Guys, I was reaching with Heston. I was very tired and in a hurry.
Besides, I support the right to bear arms. I just think that the vocal anti-gun people and the vocal pro-gun people are all morons.
Anti-gun wacko: "Duh, guns kills people, it because of guns da murder rate so high in da US. Lookit da guys in Columbine, dey used guns. Dat proves guns is bad and need be banned"
Pro-gun wacko: "Nu-uh, knives kill just as good as guns. If guns ain't available people would just do da same wit knives. Lookit dat mom in Texas, she kilt her kids wit a knife. Dat proves knives is just as deadly!"
Lets see, no guns don't kill people. Guns are not the reason that the murder rate is so high in the US.
Hmm, nope, knives are not as easy to kill with, there is a reason the modern militaries of the world us guns instead of knives and swords.
No single, or few, example(s) means jack toejam in this context. Both sides are lying through their teeth to make it seem they are completely correct and their opposition is evil. If they actually believe the crap they say they're idiots.
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As far as the War on Drugs goes. Dems and Repubs are both fully responsible in my opinion and both guilty of the transgressions against the US Constitution. Look at Bush and Gore's statements regarding drugs in the 2000 campaign. Can you tell a difference? I can't.
I don't think that Reagan caused the hostages to be held in Iran any longer than nessacary. I think those charges are as bogus as the rape accusations against Clinton. I think Clinton and Reagan are both guilty of perjury, Clinton just got caught.
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I made a mistake in my post about religion.
I said "Preach on the street corner, in church, in your home, in the wilderness, ect but do not expect the Government to press your religion on others for you."
The truth is you should be allowed to pray anywhere you want. Anywhere. If anybody says you can't they are wrong. If one of your children comes home and says a teacher told them they couldn't pray at school, that teacher was wrong (I'll see if I can find the relevant ruling later). Children are completely free to pray at school, they are completely free to gather in a prayer group. They are not allowed to lead the school body in a prayer over the PA system because that has the appearance of the school backing that one faith.
The "Teaching about Islam" that was (is?) being don here in CA is absolutely outrageous because of how it was being done. Classes covering major religions are fine, but not when they have children "role-play" praying in a faith's fashion.