Author Topic: Sat TOD - Nothing Moves, Nothing Flys - frame 1 - results  (Read 1786 times)

Offline Gremlin

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Sat TOD - Nothing Moves, Nothing Flys - frame 1 - results
« Reply #30 on: January 31, 2002, 08:51:41 AM »
Originally posted by Ripsnort
Vladd who shot Rip had already been reported as shot down once and was on his second Typhoon when he got Rip.


Vladd, got permission to RTB so that he could he could give me invite privledges for the firebirds.  At the time there were a couple of pilots in our squad not on the squad roster.

Due respect rip, u might consider asking the pilots concerned for an explanation rather than calling on the CM's to adjust score. You were effectively accusing the Allied CO for that frame of cheating.

Although, I don't blame ya m8, all us allied are just dweebs:)

Firebirds, 56 "Fighter" Sqn RAF.
Second Tactical Air Force

"Quid si coelum ruat - 'What if heaven falls?'"

Offline Seeker

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Sat TOD - Nothing Moves, Nothing Flys - frame 1 - results
« Reply #31 on: January 31, 2002, 09:41:27 AM »
214th, is your name Ripsnort?

No? Then you were not being addressed. However, to answer your point, result queiries would be direct to the CM's. Public declamations such as Ripsnort's post with my name in bold text are merely blanket accusations of cheating without having the balls even to say so directly.

I'm still waiting for Ripsnort's address. Do you have it?

Offline Gremlin

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Sat TOD - Nothing Moves, Nothing Flys - frame 1 - results
« Reply #32 on: January 31, 2002, 09:47:54 AM »

I'm sure Rip didn't mean any offence.  He's one of the good guys. So are you.   Surely you can see how at first glance seeing multiple re-ups on the score page would make one see red.  I know it made me flip! Perhaps anyone who re-ups for valid proper resons should be obliged to post in a thread explaining why?
Whadd'ya think CM's.  Would save any mis-understandings l8r.

Lets not have a flame war over this guys, its not worth it.


Offline Seeker

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Sat TOD - Nothing Moves, Nothing Flys - frame 1 - results
« Reply #33 on: January 31, 2002, 10:01:57 AM »

There's already been a public explanation, on this very board, over a week ago, in this thread:

I would have thought any one without an axe to grind would check the facts before making public accusations.

Offline Tilt

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Sat TOD - Nothing Moves, Nothing Flys - frame 1 - results
« Reply #34 on: January 31, 2002, 10:13:44 AM »
Originally posted by 214thCavalier

As a CM I gave both Shane and Seeker permission to reup. Shane was claiming a bug and upon inspection the re arm pad cabin did seem to be distorted. He claimed it to be invisible to him. I took him on his word. I take every one here on their honour until proven otherwise...............

Seeker never took off in either of his "additional" Spitfires. He was trying to spawn as a gunner and  kept upping in the spit either by error or by bug. However he was asking for assistance to get himself to the gunner spot. He then realised (I think) that the gunner spot was on the carrier and found his own way there. Actually I made no arena changes during this episode.

It was I who instructed Vladd to rtb (from the runway) to ensure that Cjay was properly enroled in his squad.

Iron2 volunteered that he had re spawned and asked if it was ok and what should he do........... he augered immediately upon my request to do so.

I logged all of ripsnorts squaddies  re up claims and others with explanations (plus questions re other re ups that to my knowledge were unauthorised or un noted) in the CM forum on the Monday after the TOD in question.

I can state that IMHO all the players listed in that particular list behaved both properly and honourably.

for what its worth

Ludere Vincere

Offline klem

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Sat TOD - Nothing Moves, Nothing Flys - frame 1 - results
« Reply #35 on: January 31, 2002, 01:42:21 PM »

Ref the 'hit the fuel hut and allowed to re-up' can I please have a ruling on pilots breaking their planes on the runway (landing) and 'walking away' with a 'landed safely' message.

