Author Topic: just wanted to say...  (Read 502 times)

Offline Kronos

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just wanted to say...
« on: February 15, 2002, 12:12:03 PM »
Had some of the toughest fights in the CT arena today.  Flying around in my P47D11 and along comes Naso in a G10.  I think we evened out the day as a tie, 2 and 2, but one of those I was in a tempest.  We had a fight that lasted for 25 minutes.  Starting at 15K, about 5 min's into it we were down to 10K, then a little later 5K, then finishing out on the deck.  We had so many reversals it was amazing, and at the last we were doing both of us about 120 mi. an hour stall fighting in a scissors about 10 ft. off the ground.  It was a wonder neither one of us crashed.  I was on the defensive mostly, with Naso winning the higher ground early on in the fight, but I tried not to give him a clear 6 shot when i could.  I got lucky in the end, he ran out of cannon, and I got a snapshot which wounded his pilot.  However, he had nailed me a bunch with MG's.  Lucky the P47 is a tough bird.   Later in another fight he nailed my wing, tried to rtb it but crashed on landing, but as he was already ded from another con, he didnt get the kill.  I gave him credit though.  :D

Unfortunately, we were so busy tangling with the other, we forgot to film the 25 min. escapade.  It would have made a good show.  :(

It really shows how fun a fight can get when 2 pilots of roughly equal skill play to their plane's strengths and try not to make a mistake.

Offline Udie at Work

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just wanted to say...
« Reply #1 on: February 15, 2002, 01:04:33 PM »
I had a good fight the other night.  I was in a 109g10 at about 28k flying across the channel.  I spotted a furball below and started looking for straglers.   I had "quarantined" :D a spit and 2 p51's SE of the furball and they were after me, but I was about 5k higher than them.   I fought for position to get a good shot at one of them, trying to keep the other 2 in sight.  After about 10 min of dancing I finaly had a good shot at 2 of them that stalled out following me in a spiral climb.   Just as I get the spit lined up and start to press the trigger I get nailed with a burst of 50 cal that kept going 3 seconds after I was in the tower.

 Dag nabits!  there's always one you didn't see!   I think it was a p47 or a p51 because it was a massive ammount of lead he put in me.   The whole fight I was thinking how good I was at the SA game :rolleyes:

Offline Karaya

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just wanted to say...
« Reply #2 on: February 15, 2002, 01:57:57 PM »
CT rules.

Offline Kronos

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on another note...
« Reply #3 on: February 15, 2002, 04:45:23 PM »
Did a tempest flight with Furzy and Asw441 tonite too.  WAS an absolute blast.  3 tempests buzzing around cons dropping em right and left.  I died with 3 kills trying to rtb a broken right wing, furzy landed with 2 kills and a busted rudder i think, and asw441 bailed with 3 kills after having his right wing broken in half aswell.  Was an awesome friday in the CT all around!

Offline NUTTZ

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just wanted to say...
« Reply #4 on: February 15, 2002, 05:27:37 PM »
Yea, some great fights. I am doing HORRIBLE in the LW rides, I sure wish Nath, or Fester would give me some lessons.

The Axis Vs. Allied arena is really different and the advantages and disadvantages of each ride are more noticable.
