Author Topic: Friday TOD - Clearing the Phillipines Frame 3 AAR  (Read 844 times)

Offline Kratzer

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Friday TOD - Clearing the Phillipines Frame 3 AAR
« on: March 08, 2002, 11:07:16 PM »
LJK took off from C41, and headed to C39 for patrol.  After coming on station, we patrolled, seeing no enemies.  We saw four dots, low and in line, heading towards our CVs to the south. We dropped in, destroying all four enemy aircraft (TBMs).  One of our pilots, SikBoy, was hit in the radiator, but managed to recover at our CV.  We regained the patrol until told to land by the allied CO.  All aircraft recovered at the CV successfully.

Offline ghostdancer

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Friday TOD - Clearing the Phillipines Frame 3 AAR
« Reply #1 on: March 09, 2002, 12:08:56 AM »
Nightmares VMF-101 launched 21 F6F-5s each carrying 2 x 1000 lbs bombs out of C39 (14,12,5). We had 2 other Nightmares show up but after 11:30 so they were not able to launch and join us. Do to a couple of problems we were strung out and some of our more green pilots had a little problem launching and had to reup. We set 15,14,1 as our rally point to reform.

We reform at 15,14,1 and then do to fuel considerations stop building alt around 18K - 20K and struck NE to 14,15,5. Around 14,14,5 and 14,14,2 we spotted a furball to the west of us. I gave the order to avoid it and press North hunting for the IJN fleet. I believe MAG-33 and possibly 3./JG2 "Richthofen" engaged enemy planes at that location.

APDRone, Stink1 and myself were the lead element of our squad and spotted the enemy fleet (3 CVs and 3 DDs) at the 14,15,5/6 area and reported it. The enemy had a CAP of at least 10 Zekes up with a coupel up at 20K. We turned back and reformed with the rest of the squad and then all 21 Nightmares started their dive bombing runs on the enemy ships. I also think the MAG-33 and some TBMs came in just after we made our runs.

All I know is when we were through 3 CVs and 3 DDs were sunk (I got 1 DD) and we shot down 4 of the 10 defending zekes for a lost of possibly 5 to 6 planes.  Its possible that MAG-33 got some of the ships .. I think the TBMs didn't though. I think they were all killed by dive bombing before the TBMs fish could get to them.

We then vectored west to C41 and landed there at 12,14,8 since it was good 1/2 sector closer to us than C39. Interesting thing though was that the IJN surface fleet (3 CAs and 4 DDs) was just north of C41 at 12,15,2. If the IJN could have manned its guns the 3 CAs in that group would have pounded C41. They were that close to each other. Would have made a mess for us trying to land there under enemy heavy gun fire.

As if even without CA fire from the IJN we had a lot of problems with people landing losing several to prop strikes and crashes trying to land on the CVs. But we were able to put up at least another 6 planes with bombs to make a strike on the IJN surface fleet.

Concho died on his attack run but he and somebody else got a CA and I got a DD. But lost my oil to AA hit and my engine quit on approach to one of our CVs. With full flaps down and at 110 mph I nose dived into the water and died. So from 6 planes we were down to 4 but bagged 2 ships.

So we then put up 3 planes (Orvil suffered a prop strike) consisting of Nucks, Pyroman, and Plink. They bagged another CA for the loss of Plink. At this point we decided to call it a night.

So overall here is how we did:

Squad Results
21 = Launched
01 = RTB            
20 = Crashed/Ditched/Killed

4 A6M5bs shot down
3 CVs sunk
2 CAs sunk
4 DDs sunk

Individual Results
Pyroman = 2 A6M5bs killed, 2 assists
Concho = 1 A6M5b killed, 1 assist
Strab = 1 A6M5b killed
BFD = 1 assist
GhstDncr = 1 assist
KiDFury = 1 assist
Nucks = 1 assist
OZK = 1 assist
« Last Edit: March 09, 2002, 12:17:40 AM by ghostdancer »
X.O. 29th TFT, "We Move Mountains"
CM Terrain Team

Offline Sancho

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Friday TOD - Clearing the Phillipines Frame 3 AAR
« Reply #2 on: March 09, 2002, 01:08:41 AM »
56th FG launched 10 F4U-1Ds from C39.  We CAP'd the area surrounding the C39 and C37 with red flight flying above the cloud layer and blue flight at 13k below the layer.  No enemy aircraft were observed.  We recovered at C39 and lost one F4U on landing (mugz).

Offline Ripsnort

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Friday TOD - Clearing the Phillipines Frame 3 AAR
« Reply #3 on: March 11, 2002, 07:26:32 AM »
MAG-33 Torpedo squadron was truly a "Torpedo 8" squadron, we were engaged low and all shot down.  Glad the higher F6F with bombs (VMF-101) got thru.

