Author Topic: Need help with the Ju88  (Read 373 times)

Offline Hortlund

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Need help with the Ju88
« on: March 11, 2002, 05:10:17 AM »
yeah, I know this sounds like a joke, but I really need to learn the finer aspects of that monster. And I need to learn it before the 16th... ;)

I have a couple of questions:

1. "Dive brakes" I have heard rumors of these things, but I have not been able to figure out how to deploy them, and what good they will do (an educated guess would be: "slow speed in dive" but, how well do they work, when can they be deployed etc?)

2. Torpedo's. Legend has it that you have to be below a certain altitude, and below a certain speed to drop those monsters correctly. What is their effective distance? How do you aim them? Use the crosshair? Suppose I'm on a torpedo run on a CV. The CV's cource is 90 degrees to my own. The CV is at flank speed (if its possible to change the speed of a carrier..I dunno) I release the torp 2 000 yards out. Where do I aim? At the bow of the ship? In front of it?

3. Divebombing. This is nothing short of magic to me. I have tried it in about every concievable aircraft, with about every loadout there is.

In short the results can be summarized thusly:
a) either I auger close to the target, or
b) I miss the target completely
As a variation to a and b above, sometimes the ack gets me first.
Can someone describe the basics, how they aim, when to release, when to pull out etc?

4. Someone said that the Ju88 can turn decently, and that it actually can kill stuff from behind... my gut reaction to that is

AHahahahaHAHAHAHHAHAhahaha... one 7.9mm MG forward...AHAhahahaha

Is it true? Can the Ju88 outturn stuff?

Thanks in advance guys

Offline JoeCrip

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Need help with the Ju88
« Reply #1 on: March 11, 2002, 05:22:52 AM »

1) Dive brakes are used to keep you from compressing, and locking up in a dive. Use shift+C to drop them. They will keep you under 250 MPH

2) Yes you have to be a a certain speed and alt. I am not sure of those...

3) Just takes practice, practice offline or H2H

4) I've outtured spits and niki's with the Ju88, but for 1 turn only. Pracite w/ the 1 7mm offline or h2h and get used to it. You need to land everyhityou can get, so practice, practice, practice! :)

Offline Hortlund

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Need help with the Ju88
« Reply #2 on: March 11, 2002, 06:18:55 AM »
Originally posted by JoeCrip
practice, practice offline or H2H

Yeah, but exactly how fun is that? I think I'm gonna screw up my Tour 26 stats totally and practice in the MA instead ;)

Offline keyapaha

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Need help with the Ju88
« Reply #3 on: March 11, 2002, 07:59:33 AM »
on the torp question alt needs to be less than 100ft speed 190

   usualy as soon as i see the yellow tracers from the ships i count to 5 and drop need  to lead by atleast 2 ship lengths

 and then pray u can get back alive:D

  never tried dive bombing in it   all i can say is practice as much as posible offline  for that.

Offline FDisk

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Need help with the Ju88
« Reply #4 on: March 11, 2002, 08:51:40 AM »
Dive bombing Eh?

I'll give you a method that almost never misses.

Do you know how to do a split-S?

that's when you go upside down then pull the nose towards the ground until you point back at the direction you came from ... very handy stuff... now how does it tie in wit dive bombing? Very simply. When you are upside down, look "up" towards the ground untill you are directly over the target. then pull the nose towards the Fh/BH/VH/GV/plane/sheep/slow computer at work ect. ect.  when you are pointing at him drop your bomb and pull up and away...  This is very effictive against difficult (should read: shoot better than you) PTs ans M16s.

this is a real newbie trick.. it shouldn't be used of the rest of your career..
Oh, BTW this dosen;t work for torpedos.

Any more questions?

I work 9-5 EST and check my e-mail every 5 dammed min.


Offline SKurj

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Need help with the Ju88
« Reply #5 on: March 11, 2002, 09:55:34 AM »

If you wish to miss the CV alot attack from 90 degrees :eek:

Best tactics involve attacking from 10 or 2 oclock, coming in on the bow.
You can practice this offline against a friendly carrier if you like to avoid the ack while you practice how much to lead.
Attacking from this angle increases you chance of a hit if the CV turns.  If you have a partner who attacks from the opposite side at the same time, you stand a good chance of sinking the CV if you both get the lead right whether it turns or not.
At the drop you may want to drop one and adjust your course slightly and drop the second to fire a spread to increase  your chances of a hit again.

CV's move 1 speed


Offline Elysian

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On divebombing
« Reply #6 on: March 11, 2002, 02:29:59 PM »
Hey Steve :),

Here is my 'technique' for divebombing:

--  Come in at about 8.5k over your target, acks shoot up to 8k or so.

--  Approach slightly to the right of your victim and use view left with a quick left roll every so often, helps to keep track of it in relation to yourself.

--  When you get close enough so that your left view/roll shows your target more or less beneath your plane, turn hard and point your gunsight right on it.  Unless your are going super slow before this turn, this is a good time to chop your throttle to 0.

--  Just before you release your bombs, pull up slighty so that the target is inbetween your gunsight and engine cowling.  Release alt depends on how brave you happen to be feeling :).  Longer you wait the more accurate it will be.

--  Pull out hard, firewall the throttle and initiate a shallow climb-out, cause you just blew all your E :).


Offline Tac

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Need help with the Ju88
« Reply #7 on: March 11, 2002, 02:35:27 PM »
Fly 'em in I say. :)

Offline Esme

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Need help with the Ju88
« Reply #8 on: March 17, 2002, 04:24:12 AM »
Hmmnn.. I worked out a dive-bombng technique for the Ju88 in WB that mimicked the way it was done historically (60 degree dive, roughly). Don't know how well it will translate to AH, but will try it and post the results back here.

Btw in RL the Ju88 didn't do vertical dive-bombng, just steep angle, so far as I've been able to determine.  Again, havent checked the AH FM out thoroughly yet, but the WB Ju88 cannot be held in an extnded vertical dive, and I wouldnt be surprised if the same was true in AH. (Wouldnt be surprised if it wasnt either mind, and I have NO RL data on that point yet).
