion is totally biased  I thought it rocked!!!! The area where I could see us making some improvement is in the scenario sign up process. I think the sign up time should start on a Saturday at about 12am EST to insure that everyone who wants to sign up can arrange the time to be at their puter to do so and it is a Euro friendly time. I think we also need to advertise the scenario sign up time in the Boards and in the message at the top of the boards beginning one week in advance of the start of the sign up process.

General comments regarding Aces High scenarios, events, CMs:
- I'm looking forward to more events. I must also say that the CM's did a great job with this questionaire. I think you missed one answer in your 'Would you prefer' question (My bad for not noticing it before). The third choice should have been just right

Well done guys!


Comments regarding the Big Week scenario:
- Frames 1 and 2 were very difficult for BG 457. We lost our GL two days before frame 1, no one else in our group was familiar with Aces High scenario procedures. Standard climb and power settings were unknown. Rendevous methods and command com chanels were unknown were unknown. We improvised. When we did form up, we lacked a route plan to the target. It seemed like the lead groups in the bomber wings (in all four frames) did little to communicate (course, speed, alt, changes) with the other bomber groups within their wings to aid in keeping formation. An S.O.P. guide for scenario playersd would have helped.

I realize (now) that the Allied CO had other timer commitments but someone should have been designated to keep in close contact with GLs to work out any concerns. I asked for help and didn't get it. There's a lot more to being a CO than mapping out strategy (I.M.H.O.).

Would I do it again now that I understand some of the procedures? YES!

General comments regarding Aces High scenarios, events, CMs:
- More scenarios!

Regarding the last question about joining CM Staff to work on a special event, I'm a newbie to Aces High and totally unfamiliar with how a CM staff is set up and functions. Maybe after a few more scenarios I'll be able to assist.

Comments regarding the Big Week scenario:
- Using the message board for all official communications sucked. NNTP newsgroups would be much better and mailing lists for each side are essential. Without adequate communication, I couldn't get into the feel of the scenario.

General comments regarding Aces High scenarios, events, CMs:
- This survey kinda sucks. There should be "N/A" or "No Opinion" or "Not Sure" options.


Comments regarding the Big Week scenario:
- I think that a few more times through it and it will get easier. There was a lot of miss communication between our flight groups, mostly due to inexperience in this type of event.

General comments regarding Aces High scenarios, events, CMs:
- It's on the right track! I'm liking what I've seen so far. My work scuedule is very erratic, so my participation is limited to Sundays for a time commitment. That made Big Week work for me!


Comments regarding the Big Week scenario:
- I really enjoyed the BigWeek scenarios. Having only one life to lose really changes the way that you must approach the game. It adds that extra realism missing from the MA.

General comments regarding Aces High scenarios, events, CMs:
- It was pretty well orchestrated, couple of glitches in the start of the scenarios due to walk-ons arriving late. I think that the scenarios should roll promptly. Walk-on assignments should be secondary.

I think the AH Staff did an excellent job and should be commended for their efforts. The did all they could to make it an enjoyable experience.


Comments regarding the Big Week scenario:
- -Post the rules on the website.

-Make victory conditions possible for a normal person to understand, and announce results as soon as possible. Post the statistics and scores on the website after scenario ends.

-Get CO's in place before having a scenario. Use CM members if no one wants to.

-I understand arena number limits, but the walk on list was bad, we were short pilots. Maybe a walk on holding arena that anyone can go to the day of the event.

-For registration, leave it open for a few days. Then use the AW method of plane choices 1-3 and do a lotto . After the lotto, reopen registration to whoever wants to sign up for what remains.

General comments regarding Aces High scenarios, events, CMs:
- We need more early war planes for better scenarios.

We need to talk to HT about the tools needed to run good scenarios, maybe fix the mission planner.

Let's get real newsgroups, not UBB boards.

I know how much work scenarios take, they have been good so far.


Comments regarding the Big Week scenario:
- I thought as a whole the event was great but I would perfer a better attrition rate for losses than just getting the same planes and going back into the grinder. It would in my oppinion give a bit more of a realistic feel to the game and give the pilot more of a reason to bring the plane back to base.

General comments regarding Aces High scenarios, events, CMs:
- I would like to help out with any future events but unfortantly I am about to get out of the army and I do not plan on renewing my credit card so I will have no way to pay for the game untill I get a debit card and I get stabilized out of the army.


Comments regarding the Big Week scenario:
- Overall the scenario was enjoyable. Registration should have been announced with a specific time/date at least 2 days prior to allow as many people as possible the chance to sign up.

General comments regarding Aces High scenarios, events, CMs:
- Whether shorter or longer, more frequent scenarios/events would be appreciated. More varied times for the scenarios/snapshots would also be appreciated. Wild Wednesday is a blast, unfortunately I usually work wednesday nights.


Comments regarding the Big Week scenario:
- Two frames in a day was not (imho) a good idea.
Rules were not always "crystal clear".

