Author Topic: TOD: Big Show - Frame 3 AARs  (Read 597 times)

Offline ghostdancer

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TOD: Big Show - Frame 3 AARs
« on: February 09, 2002, 12:30:48 AM »
Nightmares VMF-101 were tasked with defending A20 from RAF attacks. So we upped 22 pilots in bf109-G2s from A20 climbed to altitude and established a screen just north of A20.

Meanwhile Pyrom and and I headed straight toward A40 to try to scout out the enemy positions. We reported radar contacts but somehow avoided actually encountering any RAF forces until we doubled back from the English coast back toward our base A20.

At this time the Nightmares VMF-101 engaged Spitfires over by A20 and A19 area. From what we could tell their was massive fighting over there that also involved the LJK, 13th TAS, and 412th.

We spotted low dots on our way back north of A20 and APDrone also encountered these 7 low dots and reported they were Typhoons. We engaged them and watched as they dumped ordinance as we 3 109s screamed in. I shot up one Typhoon badly while APDrone bagged another one and got an assist on another. Two Typhoons closed on me and nailed my oil but Pyroman took them off my tail and I head for home. APDrone got overwhelmed and died and I ended up ditching just off the coast of France around A21. Pyroman landed later at A19 but had a prop strike and had to deplane.

Meanwhile 5 out of the other 20 Nightmares were still up. We had 2 other ditches, 1 crash, and 2 disconnects.

Our dead pilots gunned for the 457th and things were scary over there. DRILL kept asking command about any escorts and got no answer. Seems the 412th were wiped out and there were none left online to answer his queries. So 457th were about 4 sectors out with no escorts.

The surviving Nightmares 4 (1 disconnected out of 5), 3 12th TAS, and 4 LJK tried to beat back several more attacks around A19. LJK lost another 2 pilots. After this the Nightmares and LJK landed and refueled and then raced to link up with the buffs at around A40 area. 13th TAS were hitting their secondary objective.

Meaning the 457th and SBM went in alone in their unescorted JU88s against the RAF radar installation and airfields. Near the RAF radar facility we spotted low Typhoons but the JU88s were able to hit the radar facility and A41 before the Typhoons got up to alt. Around A40 the Typhoons came screaming in .. 4 Nightmare fighters showed up around this time and did their best to keep the JU88s alive .. bagging maybe 4 enemy planes in defending the JU88s but all 4 would die in defending the buffs.

I smoked one Typhoon and shot up another as the gunner for BgMAW but we lost one engine and I think might have taken a fuel hit. We ran out of fuel off the coast of France but BgMAW managed to ditch just past the beach near A21 in France.

DRILL reported that the radar facility, A41 and A40 were all hit with A40 he believed hit very hard. I counted 7 hits on the radar facility but had no idea about A41. But DRILL also reported that he thought only 1 JU88 made it back to base and maybe 2 ditched.


So here are the stats for the Nightmares fighter part of the night:

KIA = 14


RLD = 2 kills, 1 assist
stink1 = 2 kills
Concho = 1 kill, 2 assists
KiDFury = 1 kill, 2 assists
APDrone = 1 kill, 1 assist
GhstDncr = 1 kill
Pyroman = 1 assist
« Last Edit: February 09, 2002, 12:34:50 AM by ghostdancer »
X.O. 29th TFT, "We Move Mountains"
CM Terrain Team

Offline Blue Mako

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TOD: Big Show - Frame 3 AARs
« Reply #1 on: February 09, 2002, 05:21:12 AM »
412th AAR

The 412th were 6 strong (BLUEmako, se, iron2, bearkat, SHOVELHD and Nefari) and launched 190A5's from A19.  After the acting CO (me) and another pilot were discod at launch we had to work hard to form up so we headed away from the danger zone to the NE while grabbing altitude and trying to assemble into a flight.  As we reached 20k we had mixed reports of spits and low typhoons mixing it up with our friendly planes.  One of our pilots jumped the gun and turned into the fray so, not wanting to leave a squadron mate to his fate we all turned in.  In the ensuing fight we bagged at least 4 spits (2 for me) and a typhoon (Nefari) without loosing any planes.  1 pilot reported a landing gear malfunction due to battle damage and elected to continue his flight until he ran out of fuel, defending the fatherland to the last drop of petrol in his tanks (iron2, bagged 2 spits total).

