Author Topic: who is the General ?  (Read 176 times)

Offline minus

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« on: March 11, 2002, 11:52:59 AM »
well many like to organize , and sometime to clean up the mess  some Boss is it necesery, but like usualy nobady like the Boss:D

try this way,  asign  some  of YOURS perks for mision where redistributed  , it need some condition

it can atract players to join mision, the comand  is more intuitive , becose you get reward to lising some one

if you feel your country need  organization or a General   set up defense  CAP mision  and atract people to join up  , and if they
sucesfuly  defend asignet cap for they got it

u can organize Monster defense with your  10 000 perks at any field:D

now,  who GOt 10 000 perks ?????;)

PS: actualy some DEFENSIVE mision system it badly ned  in AH  
this suject some one mentioned before

Offline Tac

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« Reply #1 on: March 11, 2002, 12:27:33 PM »
Not a bad idea. Really.

WW2OL ALMOST *repeat, ALMOST* did something right with their mission system awarding points.

In AH it would be great if the people that join a mission get..say, timesX normal perks per kill and the person that makes the mission must SPEND some perks of his own per mission he makes, BUT if the mission is successful, person that made mission should get perks in return.

How to say a sucessful mission? Separate them into categories. Give each mission a time limit. Once mission takes off, no more people can join.

Fighter Sweep (mission editor instantly removes all bombers and vehicles and boats from the selectable AC list). Time limit: 45 minutes. Mission must either return with half of the AC that took off or kill more enemy AC than they lost at the end of time limit.

Perk modifier for those joining mission: X1.5 perks per kill, +5 perks per person if mission successful
Perk cost to make mission: 5 perks
Perks gained by mission CO if sucessful: 8 perks (added to the ones he got for shooting down stuff)

Bomb (mission editor removes all fighters and vehicles and boats from AC list). Time limit: 2 hours. Mission editor will ask for target to be hit. Mission will be sucessful if said Strat Target is dropped to 40% or lower. If target is an airfield, then all hangars must be destroyed (FH, BH and VH = hangars) by the end of the time limit. Half of the mission bombers must survive.

Perk Modifier for those joining mission: X5 perks per target destroyed/fighter shot down.
Perk cost to make mission: 5 perks
Perks gained by mission CO if successful: 20 perks (added to the perks he got during mission)

Jabo (mission editor removes all bombers and vehicles and boats from AC list). Time limit: 1 hour . Mission editor will ask for target to be hit. Mission will be sucessful if said Strat Target is dropped to 40% or lower. If target is an airfield, then all hangars must be destroyed (FH, BH and VH = hangars) by the end of the time limit. Half of the mission Jabo's must survive.

Perk Modifier for those joining mission: X2 perks per target destroyed/fighter shot down.
Perk cost to make mission: 5 perks
Perks gained by mission CO if successful: 10 perks (added to the perks he got during mission)

Escort (mission editor shows "escortable" missions (aka, bomb, jabo, fighter sweep) in planner and asks to select one; removes all bombers, vehicles and boats from list). Time limit: 1.5 hours. Mission is sucesful if half or more of the other mission's participants survive at the end of the time limit.

Perk Modifier for those joining mission: X2.5 perks
Perk cost to make mission: 3 perks
Perks gained by mission CO if successful: 12 perks (added to the perks he got during mission)

For ground units:

Defense (mission editor removes all 'except for gv's from selectable list). Mission planner will ask for what asset is to be defended (field, strat target). Mission sucessful if field is not taken by end of time limit. Time limit: 1 hour.

Perk Modifier for those joining mission: X1.5 perks
Perk cost to make mission: 2 perks
Perks gained by mission CO if successful: 6 perks (added to the perks he got during mission)

Same as defense, but mission is sucesful if target is captured by end of time limit (1.5 hours). Perk modifier X2

Naval Units:

Assault: Same as GV offense, but with LVT's and PT's. Time limit:2 hours. Mission sucesful if target taken within time limit. Perk modifier X3

CAP: Mission editor removes all but carrier-based fighters from the selectable AC list. Editor asks for friendly fleet to be CAP'd. Mission must take off from said carrier. Time limit: 1 hour. Mission sucesfful if carrier not sunk by end of time limit.

Perk Modifier for those joining mission: X1.5 perks
Perk cost to make mission: 10 perks
Perks gained by mission CO if successful: 4 perks (added to the perks he got during mission
Note: Doesnt give much perks and costs a more perks to set mission up to prevent people from "farming" perks by cap'ing cv's that are nowhere near the enemy.

It would be nice as well that if the mission CO makes a flight of perk planes, he could have the option of paying for the perk rides of others.. at half perk cost.

In WW2OL It is good to join missions because it gives you access to the heavy tanks 'n stuff, which you wouldnt have access to unless you are in a backfield or uncontested ground. But the result is great, people flock to them. In AH the above system could allow Chairborne Rangers and Desktop Generals to work together for once ;)

Offline ergRTC

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« Reply #2 on: March 13, 2002, 05:28:34 PM »
Absolutely fantastic idea!!!!!!!

This one is a winner, I hope HTC takes it seriously.

Offline J_A_B

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« Reply #3 on: March 13, 2002, 05:48:07 PM »
So organized gangbangers deserve to get more points?  :p

Some of us like to fly by ourselves  :)    The following isn't necessarily a response to TAC's post in particular, just a different perspective on points and missions:

I've got nothing against missions (I even partake in them at times, they can be a lot of fun), but I don't think the game should automatically reward mission participants.  Missions are tough, but no more so than any regular flight in the arena.  Indeed, I find a solo flight into hostile territory to be far tougher to pull off successfully than a mission where I'm surrounded by a couple dozen friends.

