Author Topic: F6F is the BOMB  (Read 204 times)

Offline Gorf

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F6F is the BOMB
« on: February 17, 2002, 11:38:16 PM »
Hail all,
Just flew f6f for the very first time.. mainly a P47/HurricanIIC fan.  
The one plane that annoys me the most is the SPit and NIK.. everyone flyies it seems like and the sucker out turns anything it seems like along with the NIK.

Well normally if there are lots o spits I take the HurriIIC and kick some SPit bellybutton due to it out turns/hangs ..then the SPit can.(At least what I have seen) Die a lot but I am almost always 1 for 1, usually more with the HurrIIC.  Personnaly I would rather fly US Steel against them but we really dont have anything that can hang with it.  UNTILL I flw the F6F and WOW might I say this puppy can hang with a Spit..90% of the time.  me and a my wingman went into a Furball of SPit'n Spits and each racked up 4..he had 5 kills before we limped home.  We were barely holding our planes together but if anyone wants a US steel plane to take on a SPIT.. HIGHLY recommend the F6F.  Slowly learning things NOT to due with a Hellcat but man this thing is a blast to fly.


Offline 214thCavalier

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F6F is the BOMB
« Reply #1 on: February 18, 2002, 05:38:04 AM »
Blasting into a furball where they have many cons to track and a majority of spit pilots being noobs tend to get target fixated is one thing, meeting a coE spit with a decent pilot is totally different.
At normal combat alts the spit turns better,  accelerates a LOT faster, climbs much faster and carries cannons.
F6F-5 rolls faster and initial acceleration in a dive is faster, if you can get 1.2k in front once you reach max speed you will get away IF the spit has no room to dive after you.
You had better make sure any snap shots you get hammer home because you are not likely to get many chances.

However it would appear from your stats that you may be on some pretty strong drugs as currently it shows you only being 2 for 1 in the F6F-5.

Your current tour, 2 kills of Spit9 while in P47D
Zero kills of SpitV or seafire.
Your kills this tour in F6F-5 are 1 C47a and 1 N1k2.

If your stats as posted by HTC on this site are incorrect I am willing to hear the explanation, but until then i choose to treat your claims as a vivid dream that you may soon awake from.

Offline Gorf

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F6F is the BOMB
« Reply #2 on: February 19, 2002, 10:44:45 AM »
That is odd that the Server did no register the kills, the only thing odd about the flight was that I was about 6 miles out from base and my ISP bombed on me?

Offline Gorf

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F6F is the BOMB
« Reply #3 on: February 19, 2002, 11:12:54 AM »
umm.  I just checked my stats and It does show the 4 kills and 4 spits dead.  I have not flown that plane since the post.  Plus I have messed with stats, how can you tell what type of plane I killed with what type of plane???  Just curious due to I cannot due it.

OH as for Co alt different story.. I agree it is different but F6F can still hold its own.. its all 70% pilot 30% plane.  In Warbirds there was an amazing pilot called BBGun, it was in late era and i watched him wax 3  Spit IXs 1 P51-D, and a Dora in a VAL.. and still lived.  Also I think when running a F6F against a Spit at co Alt.. say 15k.  Just going off of plane performance, equal speed .. SPit gets a marginal advantage.   As for going slow with a Spit .. not to wise eventually the SPit will win.  But then again going low and slow with any US plane is insane.   However, like a said its 70%pilot and 30% plane.  Believe it or not I have seen and used a P47D-30 and gone low and slow with NIks and Spits and won.  Drop Flaps and Dive Brakes on a D30 and does quite good low and slow... just down make in sudden climbs.  BAAAAD idea. 8-)

The spit was a agile plane but it can't take the punishment that a Hellcat could.  Anyway, just the hole point of the thread was to let people know that for those people that like flying US steel and get tired Of dealing with SPits and seems like only way to beat a spit is with a Spit for average or below pilots.  Look at the Hellcat!  Its the best US counter against the SPit.. well at least till we get the F7F or F8F.  Read an article compareing the Spit IX against the George and the F7F..why the comparison I do not know but believe it or not.. the F7F could sustain  a tighter and longer turn the the Spit IX could!  It was an old article.. as soon as I dig through the archives of mags I will post issue.

« Last Edit: February 19, 2002, 11:21:21 AM by Gorf »

Offline DblTrubl

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F6F is the BOMB
« Reply #4 on: February 19, 2002, 12:56:34 PM »
Yes, the Hellcat is a capable and fun plane to fly, but it's not the only US plane that can handle a spit. A P-38 works just as well or better for dweebfire elimination, IF you know what you're doing. Plus it gives you the chance to disengage/extend if you make a mistake or get jumped by the other 5 spits/N1Ks that are sure to follow. A 51 can be used in a similar fashion but requires a bit more caution as it doesn't accelerate or go vertical quite as well as a 38(which is how I kill spits). I will admit, if you're inclined to turn with spitfires, the F6 will give you a better chance of success. A good spit driver will still clean your clock in a turning fight though. Especially a V.

Offline batdog

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F6F is the BOMB
« Reply #5 on: February 19, 2002, 01:18:06 PM »
Yea... a 38 w/flaps/trim and trottle control in the vertical can give many spit drivers fits...and its even harder on a Niki. If ethier/or know thier dodo though your prob gonna be toast. I'm still learning this...check my card, lol.


P.S. I'll turn anything w/anything... ask my squadies. ;)
Of course, I only see what he posts here and what he does in the MA.  I know virtually nothing about the man.  I think its important for people to realize that we don't really know squat about each other.... definately not enough to use words like "hate".


Offline 214thCavalier

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F6F is the BOMB
« Reply #6 on: February 19, 2002, 02:05:02 PM »
Gorf to check your kill stats go to

Select Community, Scores, Kill stats in an expanded format then enter the name of the pilot you want to view ie Gorf.
You can then select in the box provided  Player vs, at which point another box pops up and in this case we then select model you want to view your performance against.
Having again selected all models of spitfires i see an update, you are now credited with killing 4 spitfires in total,

2 Spit IX killed with P47D
1 Spit V killed with LA5
1 Spit V killed with F6F-5

If you had a connection problem i guess its possible some data was lost along the way.

Just dont get carried away thinking the F6F-5 is a spit beater in a CoE fight, yes it can be done but you better be a better pilot than the spit jockey is.