Having refuelled, we took off again, now 5 planes.  We headed for the enemy coast, as we did so we passed a large gaggle of enemy planes.  Correctly guessing that it was a mixed fighter force, we continued on hoping to find bombers.  Instead we found a large co-alt force of spits and typhs.  After a brave but reckless decision by the acting CO, we dove into the fray.  We were mixed up in a large furball when the first gaggle of fighters returned.  Obviously the ground controllers had decided that we were too much of a threat to the spits so they turned the outbound fighter force back to us as well.  Now hopelessly outnumbered, we soon fell to the sheer weight of numbers, unfortunately without any confirmed kills.

Final tally:

6 aircraft lost

5 destroyed
Several damaged
Many more enemy pilots requiring change of underwear

Offline Sancho

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TOD: Big Show - Frame 3 AARs
« Reply #2 on: February 09, 2002, 06:46:32 AM »
56FG launched from A41 in Spitfire Mk IX fighters.  Our task was to sweep A20 airdrome.  Enemy contact was made very early with 14-15 Me-109.  More enemy dots were seen to the south and east.  The 109s we engaged were already beating up on the FDBs.  A frenzied dogfight ensued.

Our fighters were holding our own until a high group of enemy 190s joined in and began BnZ'ing.  We didn't last long at that point as there were at least 2 or 3 enemy to each spit.  I'm proud of how well we flew considering the odds.  It was fun battle.   LW

  • Ammo: 2 Me-109 destroyed, 2 Me-109 damaged, captured
  • Sancho: 1 109 destroyed, 2 109s damaged, landed
  • Nomde: 2 109 destroyed, 2 109s damaged, KIA
  • Pollock: 2 109 damaged, KIA
  • Oblittoo: 1 109 assist, captured
  • CFIT: 1 109 damaged, KIA

Total: 5 e/a destroyed, 10 e/a damaged, 5 aircraft and pilots lost

Question:  Enemy icons were visible out to 6km.  When was that change made to TOD rules?

Offline Sandman

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« Reply #3 on: February 09, 2002, 10:02:55 AM »
Had three people show up for the SBM... Rogwar, Killjoy and myself.

On take off, I assume that Rogwar discoed. He never came back.

So... it's me and Killjoy, alone and unafraid. We decide to ingress to the target low level, a thirty foot sea skimming ride across the channel towards the English radar fac.

Early on, we picked up a pair of gunners, MrKil and Jakar.

Approximately 15 miles out from the radar fac, we climbed up for our bomb run. Limited effect and BDA appears to be minimal.

Killjoy (and the gunners) suggested making another pass, but I decided against it. The radar fac was an alternative target and not on our primary hit list. Press on, I say.

Got about 10 miles away from the radar fac before the tiffies descended on us and took us apart.

Primary Objective: No damage
Secondary Objective: No damage
Alternative Objective: Minimal damage
Aircraft lost: Two (2) JU-88

Offline Steven

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TOD: Big Show - Frame 3 AARs
« Reply #4 on: February 09, 2002, 11:22:04 AM »
It started out such a beautiful day!

Four Spitfires out for a leisurely cruise at 15K enjoying the sights of the European coast when a bunch of Luftwaffe hoodlum bullies arrived.

I tried to turn away and give them passage but they (being bullies) weren't going to pass up their chance to pick on a smaller force.

However, all is not for naught because it was a nice time of year for a swim and fish BBQ.

Offline Raubvogel

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TOD: Big Show - Frame 3 AARs
« Reply #5 on: February 09, 2002, 11:31:12 AM »
Everything was going well until I got killed by what was apparently Wonder Woman's invisible jet.

Offline Maverick

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TOD: Big Show - Frame 3 AARs
« Reply #6 on: February 09, 2002, 11:52:06 AM »
Originally posted by Raubvogel
Everything was going well until I got killed by what was apparently Wonder Woman's invisible jet.

It couldn't have been Wonder Woman. We all already know that NO woman wil have ANYTHING to do with you!!!!   :D

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