Yesterday I logged in to fly online for the first time in more than two months, dag nabbit that was fun, it just felt so right
I took a Spit IX for a spin, landed with two kills
(Had to glide in), that is very good to be me. (I aint no Ace, thats for shure)
I lifted off in a brand new spit IX, flew for a while, and landed with 4 more kills 20 minutes later, awesome
Lifted off again, flew for 10 min and discoed, but it was late so I went to bed, but you bet, first thing I`ll do when I come home from work, is to log on and stay on until I gotta go to work again.
But as it stands now, I have 6 kills and no deaths, perhaps I sometime will afford that ME262 after all
It just was SO much fun:)
This is one awesome Online Flightsim
The 332 "VIKING" Squadron