My €0.02:
I like CT. And that's an understatement.
MA radar is awful, terrible for a WWII simulation. Arguably is the worst possible implementation of that kind of system.
Not in CT. You can bounce, you can think, you can setup an engagement....hell, you can even disengage! Leave the radar setup like it is now. I will dispute anyone who says he can't find a fite. Above all, I think radar settings is the single most important issue to make combat different to the one prevailing in MA.
With regards to CV's....Yes I would like to have them modified. Not AI controlled, but I certainly put them away for a long time (if not for the whole tour) if sunk. Besides that, I would put ports in the farthest points of each side. I would make them harder to sink, to compensate for that, but damage inflicted would have to last longer. This way, the strat value of a CV (wether as a launching platform or a mobile ack battery
) would be balanced against the importance (time wise) of its loss.
Talking about base capture, I think it's crucial. I would not play CT if there is no base capture, because it would be a fighter only arena. I like a more complex setup, where you can capture things, grab territory, etc. Just see what happened yesterday nite in D66/A34/A37/A33...
Finally, with regards to planeset: there is no way Japanese planeset can do squat. Allies can rule the engagement almost with any plane. Either P-38, Hellcat, P-47, F4U-1 can dictate the terms of the fite against Tony or George, let alone Zeke. There is no way the Japanese force can counter a combined attack. I mean, a high alt buff force (escorted), is virtually untouchable to Japanese planes. Not a whine, just thinking that N1K2 should be perked at a very very low price.
As a conclusion, my only real problem with CT is connection. Warps can ruin any fight, wether in MA or in CT. But in CT itches more, since it involves more time and thinking.
Cheers, and
CT players!