A good idea might be to ask one of the "hot sticks" can you sit in on one of their sorties using the .join command...ull see first hand the techniques they use. Im sure they would answer any questions u might have.
The best way to learn though is experience..If your killed ask yorself why u were and see what might have prevented it. Take each plane at a time, I suggest the P51 because if u do get into trouble with a bit of alt u can just point the nose down and outrun them (except another P51 that is).
Find out each planes good and bad points. The 51 has an ordinary climb rate and if u loose too much speed in a turn fight at low level ur shrecked, but, in a dive it retains its ability to turn and locks up well after others so is excellent for lightning fast strikes against low cons. If a con spots u and begins to break dont be tempted to follow him down and waste all ur e...especially if he has buddies below or ur near an enemy base...try put a few on his tail and reclimb using the speed u built up. Give yourself a minimum alt to not go below and if u feel the need dont be afraid to run from the combat area gain some alt and start to make runs again. U have a lot of fuel so take your time.
Always try to enter a fight with an altitude advantage. It gives you so many more options. You control the fight and should hoard it. eg. You make a run at a con and miss, as you reclimb hes following u up...presuming you have read his e state correctly (speed) he will have no chance of catching you. What to do here is as he approaches stall loop over and come down on him..timed right u should catch him almost at a stand still. Its these little tricks of seeing what advantage u have over a guy and putting it to use effectivly that will win fights.
Target selection is also important. Dont climb to a fight with a fast spit..he will rip u a new one in a second if hes anyway good. In predator terms pick the weakest prey. ie. slow and doesnt see you comin. This requires patience, positioning and keeping your head on a swivel, jumping on a con that chasing a friendly or coming after him as he climbs out of his run is a great way to get kills, they are slow and are so fixated they never see it coming. Be careful though, even if your flying happy and high at 22k there could be someone with a greater advantage stalking you..constantly check your 6 or next thing you know Ypsilon will thunder out of the strtosphere in his moon rocket and make you weep like a woman
Ive been playing online sims for about 4 months. At the start i reaked but with time, learning from mistakes and gaining from success I improved. Its like your man said.."if u can keep your head while those about u loose theirs ull top the AH score board"...quote maybe a bit wrong there