Offline ghostdancer

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Friday TOD - Clearing the Phillipines Frame 3 AAR
« Reply #4 on: March 11, 2002, 07:35:45 AM »
Woah ... MAG-33 was a TBM squad??? Damn, I misunderstood or misread the orders then. I thought MAG-33 was a F6F-5 squad assigned to dive bombing like us while MAW was the TBM squad.

Ripsnort and MAG-33 I sincerely apologize for my mistake and leaving you TBMs out there on your own with out fighter escort. I thought you were fighters and that you were the guys escorting the TBMs. Which is why we pushed past the enemy Zeke screen and went after the ships instead of taking out the Zekes.

Once again my apologies for screwing up and getting all of your guys killed.
X.O. 29th TFT, "We Move Mountains"
CM Terrain Team

Offline Ripsnort

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Friday TOD - Clearing the Phillipines Frame 3 AAR
« Reply #5 on: March 11, 2002, 08:30:39 AM »
Was no fault of yours!  We had 1/2 F6F fighters, and 1/2 TBM's.  Our first encounter was the furball you saw, our escort got tangled up with them and our TBM's successfully slipped by the first wave of Zero's(which I might add,came within D2.5 of us and totally missed our presence).  The CV's had a nice protective ring of BARCAP which engaged our TBM's.  No ones fault but a damn good Axis plan!

(PS-I might add that our sacrifice 6 TBM's to draw zero's low, in exchange for 3 CV's is a DAMN good bet to take! Whether is happened by design or by accident! :) )

Continued AAR from one of two of our RECON flights.

As in the previous frame, Vulcan & I left the CV and began climbing towards the search area (13,15-16 14,15-16) We passed through 15K with a seperation of around D9K. Vulcan was intercepted by 2 Zekes and I vectored over to assist, I lost some alt and came in lower than them but with plenty of speed. Both zekes turned on me (As a low - but not slow target) and I was able to reverse and drag them easily away maintaining a safe distance, Vulcan proceeded with the search while I dragged the Zekes into another part of the search area. Vulcan found the fleet and about a dozen assorted Axis capping the Fleet. I again reversed and headed to Vulcan's location. Engaged a few zekes and left one heading sea ward trailing a plume of smoke. Not sure if I got the kill as "concho" I think stole the kill with the zeke at very low level and as far as I could see going no where. I extended away from the furball to regain some height but by the time I got back swoop & co had shot all the bad guys down. We formed up into a "loose" formation and made our way back to the CV. After landing the "roster" showed only 4 Axis left online so I told the ground crew to check the tyres & oil and put her to bed. Vulcan & Ed went off on a hunt for more opponants and I watched from the tower for a while before logging.
« Last Edit: March 11, 2002, 08:45:33 AM by Ripsnort »

Offline Vruth

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Friday TOD - Clearing the Phillipines Frame 3 AAR
« Reply #6 on: March 11, 2002, 12:43:54 PM »
Didn't mean to use your TBM's as bit Ripsnort, but that's exactly what they were. It allowed VFM to go to their target relatively unscathed.

Actually, it's not too much different from the battle of Midway. I studied their launch attack and used the same one for ous. Bait and lure then hit them from a flanked position.

Offline NHFoxtro

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Friday TOD - Clearing the Phillipines Frame 3 AAR
« Reply #7 on: March 11, 2002, 02:11:24 PM »
CV25 and its Fleet totaly destroyed, by heavy allied asault. C19, from what I saw was attacked by one F6 and blown out of the sky. No damage done to C19 Fleet, but afraid pilot transmitted location before going down.

NHCouger     Ditched
NHFoxtro        Ditched    1 possible
NhRapier       Ditched
Airrat01           Ditched
Bubbi109       Ditched

Offline Ripsnort

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Friday TOD - Clearing the Phillipines Frame 3 AAR
« Reply #8 on: March 11, 2002, 02:32:54 PM »
Originally posted by Vruth
Didn't mean to use your TBM's as bit Ripsnort, but that's exactly what they were. It allowed VFM to go to their target relatively unscathed.


I suspected as much. Thats why I only assigned 6 TBMs pilots, myself being one.  The other 10 Hellcat pilots, I think we only had 1 loss, and at least 10 confirmed kills.

Offline Jebo44

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Friday TOD - Clearing the Phillipines Frame 3 AAR
« Reply #9 on: March 11, 2002, 06:09:01 PM »
I am glad the boys that did dive bomb the CV got their eggs in the pickle barrel! Great Job. Be neat to see the official log cause I know I gave those Zeke's a run for their money in my TBM. I got pings on at least 3 seperate zekes. So here's hopin' for a wounded pilot!:D