Author Topic: New CT planeset  (Read 892 times)

Offline Pepe

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« on: February 03, 2002, 05:51:23 PM »
As usually, I'm having a blast there. CT team for the hard work!

I think this planeset is going to attract more people to CT than ever. Notwithstanding this, I hope you don't flame me too much if I say a couple of things:

  • This planeset shows (at least to me) that Axis planes are MUCH more difficult to fly, at least for me, they are. My personal experience on this is: 3 hours flying Axis....2.87 perks. 1 hour as Allied....12 Perks. That hour includes some 30 minutes of jabo flying, with little chance to kill any plane.
  • I think Zeke should be available at any axis field. It's really the only plane that can TnB with Spitfires. And (correct me If I'm wrong) weren't they land based at any moment of WWII?
  • I can't understand La5 unperked. I put it on the same league as YakU is. Sure they are pretty hard to aim, but they catch up with anything up to 12-15k, roll like mad, run like hell, and climb like a G-10.
  • I would lower G-10 to 1 perk. These things can run, but they can't hit squat when fast. And when they are low, they are easy preys for La's
  • I would unperk F4U-1D and P38. They are nice allround planes, but they need a pilot behind the stick.
  • I would perk SpitfireV 1 point. They are EVERYWHERE.
  • Connections had been GREAT! all day long. :D

These are my first impressions after some hours flying new CT.

CT Pilots!


Offline Saintaw

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« Reply #1 on: February 04, 2002, 06:38:50 AM »
I like it too :D
Note: Still gives too many points for field capture. was able to afford an Arado () after capturing two fields.
(That was Sunday 13:00 GMT)
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Offline Lephturn

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« Reply #2 on: February 04, 2002, 08:58:31 AM »
I like the fights, hate the field capture.

Was in on Sunday evening, only 10 or so folks on.  Everybody was up in one corner where two fields were close to each other with a CV in the middle.  There were enemy at the field, but I upped anyway, got vulched.  Upped again, got vulched.  Apparently they had killed all the guns.  Ok, so I went to the CV, got going in an F6F and killed a few bad guys.  Got surprised by a few baddies due to the reduced icons, but escaped with my skin.  It was good scraps, all of them.

Ok, so I figure I'll try the field again... nope, get up and going and get vulched.  Sigh.  Ok, back to the CV... nope they Kamikazied that too.  So it's pop up from the vulched field, or fly a 1/2 hour to get to a fight.  Therefore, the Allies mostly logged.  I suppose it's easier to take the field if everybody logs out.  :rolleyes:  With the small numbers we have in the CT, I find the field capture just a waste of time.  All the Axis did was encourage all the Allies to log out.  It worked.

On the up side, I went back to the MA and had a few great fights with a really decent Spit IX pilot versus my Jug with superior E.  Best fights I've had all week. :)  (Helps that I won them of course.)  ;)

Offline Furious

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« Reply #3 on: February 04, 2002, 10:36:18 AM »

What you are seeing, in my opinion, is the result of a to damn large map.  Instead of everyone fighting on the same front, half of each team is either milkrunning 100’s of miles away or defending against the milkers.  

It’s a combat theater, but a lot of folks want nothing to do with combat.

I think reducing rebuild times would be of huge benefit as well.  This means if its not a mission that a large number of your side is backing, you aint gonna take property. Make it so some idiot in a mossie or C-hog, can’t kill the town auger and then fly in troops.  It would also prevent the ½ hour field vultches, as the fields ack would be back up in 5 min.


Offline Tac

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« Reply #4 on: February 04, 2002, 10:57:48 AM »
Yeah, CT rebuild times should be lowered as far as ACKS and TOWN is concerned.

Towns should take twice the damage they take now.

Offline Hangtime

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« Reply #5 on: February 04, 2002, 03:16:51 PM »
Agreed.. I fly allied, and the two times i was on on sunday, i found it no problem at all to shut down a4's acks and camp over the runway. Unlike Lepts experince, i was the vultcher rather than the vultchee, and we were successful in capturing the field.. unlike the LW. ;)

Later in the evening I logged on and found a14 under threat from milkrunners.. bad negative connotation in that... they were determined to capture, I was determnined to not let em. What developed was a 3 hour running battle with low numbers.. 2v2,  1v2, 3v2; etc and I had and absolute blast, getting some of the best dogfights I've had in years.. at one point manx and I were pinned on the deck in a low valley below the end of a16's runway in ponies with angry LW commin at us for 40 min.. again, was great fights.

Cutting back field regen and ack regen times will kill the 'milkrunning'.. making a field capture a 3 man job unopposed, and almost impossible opposed. This might be a good thing... but I just proved that one defender can stop a milkrun capture on the current settings... the defender just needs to be alert and correctly identify the milkrunners target.

The challenge for a milkrunner with the current settings is to get onto his target and knock it out in one sortie without EVER getting above 500ft agl.. even at the target. Not an easy task... or the place woulda been reset 4 times already. ;)

I'm enjoying this CT camp so far too... will be intresting to see it develop as the week goes on.

