Author Topic: What we could really use in the CT.  (Read 365 times)

Offline Squire

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What we could really use in the CT.
« on: March 02, 2002, 06:50:16 PM »
CT squads and players, axis and allied (or both) that come together several times a week at a set time. Just a "generalized squad night" time, say Thursdays starting at 9:00 EST or something. We all like the CT, lets have a night where the attendnace is "up" and have a blast. Lets get some feedback and pick a few days/times. Why not?

Squads that do "squad night" IN the CT. There are some, we can use more.

Another idea. Why not have weekly "CT night" where its setup as a 6 lives over 3 hour scored night. Why? because it would generate more interest in the CT in general. No, not a Snapshot, those are a bit more "controlled", but like say...."Malta 1943" starting at this time, here is the layout, blah blah blah, go for it. With some strategic objectives. Its run, scored, and then the CT goes back to its original settings after its played out.

I think it would bring in warm targets, er, I mean bodies to fly with us.

Just a few thoughts.

« Last Edit: March 02, 2002, 07:14:36 PM by Squire »
Friday Squad Ops CM Team
1841 Squadron Fleet Air Arm
Aces High since Tour 24