Author Topic: Interesting GunCamera Shots  (Read 402 times)

Offline J_A_B

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Interesting GunCamera Shots
« Reply #30 on: March 09, 2002, 09:13:01 PM »
Sorry to punt the thread, but I was just thinking about this and a different but sort of related thread.

Are heavy machine guns overmodeled?  The planes being referred to here are armed with a half dozen or more of them,  which are generally grouped together closer than the weapons on cannon armed planes.  

Consider the thread about the Macci 202's guns being UNDER-modeled.  In that thread the general idea was it lacked the firepower it was supposed to have, yet it carried only 2 heavy MG's and a pair of semi-useless light MG's.  

Ponder this:  If the 202's weapons were sufficiently able to kill enemy planes to a greater extent than it can in AH, wouldn't aircraft armed with roughly 3 or 4 times the weapons do a LOT more damage?

Just something else to think about.  Personally I think AH is about right, at least in a practical sense if not graphically.