Author Topic: Starting with simple maps  (Read 1021 times)

Offline Hawk52

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Starting with simple maps
« on: February 15, 2002, 07:13:02 AM »'s the deal. Just started working with the Editor, have no problem getting, placing fields, etc. on the map.

The problem I'm running into is I can't get them to my map list once I'm done.:mad:

Makes the 3 finished files, Icopy to my Aceshigh/terrians dir. and nothing is there when I pull up "load Terrian"

Is there something I'm missing that's not in the direction ?

Offline NUTTZ

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Re: Starting with simple maps
« Reply #1 on: February 15, 2002, 02:23:07 PM »
Once you make a map and save it in the editor, it creates a .Res file. Lets say your map is named "Donna" It makes a file called Donna.res in the editor folder, you must copy that file and paste it in your HTC terrains folder. Then when you play AH offline you will be able to see it in the clipboard, under setup/ terrains.

Goto your HTC folder and look where there is other .Res files and place the one from the Terrain editor folder.


Originally posted by Hawk52's the deal. Just started working with the Editor, have no problem getting, placing fields, etc. on the map.

The problem I'm running into is I can't get them to my map list once I'm done.:mad:

Makes the 3 finished files, Icopy to my Aceshigh/terrians dir. and nothing is there when I pull up "load Terrian"

Is there something I'm missing that's not in the direction ?

Offline Hawk52

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Starting with simple maps
« Reply #2 on: February 16, 2002, 08:20:57 AM »
Thanks for the replay Nuttz...but that's what I've done.
deleted file from HTC dir. and did the whole process again just to make sure.  Still nothing:(

Would the Path have anything to do with it ?
IE, the instruction refer to HTC/aceshigh/terrains...I have mine in
Aceshigh/terrians (no HTC) I have no problem getting maps from other players online or from HTC main Download page. Just have problem with the ones I make.

Any more Idea's ?

Offline pokie

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Starting with simple maps
« Reply #3 on: February 16, 2002, 09:55:32 AM »
Hello Hawk52

They say a picture's worth 1000 words.

Is this what you are doing?


Offline Hawk52

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Starting with simple maps
« Reply #4 on: February 16, 2002, 04:35:22 PM »
Yep...that's what I'm doin Pokie...but nothing comes up on my Terrian list in setup.
Gota be missing something simple.
Can make the map, build it, saves and makes ".res" file correctly, copy it to aceshigh/terrains, check to make sure it's there (it is)
But No work, Nothing, Nada in my terrian list in offline or H2H.

More input please....thanks for the response

"you can't trick or out run death, but you can make him work for it"

Offline pokie

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Starting with simple maps
« Reply #5 on: February 16, 2002, 05:05:37 PM »
The only thing I can think of right now Hawk52, is how about sending all the files from the Folder (same name as your .res file) in the Editor/terrain and let me look at it.


Offline pokie

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« Reply #6 on: February 16, 2002, 05:17:45 PM »
I just thought of something.

1) How many xxxx.res maps do you have in your Aces High/terrain folder

2) try opening up your "curterr.cfg" file located in your C:\Program Files\HTC\Aces High\settings Folder using notepad.  Change the name of the terrain thats there to the one you made to see if the game will load it on start up.

Note! if this fails ( meaning the game gets an error or chokes up )you'll need to open the curterr.cfg file again and rename the terrain back to the original name or delete the curterr.cfg file.


Offline hitech

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« Reply #7 on: February 16, 2002, 06:12:11 PM »
Is it posible you have aceshigh 2 places on you computer?

Offline Hawk52

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« Reply #8 on: February 16, 2002, 06:30:10 PM »
Ok pokie...edited the Curterr.cfg file and that at least got me to the map. it flew ok, but still can't get it in the list.

there are 65 .res files in my terrians dir.

I only have aceshigh in one place, but double checked anyway.

Next idea  

thanks for ur help

Offline pokie

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« Reply #9 on: February 16, 2002, 06:50:33 PM »
65 :eek:

Maybe thats the limit that the game file can see?

Try moving a couple of .res files out of the terrain folder and then see if your terrain shows up.


Offline Hawk52

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« Reply #10 on: February 17, 2002, 06:54:41 AM »
Moved about a 1/2 dozen flies, that didn't work either.
Map loads if I manually edit curterr.cfg, the only thing weird is it use my orginal bmp drawing for the clip bd, and not the map generated by the terrian editor.

another note...if I rename a file, it also will not load in the setup that normal.

Seem to me like a path statement somewhere, But where ?

Offline hitech

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« Reply #11 on: February 17, 2002, 10:21:30 AM »
You can not rename the file. What is the file name you are working with?

Offline pokie

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« Reply #12 on: February 17, 2002, 10:27:32 AM »
Of all the .res files you have in the AcesHigh/terrain folder (besides the one you built), are any of them ones that you:

A) downloaded from others over internet and placed manual.
B) From the HTC terrain download page.
C) or have all of them been download by connecting to a game that was being run online.

the only thing weird is it use my orginal bmp drawing for the clip bd, and not the map generated by the terrian editor

When the Editor makes your Map it is in 24bit colour and it is named Map.bmp.  
You need to rename this to the terrain name and change it to 256colour.

Once the .res file is made you can not rename it.  

1) If you want to use a different name for your terrain then you need to rename all the files that the editor uses to make the .res file.  Like the .TYP, .ELV, .OBA....ETC

2) The names of your terrain can't be more than 8 characters long.

3) I know you can use a "-" in the terrain name like ( Pokie-1.res ) but if memory servers me you can't use "." ( period ) and I bet some of the others like ! @ # $ % etc would give problems.

4) You should never make changes to any terrain after the .res file has been name and played with others.  This will cause problems for people joining your H2H ( or even you ) if they have an older version of the same terrain name.
Solution is to give 7 characters to you terrain, then you could add a letter or number at the end for the updated version. BadLnd1.res, BadLnd1a.res are the same terrain except 1a had the new tiles and a couple of more bases added.


Offline BenDover

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« Reply #13 on: February 17, 2002, 10:49:40 AM »
something i've notice since the last update to aces high is that when 'client' has a different version of a map to 'server', and 'client' trys to join 'server', he CTDs, thats how i know if there was a different version of a map.

is this intentional??

Offline pokie

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« Reply #14 on: February 17, 2002, 08:10:15 PM »
I don't know BenDover.

I haven't connected with different version terrain in a long time.

Maybe HiTech will answer that.
