I did some experiments with these rockets. These rockets are like flak. They go for a while then they explode. I think the damage is the same as a flak damage.
I used the .target to see when they explode. I shot the rockets at the target at different distances, then watched when it punched a hole in the target and when it exploded.
When the target is 1300 yards away, the explosion and the hole come almost at the same time. If the target is further than 1300 yards, it won't punch a hole in the target because it explodes first. So I think the rocket explodes after it goes around 1300 yards. But I think if you actually hit something with the rocket, it will explode no matter how far it has gone, up to 1300 yards.
So I thought I could use shift-x to come up slow behind a bomber. When I got close to 1300 yards, I would use elevator trim to raise the nose up above the bomber (the shift-x stays on if you just use trim), because the rocket falls along way if it goes 1300 yards, and you have to aim over the bomber.
Well, that's my plan but I always get shot down by the tail gun. I never shot down a bomber this way. But I keep trying. Maybe someday.
I tried some stuff off line with these rockets. I shot them at buildings and ack. Off-line, you can destroy convoys, buildings and ack just like regular rockets, but you don't see a flash when they hit. It doesn't matter how far they go up to 1300 yards, if they hit something, it will do damage. I haven't tried this in the MA yet, so I don't know if it does the same thing there.