Author Topic: Sat TOD "Nothing moves, nothing flies" Frame 2 AAR's  (Read 855 times)

Offline Ripsnort

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Sat TOD "Nothing moves, nothing flies" Frame 2 AAR's
« on: January 26, 2002, 03:49:37 PM »
JU88 flight report for MAG-33:

Number of A/C: 1
Number survived: 1
BDA: One cv sunk

The teamwork by MAG-33 was incredible with Swoop leading us, me as a the lone JU88.  Once CV contact was made, a battle ensued, CV cap was shot down (See Swoop AAR) and my "run-in" began.  Once 90 deg to the CV, it began to turn into me..I chose to press on with a Head On approach and "hope" that I missed the Cruiser. See pics below(Note, film viewer would not capture the AA fire and torp wakes don't show too good)

First torpedo just caught the stern of  the CV, one more second and it would have missed, the 2nd torp caught her  mid-ship near aft. Blind faith and luck was on my side this day.NOTE: Pic server down temporarily but try this link for pics:
Thumbnail links (Click to enlarge)
« Last Edit: January 26, 2002, 04:31:11 PM by Ripsnort »

Offline Skyman

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Sat TOD "Nothing moves, nothing flies" Frame 2 AAR's
« Reply #1 on: January 26, 2002, 04:32:30 PM »

first mission we were escort to  the 308th this went without a hitch no enmy contacts were seen 308th hit the target (gun emplacments nr a11) all were destroyed rtb was all quite minus myself getting a hardlock and was to late to reup

second mission was a strike on a17 after joining they rest of the allied force we proceded to target and proceded to demolish a17
when left polish paras where enroute to steal the sheep and
launder the drink :) on RTB we lost 2 to fuel deprivation
and 2 landed ok

skyman no kills hardlock unable to reup
fariz 1 kill  and 1 damged  landed ok
jogee no kills landed ok
tjay  no kills   killed on take off
grayarea no kills bh destroyed at 17 landed ok
gremlin no kills barracks & 2 acks at 17 landed ok
furzy no kills bh barracks destroyed ditched no fuel
dstar no kills     killed
klem no kills barracks destroyed at 17  killed while trying to ditch

Flt Lt skyman Exec Officer
Firebirds, 56 "Fighter" Sqn RAF.
Second Tactical Air Force

Offline funkedup

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308 Sqn AAR
« Reply #2 on: January 26, 2002, 04:33:53 PM »
First off I just want to say WTG Fleet Air Arm and 2nd TAF.  :)

We attempted all 5 missions and I think we accomplished all 5.

92nd BG (Hellcats) destroyed Axis shipping in the Neder Rhein Estuary.  They were subsequently lost valiantly protecting HMS Invincible.  But they took several Jerries with them.  Looks like Axis hit a home run on the CV (WTG Rip) but 92nd had an offensive mission, which was accomplished.  We'll just have build another CV.  :)

Krait Squadron (Mosquitos) made a daring raid on the V-weapon base at Mons.  They took moderate losses but London should not be troubled by terror robots for some time.  They also managed to bomb St. Omer airfield as part of the Circus at the end of the frame.  They were fighting without their CO and did a great job of flying their missions as briefed.  Their positioning on the Circus was outstanding.

Round Table (Spitfires) protected the port at P39 and shot down several enemy Jabos.  They then provided vital airfield cover during refueling and fought valiantly escorting the Circus to St. Omer.  They were also without their nominal CO and like Kraits they dealt with it very well.

56 Sqn and 308 Sqn (Typhoon Wing) inflicted grave damage on coastal defences at Dunkerque and then devestated the airfield at St. Omer.  56 Sqn was also without their primary CO, and then the 2IC Skyman discoed.  Gremlin filled in seamlessly, and missions were flown as briefed.