I DO like the idea of a player being able to distribute his perkpoints to another player; this would allow a mission creator to "award" his participants without it being an integral feature of the game (and would also give the leader more control than the game doing it automatically).  This is a good idea.

"In WW2OL It is good to join missions because it gives you access to the heavy tanks 'n stuff, which you wouldnt have access to unless you are in a backfield or uncontested ground. "

I would never even THINK of playing WW2OL for that reason alone.  I much prefer the open-ended nature of the AH arenas.  It's more inclusive of different playing styles.


Offline lazs2

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« Reply #4 on: March 14, 2002, 08:32:46 AM »
some of you guys got way too much time to spend on line.   I would love to see the monthly usage figure of the "average" player.   Bet the person with 45 min to an hour or so to spend a day online will really hate being treated like a second class citizen.

HT..  Have you done some average usage numbers and if so, what were they?

Offline ergRTC

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« Reply #5 on: March 14, 2002, 08:39:28 AM »
?second class?  I dont think so, I spend about 2 hours on 2 days a week, and missions are all I do.  I dont organize them of course, cause I just like to fly them.  Helps to be in a squad of course.  

I really dont see the entertainment value in the solo flights, mostly just frustrating unless you are in a uber plane.  I know that many do though.  

I dont think there is anything wrong with extra perks for flying and COMPLETING a mission.  If you can accomplish your goals and land your bird in an organized mission, I think you deserve more perks than just doing the old circle jerk routine.

Offline lazs2

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« Reply #6 on: March 14, 2002, 08:48:47 AM »
not all of us that don't fly solo are into missions.   I fly in a squad that has never participated in any mission that I know of.

Offline ergRTC

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« Reply #7 on: March 14, 2002, 08:59:39 AM »
The squad I fly with in the CT does not use the editor either.  When I say mission I just mean a group, organized, and attempting to complete a goal.  If there were a bonus for doing this using the editor, of course we would use it, but since we dont fly perked planes, we dont really care.  As far as the MA goes I think this would be a great way of helping those that do choose to fly in a more organized fashion (which often makes for a more entertaining time).  

As far as gang banging, I dont think missions should ever be considered as that.  Gang banging, is when you get a freaking circus of 60 solo fighters all in the same sector to vulch an airfield.  The sole reason they are there is that there are 59 other guys in nik2s and spit9s.

Offline J_A_B

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« Reply #8 on: March 14, 2002, 12:29:51 PM »
"If you can accomplish your goals and land your bird in an organized mission, I think you deserve more perks than just doing the old circle jerk routine."

So if I make myself a mission, set the goal as one or more enemy fighters destroyed, and proceed to do it I deserve more points than doing this WITHOUT going through the mission editor?   That's essentially rewarding people for using the editor itself.  

No offence intended (seriously), but it seems like you just feel your way of playing is superior to others.  Not everyone shares that opinion.

Again, I liked the idea of being able to give your perkpoints to others (heck, this way a guy could "thank" someone who saved his arse with a couple points, mission or not).  I don't like the idea of getting extra points solely because you went through the mission editor.


Offline LePaul

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« Reply #9 on: March 14, 2002, 03:17:36 PM »
Good idea, Tac!

Especially the perk points coming from the organizer...

I've been in a few missions where the planner has given us Ar234s on a runway that faces a mountain!  -60's for everyone, yippeee.   :mad:

Offline ergRTC

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« Reply #10 on: March 14, 2002, 03:46:29 PM »
bd5, hmmm.  turn the plane around?

Jab, I meant in the context of the organizer betting perks.  Not just more perks cause your in a mission.  Otherwise I would agree with you.

Offline SirLoin

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« Reply #11 on: March 14, 2002, 05:17:55 PM »
There you go again Tac taking someone else's good idea and turning it into an excellant,well thought out post...I hope something like this sees the light of day...

I would love to see a "Suggestion Box" forum where if someone posts a great idea(or adds to it) and it's something that HTC never thought of and implements,the poster are rewarded with a free month or something(...Hmm...How about perk points for reward?..)

Offline lazs2

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« Reply #12 on: March 15, 2002, 08:49:49 AM »
so erg... if our squad takes out 17 planes with the loss of none of our 3 guys then that is not as worthy of "points" as say taking out some leantoo's at an undefended base?   I mean... no one in our squad gives a crap about points anyway but...  I would like your take on where the most skill lies and what should or shouldn't be rewarded.

Offline ergRTC

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« Reply #13 on: March 15, 2002, 09:08:12 AM »
Not really.  Mission's may be fighter intercept or whatever you would like.  Maybe the mission goal is keeping losses at a certain level, with a certain amount of objectives being met (bomber kills for instance).  

I dont think this kind of system is aimed at people like me, it is aimed at putting a carrot in front of the people that are just starting or just fly for perks.  Maybe get them involved a little more in the depth of the game and team work.  If you dont like depth and teamwork, you can just keep racking up kills and perks with your two friends.  Year after year after year after year I would stop playing but that does not mean you are wrong in your way of enjoying the game.  

erg <-------looking forward to invasion sicily.

Offline Ripsnort

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« Reply #14 on: March 15, 2002, 09:39:43 AM »
Laz, FYI not all missions are to undefended fields.  Last night for example, I sent in 2 guys 2 min ahead of everyone else to hit the radar at a field, then the fighter sweep comes in, and starts tagging the alt monkeys around the field, then our Jabo fighters came in and cleared the field of Fuel, ammo, AA, then our bombers came in 1 min after that and took out the city and FH's.  This all upon a field that had more in the air around it than were in my mission.

Don't assume everyone hits unattended bases, to me its very boring to do that, especially when I'm escort.