Have some quesitons about my new 8500 LE card. Frame rates are excellent! 65 to about 85,
but the color is much lighter than before. Everything seems to have faded several shades.
In properties under the tab
Open GL what should I have it set to?
Convert 32 to 16 bit
Enable page flipping
Disable dithering when alpah blending
Full screen anti-aliasing disabled
2 samples
4 samples
Enable KTX buffer
Force 16 bit Z buffer
Wait for vertical sync
Enable Texture Compression
Anisotropic texture filter
Anyone have any idea if I should enable/disable or which ones I should select?
Direct 3DW buffer support
Alternate pixel center
2 buffer depths
Smooth vision
2x - 6x
Also what would you suggest for the viedo settings in Aces High itself?
I really don't understand any of these settings.
Thanks in advance!