Author Topic: "Team sound" Wooooooooov!!!!!!!  (Read 105 times)

Offline GA

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"Team sound" Wooooooooov!!!!!!!
« on: March 09, 2002, 06:41:39 AM »
Hi gents!

Have ben looking at Teams sound for a check, and what a great layout and futures it have, vooooooow!!

* Custom hotkey creation for complete channel control

* Channels, Muting, Kicking, Transmit indicators

* Lag free gaming

* Crystal-clear voice quality

* Completely FREE!

The little i tested it, it looks GREAT, with the future on setting you own keys for transmitting op to multi channels and stil also see whos in on the diffrent channels, pluss make keys on transmit on all channels at once;)

Any of you have tested it out and have some experience on it?

Offline stat2000

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"Team sound" Wooooooooov!!!!!!!
« Reply #1 on: March 09, 2002, 09:54:43 AM »
Well its sounds good, but here is the kicker, if you have more than about 5 people on it tends to shut down, also it sucks up alot of resources. A 10 minute teamspeak session only takes up about 200k of mem, whereas teamsound takes like 1.5 mb.  Other than that its pretty cool.