Author Topic: PYRO is it true you dislike the P47?  (Read 426 times)

Offline Crapgame

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PYRO is it true you dislike the P47?
« on: April 17, 2000, 04:00:00 PM »
I read in another thread something to the effect that you hate the P47? If this is true could you elaborate? I also guess that this means we won't be seeing a Jug anytime soon which is sad. The most produced American fighter of the war and it's unrepresented. I tellya, if you had a Jug modelled I'd cancel my iEN account today.

It strikes me from following this board that there is considerable support for a P47D to be modelled. I can understand the desire to model aircraft that aren't yet modelled in other sims. I also understand the need to model more Japanese and Russian birds. But when you get back to American Iron, I was hoping that the Jug would be at the top of the list.

Lastly, would airlifts of combo pizzas to your Grapevine HQ be of any help in the "Bring the Jug to AH Campaign"? If so let me know your pizzaria of choice..

BTW, the sim is great and I've been spreading the word among my co-workers who play brand W. Keep up the good work!!! and if not a about the Navy Jug...the F6F?

2nd Lt. Crapgame
62nd F.S.
56th F.G. "Zemke's Wolfpack"

Offline Wanker

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PYRO is it true you dislike the P47?
« Reply #1 on: April 17, 2000, 04:59:00 PM »
Hehe, I was online when Pyro made the remark that he didn't like the P-47 at all. I believe his tongue was planted firmly in his cheek.


[This message has been edited by banana (edited 04-17-2000).]

Offline Kieren

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PYRO is it true you dislike the P47?
« Reply #2 on: April 17, 2000, 05:14:00 PM »
Further, what if he doesn't? Does it necessarily follow that we won't get one?

I don't like seeing so many Spitfires, but I'm glad AH has them. Many pilots we have wouldn't be here without them.

I would look at a fighter as significant as the P47 to be a given for the plane set. It may take time, but it will come, I'm sure.  

Offline ra

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PYRO is it true you dislike the P47?
« Reply #3 on: April 17, 2000, 05:15:00 PM »
If Pyro doesn't like the P-47, it sure didn't stop him from blasting people out of the WB sky in one.

We do need a louder P-47 lobby, though.  Right now the F8F has more people whining for it than the Jug does.


Offline Pyro

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PYRO is it true you dislike the P47?
« Reply #4 on: April 17, 2000, 06:43:00 PM »
No, it's not true.  I was just messing with Westy.  But don't let that stop you from trying to bribe us.  We're always open to bribes of food and booze.

Doug "Pyro" Balmos
HiTech Creations

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Offline Westy

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PYRO is it true you dislike the P47?
« Reply #5 on: April 17, 2000, 09:53:00 PM »
lol. Man.
 I couldn't have been the only one to know he was doing that  
 If I could just figure out a pizza place that takes phone orders I'd be sucking up big time for an "M" model.
 I was occupied attacking A32 during this eveings online aircraft for booze/food auction otherwise I'd have tossed in a bloo chip or two myself.  


Offline indian

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PYRO is it true you dislike the P47?
« Reply #6 on: April 17, 2000, 11:53:00 PM »
Westy Dominos Delivers!   Want the number?

Tommy (INDIAN) Toon
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PYRO is it true you dislike the P47?
« Reply #7 on: April 18, 2000, 12:22:00 AM »
What's this about the P-47D?  I hear it's like a Typhoon but 35 mph slower below 10k.  Bring it on!  More food for the Tiffie!  


Mike "FunkedUp" Waltz
Aces High Instructor Corps

Squadron Leader, 308 (Polish) Squadron "City of Cracow" RAF

Offline Daff

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PYRO is it true you dislike the P47?
« Reply #8 on: April 18, 2000, 05:18:00 AM »
But please model one of the D models before the M. Getting one that was only made 130 of is silly.


CO, 56th Fighter Group

Offline Jekyll

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PYRO is it true you dislike the P47?
« Reply #9 on: April 18, 2000, 05:19:00 AM »
Haha funked.  Let's hear you say that IF they model the P47 post January 1944 with the paddle blade propeller.

Just finished reading 'Thunderbolt' by Robert S Johnson and have finally come to see what all the fuss about the big Jug was about.

Hmmm  8 0.50's, 2000hp, climbs better than the Spit IX  


C.O. Phoenix Squadron
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Offline RAM

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PYRO is it true you dislike the P47?
« Reply #10 on: April 18, 2000, 07:04:00 AM »
Originally posted by Jekyll:
Hmmm  8 0.50's, 2000hp, climbs better than the Spit IX  

What the...??? I dont have exact numbers, but I've always thought that P47 had a climbrate near that of Fw190!!!! (at low alts, hi altitudes are other world)...and Fw190 has the climbrate of a drunken dinosaur!...

Offline Westy

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PYRO is it true you dislike the P47?
« Reply #11 on: April 18, 2000, 07:51:00 AM »
 Yes Indian! I need that number!!!

 I personally think the Jug would do ok in sub 20k dogfights. It could be a murder weapon in the hands of a master. Hopefully it will have the zoom climb it's famous for  - just don't turn. ROLL all day long, but don't turn    And if we got an actual paddle blade version of the D I'm with Jekyll. Won't climb like a scalded cat but it wouldn't be any slouch either  

 Ok.  I can feel the love for Jugs flowing here!!

  How about the P-47 N then Daff? 1500 or so went to the Pacific and had approximatley the same performance of the M but with a wet wing for a huge increase of range (in other words Daff, shoot for the Moon! Go for the M or N cause you KNOW we'll get the C or D someday anyway).


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PYRO is it true you dislike the P47?
« Reply #12 on: April 18, 2000, 09:28:00 AM »
Hey Indian, you still owe me a pizza for that 38! Oh, and I think the number to a local beer/liquor store would get it done faster!  

Nathan "NATEDOG" Mathieu
Art Director
HiTech Creations

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PYRO is it true you dislike the P47?
« Reply #13 on: April 18, 2000, 09:42:00 AM »
Jekyll, that's an anectdote I simply don't believe, unless the P-47 had no ammo, nearly dry tanks, and the Spitfire was carrying bombs.  

I have seen plenty of flight test data for Spitfire Mk. IX, and it climbs about 50% better than any figures I've seen for the P-47D with or without paddle blades.  Maybe at 30k or so, the Jug can match it due to the Merlin losing power.  But initial climb - no contest.  

It makes sense from an engineering perspective too - Spitfire Mk. IX power to weight ratio is far better than any P-47.

In order to match the 4700 fpm climb of the Spit, the Jug (14600lb, 2535hp) would need a zero-drag airframe and 82% prop efficiency.  Unless there were some hidden rocket boosters, or a fusion energy source, this isn't going to happen, no matter what prop you are using!

[This message has been edited by funked (edited 04-18-2000).]

Mr. Bean

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PYRO is it true you dislike the P47?
« Reply #14 on: April 18, 2000, 09:55:00 AM »
A case of Heiniken if you add the Fokker G-1 in the next release Pyro   . Fokker G-1 is early war plane but was the one of the best fighters around in the world. It just cam a little too late and a few saw battle over the Netherlands and shot down many 109's and JU52's. The Netherlands surrendered but just before that happened, the Fokker G-1 design was transported over the border and... look what the there was built in the USA just a few months later: P38 Lightning... coincidence?  
Just kidding....