We had two pilots with this problem last Saturday and interpreted the rules to mean 'no re-up' and they did the right thing. However, having read many of the previous posts, I would like confirmation of the ruling under these circumstances.



Offline 214thCavalier

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Sat TOD - Nothing Moves, Nothing Flys - frame 1 - results
« Reply #36 on: January 31, 2002, 02:40:35 PM »

After looking throught he Sat Tod results from frame 1, Various results are shown on how a flight ended ie "Mysteriously disappeared", "Lands to refuel/rearm", "Captured by enemy forces" and "Unknown" the latter which presumably covers discos.
Also of particular note is "Shot down"

My reason for posting this is as follows, regarding the "Round table" squad did they realise it was a 1 life event ?
Others may have been at fault as well cant be asked to check but after looking to see who shot our squad down in our bootiful 190f8's i noticed that between 3 of there players, Shane, Iron2 and Seeker they managed to use a total of 7 spitfires after being reported as shot down.
Iron2 was reported as "shot down" twice and was still flying at the end total of 3 spitfires used.
Seeker was reported as "Shot down" once total of 2 spitfires flown.
Shane was reported as "Shot down" twice total of 2 spitfires flown.
Of particular note for Rip, Vladd who shot Rip had already been reported as shot down once and was on his second Typhoon when he got Rip.

Maybe i missed something and this has already been noted and or discussed, but it seems a lot of them aircraft that bounced us were being piloted by ghosts

Note I am assuming of course that discos would be reported as the "Unknown" or "Mysteriously disappeared" options.

SEEKER  no my name is not Ripsnort, yes i have his address but theres not a snowballs chance i will give anybodys email address out without prior permission.

This post was originally posted in our squad page by me as a heads up to Rip over what appeared to be unexplained discrepancies , so i feel perfectly entitled to reply to any comments referring to it.

Rip obviously read it and did a quick copy and paste over here adding his own comment. Which i might add nobody else has taken offence over, but maybe if he took more time over it he could have phrased it better to avoid any risk of offending you.
May i suggest you take a few deep breaths and RELAX.

Shane simply replied explaining what happened, end of query no histrionics or foot stamping involved.
Although regarding Shanes "graphics bug" his own post in this thread explains "the rearm pad was crowded" that aint a bug that was his choice trying to crowd onto it and as such he should not have rolled again. But that has already been discussed in this very thread, he got away with it the CM gave him permission lucky him no problem with it.
Also in this very thread near the top Exile posted the reasons for your apparent reupping, again no problem another discrepancy that the CM's were aware of.
Maybe you should have read the entire thread carefully ?

Did you also miss this section in the original post ?
Maybe i missed something and this has already been noted and or discussed

I put that in for the very reason I was aware i dont know everything that gets posted on this bbs,  a simple yes it has been here is the thread would have worked great, which i see you have now posted anyway.
Cm's made the decisions and stand by them, thats good enough for me.
In the original post I also mentioned I was looking to see who shot us down, noted some apparent discrepancies and said others may have been at fault as well but i cant be asked to check, guess what the Vikings arrived :)
Now i dont expect anybody to be perfect not Rip , nor you, well maybe me :) not even the CM's especially when we have a lot of new CM's learning the ropes.
It is unfortunate that Rips Highlighting started with your name i guess but i would not read anything into that as he just started highlighting at the start of the line.
So to end everything had already been explained and debated before you took offence, have a drink, relax and get ready for another fun flight on Saturday !
Ah i see the deviation from the absolute rule of if you break it your out, has prompted Klem to request clarification re if you break your plane on landing can we reup ?
Klem the answer until now has always been a resounding NO!
I suspect it will rightly remain so as the idea is to try and  make the Tods a more realistic and intense experience than your average night in the MA.
Break it your out has to be applied but by all means ask the duty CM to give a ruling you may get lucky :)
Balls of steel and deaf ears is a prerequisite for a CM position :)
Although i still think a mass Fubar at frame roll has to be a CM call as it would affect the experience detrimentally for everybody involved. Just be sure to ask them.

