Author Topic: stick stirring  (Read 455 times)

Online Shane

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stick stirring
« on: January 22, 2002, 03:54:12 PM »
it's becoming way more prevalent. i think HT needs to crank up the do not move your controls so rapidly routine - and before people whine about sensitive sticks/spiking, let me remind them there's a nice feature called scaling and deadband/dampers that if tweaked enough will eliminate the message.

stick stirring, whether deliberate or out of ignorance/laziness is becoming too prevalent.
Surrounded by suck and underwhelmed with mediocrity.
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Offline MrLars

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stick stirring
« Reply #1 on: January 22, 2002, 03:55:28 PM »

Offline JoeCrip

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stick stirring
« Reply #2 on: January 22, 2002, 05:16:43 PM »
Agreeed 110%. Nowadays you get all these hot shots floping around, causing you to overshoot, then they get the kill. Unfortunalty, most of the people who fish flop are the people who are rank 500 and under, so they know what they are doing is wrong, but contuine to do it.

Offline DES

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stick stirring
« Reply #3 on: January 22, 2002, 05:41:19 PM »
Having to set deadbands and dampening to high ruins fine control for shooting.


Offline Vermillion

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« Reply #4 on: January 22, 2002, 05:49:03 PM »
Yup, I totally agree.

In fact I started a thread on this last week.

DES, if you have to set your deadband and dampening so high that it ruins your fine control there is something wrong with your joystick.

Offline Apache

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stick stirring
« Reply #5 on: January 22, 2002, 05:58:50 PM »
Originally posted by Vermillion
Yup, I totally agree.

In fact I started a thread on this last week.

DES, if you have to set your deadband and dampening so high that it ruins your fine control there is something wrong with your joystick.  

...and I started one the week before. Yep, getting very prevalent.

Offline akak

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« Reply #6 on: January 22, 2002, 06:26:48 PM »
Sometimes what others see as "Stick Stirring" or as Shane describes it, "Fish Flopping", sometimes is as simple of the other pilot just making a mistake and going into a spin.

I've been having troubles with the flaps on my P-38 auto-retracting and causing me to spin out.  I'm sure to the guy on my six, it looks like I intentionally "fish flopped" but that just isn't the case on my part.  I watched some films and realized why I was spinning out when flaps would auto-retract and now make a special note when using my flaps not to pull excessive G's.  BadBoy described it as being "ham fisted" with the controls and he's right, it's one of the unfortunate by-products of flying RR AW for 8 years and not an intentional attempt at "stick stirring".  Every since I've been careful about pulling excessive G's with flaps deployed, I haven't gone into a spin when my flaps have auto-retracted.

I have seen others do it intentionally and those that do are no better than the old "FW Spin Dweebs" and may their sheep get V.D.

Offline DES

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stick stirring
« Reply #7 on: January 22, 2002, 09:28:37 PM »
"DES, if you have to set your deadband and dampening so high that it ruins your fine control there is something wrong with your joystick."

My stick is fine, I'm just trying to point out that it's not as simple as cranking up the "don't move your stick so fast" routine. I'm sure that HTC is trying to balance gameplay with peoples hardware. Many people can't afford to go out and buy a new stick because the software was altered on a wim.  The lousy connects and warping that's going on lately are a much larger problem IMHO and probably the cause of a lot of this supposed "stick stirring".


Offline 2Late4U

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« Reply #8 on: January 22, 2002, 10:07:18 PM »
What stick stirring are you all refering too?  I have in my entire time playing since the beta only seen a few isolated cases of floppy fish.  Almost all were fw190's and caused by the huge roll rate -vs- the server refresh rate.  I think that what many people are calling stick stiring is them getting out flown and/or having slow connects themselves.  I find the microwarps in heavy dogfights much more bothersome.

Offline Apache

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« Reply #9 on: January 23, 2002, 06:43:19 AM »
Originally posted by 2Late4U
What stick stirring are you all refering too?  I have in my entire time playing since the beta only seen a few isolated cases of floppy fish.  Almost all were fw190's and caused by the huge roll rate -vs- the server refresh rate.  I think that what many people are calling stick stiring is them getting out flown and/or having slow connects themselves.  I find the microwarps in heavy dogfights much more bothersome.

Been here since beta as well. Definite increase in stick stirring. It's an attempt to cause an overshoot. Cutting throttle and flopping around like a landed carp. Lots of F6F's doing it lastnight at 41.

