Author Topic: I think we called it K.O.T.H.  (Read 413 times)

Offline Drano

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I think we called it K.O.T.H.
« Reply #15 on: October 30, 2001, 06:22:00 PM »
As an AW KOTH vet I'd add a couple of rules that we found necessary.

 Once "IN!" is called all fighters must be actively engaged in battle.

We found there were a few wienerheads that liked to just tool around the arena waiting for crowd to get culled then get all courageous-like.

We also had boundaries.(for much the same reason as above) AW KOTH was run from one base set in the center of 4 grid squares. AW grids were only 12.5 miles vs AH's 25 tho. You couldn't leave the area of the 4 squares otherwise ya hadda bail. Out of bounds and all yaknow.

Just a thought.

Also--only 2 wins? That might make for a short night. Usually in our KOTH you'd end up with a bunch that won one round pretty quick. Once somebody won 2 they usually became a target--especially if that round was in a plane that guy had any known level of competence in. Couldn't just let the guy get an easy third win now! 3 wins could take a while tho. Not conducive to a weeknight.

We used to run ours on Friday night. I remember being there for the last round one month at 3 AM once! I'd won the next to last round for my 2nd win and messed up by NOT picking the 109G. I chose the 38 and got beat by a great 38 driver who went on to get his 3rd win and KOTH title. What a blast we had.


Originally posted by sling322:
I hope to see all of you new AH'ers tomorrow nite in the Special Events Arena.  The event is going to be similar to the KOTH....with a little twist.

This event will take place in the Special Events Arena every Wednesday at 10 PM Eastern. It will last no more than 1 ½ hours.

The object of this event is to be the last man flying. This event is based on the popular event “KOTH” that was in Air Warrior. Everyone will be flying the same AC so no whining about “uber” aircraft. We will use the "Dueling Terrain" and fields 41, 42, and 43 till we design one specific for this event. The event will end when a pilot has won two rounds or when 1 ½ hours has passed, (which ever comes first). It is possible that the same pilot might win the first two rounds and the event could finish early, but that should be a rare occurrence. At the end of one and one half hours the logs will be closed if no one won two rounds and who ever has the best kills to death ratio will earn bragging rights and the choice of next weeks AC in Wild Wednesday. The only stipulation is the same AC can't be picked two weeks in a row and it must be a fighter, no buffs allowed. Results will be posted in the Special Events General BB that night or the next day.

· You must bail the moment you are out of ammo.
· You must bail the moment you are out of fuel.
· Rearms or refuels are not allowed.
· Each round you only have “one life”.
· Fields will be closed 5 minutes after the round starts.
· Kill shooter will be turned off 5 minutes after the round starts.
· CM’s will announce fields close and kill shooter off.
· CM’s will confirm the last plane up using the CM eye.
80th FS "Headhunters"

S.A.P.P.- Secret Association Of P-38 Pilots (Lightning In A Bottle)

FSO flying with the 412th Friday Night Volunteer Group