Hello LtStasis
How many times did you try to build this terrain. I had this happen before.
Sometimes I find it better if I shut down the editor while saving, then restart it, and then click build.
1) Once the .res file is made you can not rename it.
2) If you want to use a different name for your terrain then you need to rename all the files that the editor uses to make the .res file. Like the .TYP, .ELV, .OBA....ETC
3) The names of your terrain can't be more than 8 characters long.
4) I know you can use a "-" in the terrain name like ( Pokie-1.res ) but if memory servers me you can't use "." ( period ) and I bet some of the others like ! @ # $ % etc would give problems.
The weirdest thing just happened. Since I already Centered all my Fields I needed to get the original coordenates for the AFLrg-S field to use in my example to help centering the fields. I renamed my Groups Folder located in the C:\Program Files\HTC\aheditor\terrains and reinsalled the Editor.
Now all the the Fields are centered when placed.
So! I'm thinking, deleted or rename your Groups Folder and reinstall the Editor.
IF NOT, try this example:
Turn on Grid Lines.
Going to use the Grid Box 10.24 / 10.24 as the box for placing an airfield ( AFLrg-S ). This is the center of the terrain and would be easier to work with since all the coordinates would be 0. Best to make sure that the land in this Grid Box is at 0ft Altitude.
1) Make sure that the number in the "Snap Spacing" box equals 2640.
2) Put checkmark in the "Snap" box.
3) Click the "Terrain" tab, and click mouse in the center of the Grid Box 10.24 / 10.24.
4) You will see the "Position" coordinates of X, Y, Z for the center of the Grid Box. They will be X=0, Y=0 and Z=0.
5) Now click the "Object" tab and make sure that the Red cross is in the center of 10.24 / 10.24 Grid Box. If not click mouse in the center of the box.
6) Select AFLrg-S and place it.
7) Look in the "Selection List" and Double click on FxxRWY0, this will bring up an "Object Properties" box. You will see the X, Y, Z Position information of the FxxRWY0. We don't need to worry about Y since this is Altitude.
If we are lucky we will both have the same coordinates ( I had centered all my fields and this is a backup AFLrg-S file ).
8) The Positions for FxxRWY0 is X=133.356364, Z=-269.391582
9) This tells me that the X coordinate is ( 133.356364 ft ) too far Right ( East ) and that the Z cooridinate is ( 269.391582 ft ) too far Down ( South ) because the center of this Grid Box is X=0 and Z=0
10) Write these X and Y numbers down and Click on Ok to close the box.
11) The entire AFLrg-S field should still be all highlited ( in red ) if not select the whole thing again with the mouse.
12) Let do X first. Enter 133.356364 in the Snap Spacing box.
13) Make sure the "Snap" box is checked, and select Move.
14) Move the whole group one movement to the Left ( West ) Note! Sometime if you are to high up ( your down looking view ) it is hard making small movements and you may need to get closer. Maybe better to get closer to the land, just to see 9 Grid Boxes in your Screen View.
15) Double click on FxxRWY0 from the "Selection List" again, and it should now have X = 0. If it is -133.356364 ( 2 spaces left of the original position ) or like -266.712728 ( 3 spaces ), -400.069092 ( 4 spaces ) etc then you moved it too far West and you will need to move it Right ( East ).
16) If X=0 then you do the same thing for Z, except that you enter 269.391582 in the Snap Spacing box.
17) Remember Z was too far Down ( South ) so you'll need to move the whole Group Up ( North )
The number in the Snap Spacing = how many ft in any direction the object(s) moves.