Author Topic: Short Icon Range and 3D Sound  (Read 620 times)

Offline Sundog

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Short Icon Range and 3D Sound
« on: January 28, 2002, 06:38:05 PM »
Have you guys noticed that with the short icon ranges, you pay more attention to those 3D sounds for SA clues? During last friday's ToD we (Spit IX's) were mixing it up with some 190's over the channel and during the fight, I dove in to cover 10Bears (All I saw initially was 10Bears on a 190's 6-OC firing away) and when I get down to the deck I could hear another plane near me. So I do the 'rock the plane' side to side/hat dance to try and see what the hell is near me and as soon as I get him into view, I see this 190 just begin to open fire. I immediately try to get 10Bears into view to throw him a 6 call (Fortunately, the 190's initial burst missed him :) -) so he goes defensive. Needless to say 10Bears survived (I don't remeber if I got onto that 190's six, it's all a blur and I haven't gone back and watched the film yet :) -)

Then during our second flight over the channel, I am trying to stay relatively high (The rest of our fighters were on the deck again, scrapping with 190's) to cover them, watching what they are doing and looking around trying to keep some SA up while keeping an eye on my squad m8's below. Well, it's hard to do all of that at once, and it turns out there was a 190 that dove down to my blind six and was trying to sneak in fast (Those 190s are great at the quick bounce with their dive speed) but I heard his engine and immediately Split'S-ed, barely saving my hide as the tracers went whizzing by.

All I can say is thanks HTC for adding those 3D sounds, or I would have probably been toasted a couple of times during the last ToD. :)
« Last Edit: January 28, 2002, 06:40:25 PM by Sundog »