We lost a lot of planes, but we got our targets.  I can't ask for much more.  Except 3 more squadrons of Spitfires.  :D

Here is the AAR for 308 Sqn:

Red Section
1.  FunkedUp, Killed 3 acks, POW
2.  Salt, MIA
3.  Bikekil, POW
4.  Dasko, MIA
5.  Band  2 confirmed victories, KIA
6.  Dogface  Ditched

Blue Section
2.  Sling, 1 confirmed, 1 probable, KIA
3.  Samm, MIA
4.  Rosco, MIA

Mission 1
Hit A11 gun emplacements with 56 Sqn as escort.
Milkrun!  I put two bombs on a shore battery then strafed three AAA emplacements.  I strafed two more batteries.  All targets destroyed.  Dogface ran out of fuel near home base and ditched.

Mission 2
We were part of the Circus to A11.  We knew there were some bandits behind us somewhere but we didn't have the altitude or numbers to do much about them.  We ended up getting bounced by some 190s as we were about to start our bombing run.  I think only CFIT and Sling and Band avoided being shot down.  

Bikekil and I parachuted in the same area and advanced toward A17 on foot.  We saw  Band destroy two fighters at the airfield and saw Sling destroy one and damage another heavily before succumbing.

56 Sqn was seen to make multiple attacks on the airfield and they left it a smoking ruin.

Bikekil and I are trying to reach the coast on foot, surviving on poached lamb and vodka.  Please send a boat!

« Last Edit: January 26, 2002, 04:52:36 PM by funkedup »

Offline Dinger

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Sat TOD "Nothing moves, nothing flies" Frame 2 AAR's
« Reply #3 on: January 26, 2002, 06:18:44 PM »
An addendum to Funked's report:
I dropped on the BH, but hit an ack and the loadout shed.  After the initial attackers were destroyed, I went in and killed two acks and the fighter hangar (took a few ack hits).  I then went in on an ammo dump.  Most of my sorties lately have ended with my crashing into terrain, and this time I came pretty close: spinning a typhoon that was already headed down at a 60 degree angle (see attached screenshot), through 3-FPS-generating smoke.  I nearly had a heart attack.

As we were calling it a day, a second group of FWs arrived.  I was able to dodge their initial passes, and my wingman Sling took one on, and trashed him (but had the engine smoking as the result).  Sling covered my retreat, tangling with the remaining FWs while I beat it out of there.
Heading for the coast, I throttled back a bit to conserve fuel.  No planes -- friend or enemy -- were in sight.
As I go feet dry, I check six and see a FW screaming in from on high.  WEPPED, unloaded, and rolled.  He eased off the gas and stayed with me.
Sure I was faster, and starting to pull away, but he was 200 yards on my six.  I had to force something spectacular.  I got a couple of overshoots and strung them into a bit of scissors, but when he blew it and I unloaded for the escape, he put the hammer down and came up 350 yards behind me.  A couple of pings and I was leaking fuel and missing an ailer.  Then I lost the other ailer.  I waddled as he unloaded his tiny MGs and massive cannon in my general direction.  "I might just make it" I thought.
Then the tailcone came off.
I bailed over the channel, and made it back to England the next day.

So make it:
1. CFIT Bailed: 1 FH, 3 Acks, 1 Ammo Dump
(forgot to attach image; one moment plese)

Offline Dinger

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Sat TOD "Nothing moves, nothing flies" Frame 2 AAR's
« Reply #4 on: January 26, 2002, 06:22:08 PM »
Typhoon-induced heart attack:

Offline sling322

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Sat TOD "Nothing moves, nothing flies" Frame 2 AAR's
« Reply #5 on: January 26, 2002, 06:43:39 PM »
I discoed on climbout for the first mission and arrived at the target north of A11 while the rest of the group was attacking.  Strafed one of the SB a bit and then all targets were down so I rtb'd with a lot of ammo left.  I couldnt wait for the next sortie.  I wanted to kill!!  :)