More than anything else, the perked p51d is my biggest gripe... gotta get three kills in it to break even each sortie. For the first time in years I find myself concerned with actually landing the plane after a sortie, just to save the perkies. Henh. forced scorecard flying. Bah! ;)

No worries tho... when i run outta perkies, i grab a mossie, HO everything in sight, buildings, chutes, FW's, 109's, ju88's, hangars.... and wallah! Perkies!!  hehehhe.. perk point dweebification. :)

So far.. I'm havin a great time.. great fights.. and a minimum of aggravation. A godsend after the kiddie MA.

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Offline Lephturn

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« Reply #6 on: February 04, 2002, 05:05:27 PM »
Agreed Hang, reducing the regen time ont he fields would help a lot.  I was willing to get vulched... for a while.  I'd go someplace else for a few minutes or run a vehicle or something, until the acks come back up if they come up pretty fast.

Offline Karnak

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« Reply #7 on: February 04, 2002, 05:10:23 PM »

I don't think the Spit V needs to be perked, just lower its ENY.  Because its ENY is 30 everybody and his uncle is using it to get perk points so they can fly their P-38s, P-47D-30s, P-51Ds and Spit IXs.
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Offline Wotan

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« Reply #8 on: February 04, 2002, 05:15:54 PM »
imho the spit ix shouldn't be perked either or the p38 or the dhog.

Personally I'd rather fight spit ixs the vs....:)

Offline Vortex

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« Reply #9 on: February 04, 2002, 06:32:11 PM »
I think you guys probably want to keep some level of perks on the big US jabo's. Granted in a strict fighter vs fighter picture they're not really that superior to what the Axis has. Where they are leaps and bounds ahead though is in the attack role. The Axis really doesn't have anything comparible.

Heck, in many respects the Jug packs more effective punch than the only Axis buff. As an example one fully loaded D25 or 30 can easily flatten a town. A Ju88 can do it too, but he's got to make each egg count and he'll take longer doing it to be sure. Also he's not going to strafe many buildings with those 7.7mm's if a few of those little eggs miss their mark.

I'd tend to look at the US iron that way. There really is a big discrepancy between Axis and Allies wrt to this one area of Attack and Bomber a/c. In light of that the perks are probably a good idea. Milk running bases from the Allied side is pretty easy now as it is. One person can do it easily, moreso without perks (take Jug..or insert any US jabo here..., flatten town, auger, get goon, capture). At least with perks there is a cost, albeit really small.

My two bits anyway.

« Last Edit: February 04, 2002, 06:34:31 PM by Vortex »
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Offline Seeker

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« Reply #10 on: February 04, 2002, 10:50:04 PM »
You want to perk the Spit V at the same level as the G-10?

You want us to fly with one arm behind our backs too? Need a box to stand on, or something?

Offline Karnak

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« Reply #11 on: February 05, 2002, 01:14:09 AM »

You're overly dismissive of the other Western Allied nation.  Typhoons and Mosquito VIs also far outdo the German Jabos.

The Allies have the F4U-1C, F4U-1D, F4U-4, F6F-5, Mosquito Mk VI, P-38L, P-47D-25, P-47D-30, P-51D and Typhoon Mk Ib arrayed against the Fw190F-8, which doesn't even have its full loadout potential, and N1K2-J.  Even with its full potention the Fw190F-8 is only second rate compared to most of those.

Maybe a Bf110G, Ki102 or Me410B would balance the situation some, but even those don't match the Allied toys.  The Allies simply outmatched the Axis in the Fighter/Bomber role.
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Offline Vortex

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« Reply #12 on: February 05, 2002, 02:37:13 AM »
Agree fully Karnak.

Although I quite like this format, the jabo and buff discrepancy is one that might be a bit of a headache. I can't say for sure though as I haven't spent a ton of time in there as yet. If the arena gains popularity and more numbers role in I can see the discrepancy possibly causing some problems. After all a couple allied planes , in an attack role, can do what it would take 3-4 Axis planes to do.

Hopefully it doesn't become an issue. Although I'd think it more likely to become one if the perk points were removed completely from the big allied jabo's.

The Musketeers, circa 1990

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Offline Pepe

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« Reply #13 on: February 05, 2002, 02:52:25 AM »
Originally posted by Seeker
You want to perk the Spit V at the same level as the G-10?

You want us to fly with one arm behind our backs too? Need a box to stand on, or something?


The single most important issue (for me) is Zeke availability on land bases. If you read my post, you will see that is the second point, just below my personal impressions on current planeset. That's hardly asking for a box....wait a minute...arent they wooden made?...maybe your right after all  ;)

The rest of the points, perks et al, are some thoughts about perk weights in current system when confronted against easyness of use and/or raw power. IMHO, CT wants to balance sides, something that, again IMHO, is not achieved. I think it's not unreasonable to perk G-10 equal to La5, especially bearing in mind that almost every fight in CT is under 15k. Same with N1K2 with respect to SpitIX. AND (and again ;)) axis need Zeke available at land bases to fite SpitV.

