Good post Sky bax. Correct on all points
Setting my bias against AW aside I must give a small group of players there due credit as they built a program that utilised player made, custom aircraft skins and terrain/ sky textures that was simply fantastic. They've been doing this for four years and this utility had single handedly kept a large part of AW's subscribers somewhat happy with AW (even with dated graphics and all) untill AH and the new WB's flate rate appeared. "SAC" injected new life into an AW "3D" that had aged quickly and with the new variety for scenario applications or every day use it was easier to stay "immersed"
Now AH and WB III won't age as quickly, as AH is under the constant improvement plan and HS has said WB III will do the same, but as suibscribers to AW and now WB III have had a taset at creating variety it will be very hard (IMO) for HTC not to include that capability in the future and compete with that feature.