Ive got to say i agree a bit here with samm but I agree with what Kronos says too.
What I was hoping for from CT was a more realistic 'type' of play:
1:1 fuel burn, Longer down time for bombed objects etc, but unfortunately, with all these milkrunners around and the fairly low numbers The downtime thing is probably unworkable.The fuel burn is also really not going to ruin the fun.Im prepared to wait and see, so far the CT team have managed to attract 3 times the number we used to get so how can we complain?
The one thing Im really not too keen on is having IJN/LW/USAAF/RAF etc all mixed in. I think if we have PAC maps theres no need to have this many mixed together on one map.
Heres what I would love to see:
Russian MAP(any period): LW vs VVS/some Allied lend lease stuff (but b26's are a mistake IMO, no one uses iL2s when b26s are there)
Mediteranean Map(1942-43): LW/Italian vs RAF/USAAF
Euro map(any period or rolling set): LW/Italian vs RAF/ USAAF
Manchuria(sp? august 1945) map(NUTTZ's perdonia could be used for this?): VVS/some lend lease vs IJN (needs more planes in set but a great opertunity here later)
PAC map(43-45): USAAF/some RAF vs IJN(again we need more IJN stuff)
what do you think?
CT staff btw