GAWD, why am i replying in this thread?
Ok, I understand what Laz is stating and what eskimo is saying.
laz' POV: during the war each side tried to one up the opponends fighter, and if you MUST draw a dateline in the sand, one side will always have the Sheety end of the stick. I fully understand his parity and choice statements also.
Laz's suggestion: IF you are trying to limited the planeset to a certain Dateline give BOTH sides the same rides, this will increase the choices and parity of the fights and BOTH sides will be on equal footing while still maintaining Freedom and fun, and a historical twist.
Eskimo's POV: Limit the planeset to an dateline, with axis only having axis rides and allied with only allied rides. this will be more historically correct.
Ok, am i on target sofar?
Laz's rebuttal: the current CT will stagnate and get boring really quickly with such a limited planeset, and the "perk" system does little to help with fixing one side having the Sheety end of the stick. Also the reduced Icon's hurt the overall effect of gameplay. With 3 allied vs. 3 axis rides the "learning curve" ( strenght's vs. weakness ) of each plane will come fast and get (yawn) boring quickly, therefor reducing people in the arena.
Eskimo's rebuttal:By having allied vs axis planes this "symulates" a ww2 arena more than both sides sharing the same ride. Reduced Icons "symulate" and stimulate ACM more ( BNZ planes will have a thriving chance and get to be used as they were intended) this alternative setup will bring people INTO the CT.
Am I STILL on target?
Even if Laz is arguing about the CT, at least this shows he is interested in seeing an ALternative to the MA. Although I'm not stating who is right or wrong.
IMO, at least people are trying to make the CT work, also the planeset changes weekly so i don't think people will be bored to quickly. The main problem is the Lack of planes in HTC at the moment. (HOLD ON THERE! I am in NO WAY stating HTC is slacking, man this is a dream Symulator here for me and you all know I've been a HTC cheerleader since day one!)
But a line HAS to be drawn in the sand as far as a dateline, and a planeset, and one side WILL always have the sheety end of the stick, AND the CT team knows this and has used the 'Perk" sytem to TRY and balance this problem out.
A hearty should go out to this crew!
HTC has come a long way and have spoiled us with such an excellent 'Sym", constantly adding new planes, this will decrease the wide spand of the "one upsmanship" in the planeset area, and soon will decrease the need of the "perk" system to balance this void.
I like the CT ( althou "I" still think it needs to be refined in some areas), I listen with both ears and an open mind.
Whether you know it or not Laz and Eskimo are more alike than far apart, they BOTH are stating thier views to IMPROVE the CT, to choose one's views over another is purely your choice.
IMO, I like the allied vs. axis set-up. I know, I know, It's not the real deal, but the CT team is utilizing what they have to work with at the moment. I know this will costantly change with added planes from HTC, and perks and ENY values will also change. New maps, new strats new planes added all the time, tweek this tweek that, argue this argue that, and WHALLA! we'll have a polished CT in no time:)