Not getting outflown my friend, plus I'm on cable with minimal latency. Just throttle back with nose up attitude is how I've been beating it but it's a dweeby move nonetheless.

Offline Widewing

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« Reply #10 on: January 23, 2002, 07:44:39 AM »
Originally posted by Apache

Been here since beta as well. Definite increase in stick stirring. It's an attempt to cause an overshoot. Cutting throttle and flopping around like a landed carp. Lots of F6F's doing it lastnight at 41.

Not getting outflown my friend, plus I'm on cable with minimal latency. Just throttle back with nose up attitude is how I've been beating it but it's a dweeby move nonetheless.

Yeah, I saw that too. Mostly confined to one F6F, who was there the day before too, doing exactly the same nonsense. The difference last night was that this turkey couldn't hide in the acks like he did the night before.

Now that I think of it, where the hell did everyone go to last night? I found myself alone flying low over 41, one ack remaining and about a dozen Knights trying to get behind me. I was flying the A6M and things got a wee bit hectic, to say the least. I managed to chase all of them out of that punchbowl that 41 is located in, and generally keep them out. But, fuel was running low and I had lost the use of my flaps, left landing gear (main mount) and one elevator from hits taken from snap shooters during the 15 minutes I was alone. I think I had brought down one Knight and sent a couple of them wobbling off trailing smoke.
Finally, almost out of fuel (I had taken off with only 50%), a big Lanc decides to buzz the field! So, what the hell, I went after him, killing the Lanc with the last of my ammo, but was shot up bad enough to force me to bail out.

I sure could have used some help. I suppose someone offered to buy the beer and I never got the word...... BTW, I was having a blast, now that I had all of the Knights to myself. ;)

My regards.

My regards,


YGBSM. Retired Member of Aces High Trainer Corps, Past President of the DFC, retired from flying as Tredlite.


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Re: stick stirring
« Reply #11 on: January 23, 2002, 08:04:14 AM »
Determining whether it is stick stirring or bad connections is very easy.
With stick stirring you see the enemy plane nose pointing everywhere, but there are no real displacements in the enemy's course.

With bad cnx, you'll see real displacements, warps.

And I agree, lately there are a lot of people using this dweeb "tactic" as a desperate and last hope of survival.

Offline hazed-

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« Reply #12 on: January 23, 2002, 08:07:48 AM »
Im getting really pissed off with all this 190 is the culprit toejam.

Yes the 190s roll fast but so do many other planes.

190 roll rate is reduced from RL in AH FFS!

Ive seen spits la7s p51s typhoons and almost every other aircraft pull warp moves.......



NOW STOP RAGGING ON THE Fw190. sheesh its a new diddlying witch hunt every week.getting sick of this pansy assed BB lately.

Offline Apache

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« Reply #13 on: January 23, 2002, 08:13:53 AM »
Originally posted by hazed-
Im getting really pissed off with all this 190 is the culprit toejam.

Yes the 190s roll fast but so do many other planes.

190 roll rate is reduced from RL in AH FFS!

Ive seen spits la7s p51s typhoons and almost every other aircraft pull warp moves.......



NOW STOP RAGGING ON THE Fw190. sheesh its a new diddlying witch hunt every week.getting sick of this pansy assed BB lately.

hazed, did you even read the freakin posts?! F6F's lastnight dude. Man!

Offline Am0n

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stick stirring
« Reply #14 on: January 23, 2002, 08:15:26 AM »
Ive gotten that "dont move controls so rapidly" message probably 3 times since i started playing AH.. All times it was intentional, like checking out stick settings, or when i tried it with a mouse. Anyone who is doing it is deffinately intentional.

Last night some dweeb in la7, low below me was the king of stiring.. although he was not in the top 500 pilots. I dove down tried like hell to get a aiming solution, he is jumping all over infront of me, nearly impossible to get a solution. Im eager so i stick to him trying to get a shot, give up, pull up and recover. a few second later i get a message in channel one "You got out flown f4u".. this was histarical.

He then gave me another laugh saying "we are about even on kills on each other".. i was a dork and checked it out, again he was wrong, which i was quick to point out, and got no response.. :cool:

***Edit*** forgot to mention that i think that this is a horrid offense and should be "punishable" in some way as above mentioned.