Offline Blue Mako

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Sat TOD - Nothing Moves, Nothing Flys - frame 1 - results
« Reply #37 on: January 31, 2002, 04:18:05 PM »
Originally posted by Exile
Everyone accounted for except Buzzbait ... not sure what to do with that guy. ;)

And me!  I'm not shown on the score page for the 412th.  I was there, honest!  ;)

[EDIT]  I just found myself listed under MAG-33.  They had initially ofered me a spot before Midnight signed up the 412th so I guess that's why.
« Last Edit: January 31, 2002, 04:25:46 PM by Blue Mako »

Offline klem

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Sat TOD - Nothing Moves, Nothing Flys - frame 1 - results
« Reply #38 on: January 31, 2002, 04:24:38 PM »
Thank you 214thCavalier for the clarification.

Reading through the threads it becomes hard to detect where people have deliberately tried it on. Who could predict the rocket incident (did he buy a round?) and would the frame have benefitted from leaving them dead and out? I doubt it. It was hardly KIA was it? I wonder though about a second bomb dropping incident (if I understood that correctly). Once is unfortunate, twice is ..........

Seeing several re-ups in the scores definitely gets the blood boiling when you've seen your own buddies voluntarily take the walk after breaking their plane even though 'landed safely', so I guess CMs have to expect these inquests. I just ask you to carefully record re-up requests etc. and any side not keeping to the rules/decisions on the night should be HEAVILY penalised. Also when, say,  one guy is refused a re-up after a lockup within T+45 ( permitted on the night ) but someone else is allowed to re-up  because he ploughed through the fuel shack (just an example) it means that CMs must be determined and consistent in applying the rules.

the CMs though for their great work in setting these things up and managing them. I can't be easy when it's hot and running.

Hope to be in the next frame.


Offline Exile

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Sat TOD - Nothing Moves, Nothing Flys - frame 1 - results
« Reply #39 on: January 31, 2002, 05:37:22 PM »
Originally posted by Blue Mako

And me!  I'm not shown on the score page for the 412th.  I was there, honest!  ;)

[EDIT]  I just found myself listed under MAG-33.  They had initially ofered me a spot before Midnight signed up the 412th so I guess that's why.

Your sorties are now showing with your squad.

I just checked the roster for the 412th and it's empty. Could you remind Midnight to get everyone on there for the frame this weekend?


Offline Blue Mako

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Sat TOD - Nothing Moves, Nothing Flys - frame 1 - results
« Reply #40 on: January 31, 2002, 07:58:47 PM »
I have sent an email to Midnight asking just that.

Exile, you are a gentleman and a scholar, thank you for putting up with us.  :cool:

Offline Vladd

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Sat TOD - Nothing Moves, Nothing Flys - frame 1 - results
« Reply #41 on: February 01, 2002, 03:11:59 PM »
Originally posted by Ripsnort
Of particular note for Rip, Vladd who shot Rip had already been reported as shot down once and was on his second Typhoon when he got Rip.

As alluded to, I had CM permission to exit plane very soon after launch because we had a squaddie sitting in the tower who had not been 'officially' invited into the SEA squad. I was the only one with invite privs and Tilt told me to exit and invite him in.

No one shot me down.


Offline Flossy

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Sat TOD - Nothing Moves, Nothing Flys - frame 1 - results
« Reply #42 on: February 01, 2002, 03:34:11 PM »
Originally posted by Vladd
As alluded to, I had CM permission to exit plane very soon after launch because we had a squaddie sitting in the tower who had not been 'officially' invited into the SEA squad. I was the only one with invite privs and Tilt told me to exit and invite him in.
Just had a thought about that.... why was it necessary to exit to invite someone to the squad?  I thought a .sqdinvite GameID could be done anywhere?  Don't have to be on the ground like we did in AW....  ;)
Flossy {The Few}
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