Sortie 2 we climbed out and headed toward our target at A17.  It got a little confusing as the 109's came in on us.  I tried to hit them as they were attacking my squaddies but the bombs on my Tiffy were slowing me down.  I bit the bullet and dove on the target.  CFIT and I were tasked with hitting the bomber hangar.  I dropped a little short and destroyed the ammo and fuel bunker just in front of it instead.  At this time we were informed that all opposition were dead and we were allowed to continue strafing the target.  I killed at least 2 gun emplacements and took a couple of ack hits.  Thats when the rest of the 190s showed up.  They were swarming CFIT so I turned back to help him.  I took some engine damage as I HO'd the first guy on CFIT's tail, but I left him smoking as well.  Last I saw him he was heading home licking his wounds.  We then decided to bug out, but CFIT got tangled up with the other 190.  I knew my engine wasnt going to last long anyway since I was already smoking from the first engagement so I turned back.  I decided to give my life up so that my wingman could make it home.  Just as my engine flamed out I went HO with the other 190 and sent him plummeting to the earth as well.  As it turns out, my wingie finally succumbed to the the evil German oppresors and ended up dying within sight of the English coast.  

Sling claims: 1 kill
                    1 damaged
                    1 fuel bunker destroyed
                    1 ammo bunker destroyed
                    2 ack guns destroyed

Offline Awake2

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AAR 92nd
« Reply #6 on: January 26, 2002, 08:36:18 PM »
Roster for the 92nd


Mission 5 Fleet Air Arm
Eliminate shipping originating from the aircraft factory in the mid river area Neder Rhein Estuary.
The 92nd didn't have much trouble taking out the 2 pt's in the plane shot down and another with a bad fuel we were RTB to the CV we encountered 109's at the CV and engaged...was a good fight...I believe 3 109's shot down before we bit the dust...
WTG to MAG-33 group;)  when we were fighting off the 109's we saw the lone JU88 on the deck....great torpedo hits:p  was a great plan by the MAG-33s but much too late for the 92nd to react....

Offline Shane

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Sat TOD "Nothing moves, nothing flies" Frame 2 AAR's
« Reply #7 on: January 26, 2002, 11:09:21 PM »
Round Table AAR by Sog (FL for the frame)

I don't have time for a write-up, my apologies:

Sog:   1 kill 1 probable
Troll:  2 kills
Shane:  6 kills
Iron2:  2 kills

all were FW's
All others reported no kills.  All planes were lost.  Everyone but Sog and
Iron2 to enemy contact (I somehow augered on landing, Iron2 ditched at the
end of the frame).

There may be some descrepency with Shane's and Iron2's kill tallies, since
they were sharing targets in two seperate engagements.  We'll have to wait
until the final AAR posted by staff to see what happened.

Thanks for everyone showing up, hope you had a good time.  Troll, I'm sorry
we got seperated.  I cornered 2-3 FWs and when I looked you were nowhere to
be seen.  Only after reviewing the film did I see you drag the other 8-9
away.  Ouch!  WTG on those kills though.

Congratulations to Shane for the superb performance this afternoon too.

Surrounded by suck and underwhelmed with mediocrity.
I'm always right, it just takes some poepl longer to come to that realization than others.
I'm not perfect, but I am closer to it than you are.
"...vox populi, vox dei..."  ~Alcuin ca. 798

Offline rosco

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Re: 308 Sqn AAR
« Reply #8 on: January 26, 2002, 11:11:00 PM »
Originally posted by funkedup

Bikekil and I are trying to reach the coast on foot, surviving on poached lamb and vodka.  Please send a boat!

  Im about 3 or 4 miles W of you. A pretty, young  farmers daughter has taken me in and hidden me in their barn.  Im too weak to move at the moment. Im going to wait here and let her nurse me back to health.  Should only take 12 or 13 months :)

PS: holy fek rip, you made it back in one piece through that ack toejam storm!, WTFG

Offline GA

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Sat TOD "Nothing moves, nothing flies" Frame 2 AAR's
« Reply #9 on: January 27, 2002, 06:02:48 AM »
Hey Gents !!

This event was the best yet of the European TOD;).

My appoliges to Ammo/Funkedup for some missunderstandings!
Ammo called us up (me and Funkedup)on if we should attack!, i thought he was asking if i were planing more mission/atacks for the LW and i said NO.
I didnt know that you were meaning that we all should RTB and dissengage;). Swoop were chaching a spit toward England at this time:).

all was fun TOD.

