I'm a new Terrain Editor user from Finland and I have couple of questions to you!
I am making map from Finland and Russian (Terrain and bitmap is ready without elevations and objects). In TE is only few Cells: Forest, Grass, Water etc. I have seen in other terrains very good selfmade (?) Cells, for example in Mindnao and Norway -terrains (nice looking fields, mountain areas etc.).
From where I can find those selfmade Cells (is there any Terrain makers netsites, where they are)?How can I make these Cells myself? Are they bitmaps? In Finland are very many little lakes, and I want to make couple of Cells, where is between Forest a little lake.
If you have good links, please, tell it to me!
Best Wishes
Ismo Homanen
Joensuu, Finland
"kanttori" in AH