General comments regarding Aces High scenarios, events, CMs:
- Access to the Bulletin Boards via NNTP would highly enhance (imho) timely and complete info.


Comments regarding the Big Week scenario:
- Great fun!

I like the distinction of making "historical" and "what-if´s" scenarios. That would make it more clear as to what the "spirit" of the scenatio at hand is.

The "low level bombers" thing got blown out of porportion which cut into my enjoyment somewhat - i.e. Allied players with doing it and Axis players making it a big deal - by building a "common undestanding" of what is withing the scope of country staffs us "cannon fodder" would be spared from seeing all that unnecesary infighting and focus on getting shot down  

But with that said I still rated this "excellent" and will check out the TOD as a gues now that we have a European friendly time

General comments regarding Aces High scenarios, events, CMs:
- Keep up the good work - and again, the registration was a breeze, now just extend the system to accomodate walk-on management and you'll have to take less headache pills

AW - AH Pilot 199? - 200?
Pulled out of Mothballs for DGS Allied Bomber Group Leader :)

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Offline jordi

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AH Events Bigweek Player Comments
« Reply #8 on: January 22, 2002, 08:06:56 AM »
Comments regarding the Big Week scenario:
- Enjoyed it very much, but due to connect problems I had two disco's. Additionally I couldn't make Frame 3 & 4 and although linking 2 frames together to make a 4 hour frame is technically a good idea, it was somewhat difficult for people to attend. An example of this is that I couldn't make Frame 3 & 4, whereas if the frames were on seperate days then I would have only missed one frame. However, I was greatly disappointed in the walk on allocation and it didn't seem as organised overall as AK or HS. This needs to be improved for future scenarios. I look back on AK and HS with great fondness, but with Big Week I would sooner forget.

General comments regarding Aces High scenarios, events, CMs:
- Well, what can I say, they do a great job within limitations. As living in GMT timezone some events are difficult to attend. I used to attend the snapshot events but all the times changed and it made it very difficult to organise attendence.


Comments regarding the Big Week scenario:
- It was a lot of fun, mainly because of the peoiple in the 100th. It struck me that the CO's were a little too "hands-off" on some of the tactical organisation but overall strategy was thoughtful and imaginative.

General comments regarding Aces High scenarios, events, CMs:
- Excellent job and worthy of praise for the dedication and time put in to the organisation of such an event. There is always room for improvement though and it will be interesting to see what may develop in future scenarios.


Comments regarding the Big Week scenario:
- Good job on Bigweek <S>

But i Still beleave stretching it over 4 weeks (1 frame per weekend) would be better.


Comments regarding the Big Week scenario:
- The best experience I ever had in AH. (around here since beta free time)
Was mi first scenario completed.
Tho other one, Afrika Korps, I was a walk-on and crashed inmediately. No dare to try again until now.
I really enjoyed.

General comments regarding Aces High scenarios, events, CMs:
- I would like more frequents scenarios though someway simpler.
For only two three days, say Fryday to Sunday thus Fitting better with euro hours.

Also I would like a "continous scenario" a la CT. Rrepetive of historical Setups during one month, from 1939 to 1945.
¡An more early planes set!.


Comments regarding the Big Week scenario:
- I was really impressed with the big week scenario-I thought it wasreally well organized thought out and played through.I was flying a p51b and was one of the last squads to take off, so to sit in the tower and watch wave after wave of b17's leave for germany for over half an hour,reminded me of the war stories my uncles used to tell of that very thing happening. It brought a sence of realizm that is very hard to douplicate in a virtual reality game.To say the least I was impressed-well done on a great scenario

General comments regarding Aces High scenarios, events, CMs:
- The only comments I have is praise for the game and staff of AH.The possiblities seem endless for scenarios. The only other thing I could ask for is more planes and ground vehicles, which I'm sure with alittle patience i will get most of them Keep up the good work

Comments regarding the Big Week scenario:
- Which is most in tune with your way of thinking:
My real feelings fall towards b) but think if this was the case an unreasonable amount of attention would need to be paid to the terrain setup etc and a strict understanding of what is "gaming the game" and what is reasonable would need to be made available to all players.

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General comments regarding Aces High scenarios, events, CMs:
- None, other than to say WTFG


Comments regarding the Big Week scenario:
- I personally had big problems joining it cause private affairs
did came up when the 1frame first sunday started.
last sunday i had to log off after frame 1 because it was too late for me (euro time) to continue because I had work to do the following monday.

One thing i wish was that the events just started 1 to 2 hours earlier so i dont have to stay up after midnight, i like to go to bed early so i can do my things properly at mondays


Comments regarding the Big Week scenario:
- Vary well planned. I enjoyed it

General comments regarding Aces High scenarios, events, CMs:
- This is my first event in AH. I have come from AW where I was very actively involved in scenarios. I hope the standard of the last one here is maintained.

AW - AH Pilot 199? - 200?
Pulled out of Mothballs for DGS Allied Bomber Group Leader :)

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