Offline funkedup

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Sat TOD "Nothing moves, nothing flies" Frame 2 AAR's
« Reply #10 on: January 27, 2002, 02:01:21 PM »
It's no problem GA, just a misunderstanding.  Forget about it.  :)

Offline Swoop

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Sat TOD "Nothing moves, nothing flies" Frame 2 AAR's
« Reply #11 on: January 27, 2002, 04:04:49 PM »
MAG-33 launched 5 190A5s.

We took up a wide patrol arc out over the north sea that completely missed the enemy CV.   Only on the return sweep did we find it.....and it's complement of F6Fs below a cloud layer.   A low furball followed with me telling Rip to hold off.  It all seemed to be over pretty quick with all F6Fs shot down and we circled until Rip's attack.

1 190 lost to F6F guns
1 190 lost to collision
1 190 ditched with damage 25ft short of runway.
2 190s rearmed at A24.

3 or 4 F6Fs shot down.

Cavalear and myself upped again from A24 and made a dash for Calais area.  Once there we spotted some low typhoons RTBing form A17, we bounced and shot down 2, 1 each.  Then Spitfires were reported going past us so we grabbed to meet them and pursued.  1 spitfire was shot down just short of the english coast by Cav.

2 190s RTB'd.

2 Typhoons, 1 Spitfire shot down.

Offline bozon

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Sat TOD "Nothing moves, nothing flies" Frame 2 AAR's
« Reply #12 on: January 28, 2002, 04:16:18 AM »
332nd viking squad AAR:

the frame started with a series of embaressing events I had to explain to DD on the "TOD is 1 life" thread...

when finally up and flying successfully, we headed to our patroll area near the coast near A20.
as we go "feet wet" we spot 4 dots higher then us that had to be bandits. sure enough they turn out to be spits and red and green flights start to tangle with them (more like being BnZed).
I took my flight (blue) and made a flank from the south to come over the spits. we engaged the higher pair co-alt as even more hi spits were arraiving the furball. chasing a spit to the deck I managed to get the kill after some dacing on the ocean waves.
clouds, a guest with the vikings got the second spit, hit another one (white smoke but kept flying) and was killed by the newly arriving spits.

picking up the pieces we were just 3 left.
grabbed some alt and turned back to fight. the spits were gone, but we found some low tiffies the fled on sight. we gave chase, one of the tiffies run into the 56th boys and we couldn't catch the others.

re-arming at A20, GA connects us with 2 surviving members of the 56th (nibbio & solas) and 4 of the AK for a jabo run on A40.
I take us around the british port to avoid acks and fighters, and get safly to A40. we trash the place, exept for the BH which we didn't have the means to destroy and flee back south as the AK escort report multiply contacts.
one of the 56th (nibbio) was lost to ack.

crossing back the french coast we get reports of RAF attack on A17. after fuel and ammo check we decide to go to A17 and fight till the last drop of fuel.
comming over the scene, we find 7 tiffies wasting the last buildings on the field. we dive down and they flee. a furball starts where solas( from the 56th) hits one tiffies oil but is shot down himself. rompa takes a tiffie HO - 4*20mm vs. 4*20mm results in them blasting each other. I furball the other tiffies as I find a spit on my tail. I take him out, and the tiffies are gone.

now fuel is critical, and I hear 2 more spits are low over 17. I dive on them but miss and they try to trap me. both sides must be critical on fuel since they break off same time I do.

safly landed at A17, last viking.

9 190A8 lost
1 190A8 RTB safly
3 spits shot down
1 damaged spit possible kill
all soft targets on A40 destroyed

XO 332nd viking squad
« Last Edit: January 28, 2002, 04:21:52 AM by bozon »
Mosquito VI - twice the spitfire, four times the ENY.

Click!>> "So, you want to fly the wooden wonder" - <<click!
the almost incomplete and not entirely inaccurate guide to the AH Mosquito.