Author Topic: Crash to Desktop  (Read 521 times)

Offline F4UDOA

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Crash to Desktop
« on: March 21, 2002, 11:21:24 AM »

Trying to do this map making thing but everytime I attempt to use any function in the Terrain editor it CTD's on me.

What gives??

Anyone else have this problem?

Offline wantok

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me too
« Reply #1 on: March 26, 2002, 10:46:20 PM »
i'm getting exactly that problem... the editor loads up fine, but doing (almost) anything in the editor causes it to CTD.

i'm on Win2kSP2 if that helps.

anyone got some advice?  is there an editor FAQ?  there doesn't seem to be any troubleshooting section in the editor help.
Madina ... AHWiki

Offline NUTTZ

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Re: Crash to Desktop
« Reply #2 on: March 26, 2002, 11:00:46 PM »
I don't know at what stage your crashing But your about 10 minutes from me. your more than welcome to come over for a quick lesson. I'm 30 seconds over the Tacony/palmyra bridge.


Originally posted by F4UDOA

Trying to do this map making thing but everytime I attempt to use any function in the Terrain editor it CTD's on me.

What gives??

Anyone else have this problem?

Offline wantok

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<koff> RTFM i guess
« Reply #3 on: March 27, 2002, 04:31:16 AM »
hmm.  after looking more closely at the help, it is actually structured as a series of steps to take to start editing.

following those steps worked fine... the problem was trying to use the Map tools without having initialised a new terrain in the right way (i.e. following the help items in sequence in the Building a Terrain topic).

no more CTDs, and mea culpa for not reading the help more closely.  it would be nice if doing the wrong thing caused a polite error message rather than a CTD though...
Madina ... AHWiki

Offline hitech

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Crash to Desktop
« Reply #4 on: March 27, 2002, 08:45:51 AM »
wantok: would love to make it not ctd, but need to know what you did to make it ctd.

Offline wantok

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CTD recipe
« Reply #5 on: March 27, 2002, 04:28:23 PM »
as i recall it was this:

- open Terrain Editor for the first time after installation;
[do *not* create a new terrain with standard File- New- Open- close app - copy bmp- open app technique]
- select an area in the Terrain Editing Window;
- select a terrain type and hit Set Type;
- TE crashes.

i believe i also tried to set altitude on a selected area, after restarting the editor, which also caused a crash.
Madina ... AHWiki

Offline BenDover

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Crash to Desktop
« Reply #6 on: March 27, 2002, 04:41:07 PM »
try re installing or re-download

Offline NUTTZ

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Re: CTD recipe
« Reply #7 on: March 27, 2002, 05:15:44 PM »
I do maps completely different from the rest of the clan. I have most of my information made, Elevation,tiles,Bmp's, and Clipboard map made before i even open the TE. I've posted my "formula" before, I'll repost it if you want.

then i open the TE make a new terrain name it what I have my other information, then drag that information into the TE folder and whalla, it over writes the defualt stuff and all i have to do is place feilds,strats,depots,roads,ships,maprooms,ent points, HQ,barracks,sacrifice 2 chickens to the TE gods,rivers,roads,ack,adjust elevation,hue,tiles,size,hangers,twrs,VH,runways,boat ent, ammo,factories,cities,radar,mountains,trains,barges,convoys,...
easy as pie ( rollos eyes)


Originally posted by wantok
as i recall it was this:

- open Terrain Editor for the first time after installation;
[do *not* create a new terrain with standard File- New- Open- close app - copy bmp- open app technique]
- select an area in the Terrain Editing Window;
- select a terrain type and hit Set Type;
- TE crashes.

i believe i also tried to set altitude on a selected area, after restarting the editor, which also caused a crash.

Offline wantok

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Crash to Desktop
« Reply #8 on: March 27, 2002, 11:02:11 PM »
NUTTZ, if you could repost your formula that would be great.  

sheesh, don't sell the thing so hard :)
Madina ... AHWiki

Offline pokie

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Crash to Desktop
« Reply #9 on: March 28, 2002, 08:48:46 AM »
I just thought I save you the time Nuttz.  I had copied you formula ;)

This is what i do from now on.

I use CorelDraw9 and corelPaint.

OK, I do this now for all maps.

First you need to make a greyscale .BMP 1024x1024 so it's importable threw mapmaker. You can convert the map you have from the other program but make sure it's greyscale.

Ok open up a NEW page in CorelPaint ( or any other art program) set the new page to 1024x1024 pixels. now paste your greyscale map into it and save as EXample call it PAC512. Now open your original greyscale map AND open a new page in Corelpaint to greyscale 1024x1024 pixels. Resample your ORiginal greyscale map to 256 x 256 pixels, Cut and paste it into the new page 1024X1024 and it will Automatically center it into it, Save as PAC256. Now open a new page greyscale 1024x1024 pixels. and open your Original greyscale map, Resample it to 128x128 pixels, NOW cut and paste into the 1024x1024, again it will auto center, save as PAC128. Now you have 3 maps of the SAME map, one each of 128,256,and 512 in size, run each .BMP threw the mapmaker and you will have the same map but in those 3 sizes, NOW choose what size you THINK the map is best suited for. and the original color map or greyscale can be used for all 3.

WHEW! understand that??

thats the way i am making maps now, So they can be used for MA, CT or H2h, or what ever.


There you go wantok, Nuttz can add anything new to his formula here.


Offline NUTTZ

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« Reply #10 on: March 28, 2002, 12:36:05 PM »
Whew , thanks I couldn't find it in the search.

HEY, I think my cloud editor is porked.

I set clouds 1 to a path,and D=W that  equal about a square almost default. Now i set the path and everything almost default I set the rows and columns to 128 and 128 and all i get once opened in the map is 1 long thick row of clouds thats about 20 miles long and 1 plane lenght deep. all my lastest .AWA files are like this the ONLY way i can get a square deep cloud cover is to use cloud "style 3" which is the storm.



Originally posted by pokie
I just thought I save you the time Nuttz.  I had copied you formula ;)


There you go wantok, Nuttz can add anything new to his formula here.


Offline NUTTZ

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Crash to Desktop
« Reply #11 on: March 28, 2002, 12:42:08 PM »
I should Of read what Pokie posted before i replied. Pokie thats how I do the greyscale maps now so I can have it in 3 sizes, since the MA is usually 256x256, the CT 128x128 and HTC said he is going to bigger maps in the MA. It has me all twisted so it's easily scaled for any size. This is NOT the way I start using the TE, just the skinny of making them 3 sizes at first so it can be changed without scraping the whole project.