Author Topic: Tour 5 stats  (Read 836 times)

Offline StSanta

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Tour 5 stats
« on: July 05, 2000, 02:25:00 PM »
Well, to me tour 5 started of most excellently; after two weks mt k/d was at 8.5. Then a mega slump combined with a new way of flying (ack supression in fighters is TOO much fun) and some getting used to new quirks in 109 FM due to prop drag dragged it down to 3 or so, which I find quite respectable.

Last tour, we had a stats thread, naming our favourite aircraft and k/d in it. Here goes for me in 109G10:

P-51: 12-5
Hangtime, go away  

109G10: 11-5
No comment

Spit IX: 34-3
Heh bring 'em on (3 kills by Mitsu, go AWAY!)

B17: 2-0
Impressive ;D

P-47D-30: 6-0
Dangerous when high, and very robust

A6M5b: 2-0
Not too many around

YAK-9: 2-1
Very dangerous aircraft for 109G10

FW-190A5: 8-0
Dangerous with alt, great defensive rolls

Typhoon: 2-0
Fast, but get it to turn...

C202: 2-0
Not that dangerous

P-38: 12-0
Didn't meet Citabria in 38, but in 109  

Spitfire V: 9-1

F4UC: 9-4
Damned cannons  

109G6: 6-0
Much more dangerous than numbers show

109G2: 4-1
Can surprise you if you assume it s a G10

109F4: 2-0
No comment

B26: 7-0
Find right angle and kill it  

F4UD: 3-0
Unfortunately not many around, <S!> to such pilots!

C205: 8-0
I always have a hard time killing these small, nimble fighters

190A8: 4-0
Deadly with alt

N1K: 29-4
I like fighting nikis  

LA5: 5-1
Always unsure what happens when I fight LA5

C47: 1-0
Need more of these  

Total k/d in 109G10 this tour: 195/29 = 6.72

All in all, been a great tour where I've killed some newbies and been spanked by the experts a lot  

Now, my 190A5 stats are laughable  


Offline RAM

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« Reply #1 on: July 05, 2000, 02:34:00 PM »
I simply dont look anymore to my score because that problem with "folding" 190 wings in the start of tour 5. from a 8/1 KD in A8 it went down t oa 2 K/D in a matter of 2 days. Right now I think is something near 3/1 but I wont waste time looking at it as I lost completely my interest in K/D ratios.

wy stats in A5 are laughable too. I feel liek a damned god in it , and I keep on diving to fight 2 on one or even 3 on one. I sometimes win...but most not  

[This message has been edited by RAM (edited 07-05-2000).]

Offline JimBear

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« Reply #2 on: July 05, 2000, 02:59:00 PM »
You want laughable?  Get the bumpy runway/every landing a ditch, halfway thru a tour. Thats when I stopped looking  

Offline Mathman

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« Reply #3 on: July 05, 2000, 03:09:00 PM »
I would mention mine, but I don't think that everyone would want to suffer through news reports of people dying from laughter all over the world.


Offline Duckwing6

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« Reply #4 on: July 05, 2000, 03:30:00 PM »
SCDuckw6 has 2 kills and has been killed 1 time in the F4U-1D against StSanta.

hehe yea i crossed your path  

Offline Wardog

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« Reply #5 on: July 05, 2000, 03:35:00 PM »

What folding wing problem??

I took 190a5 up for a 9 kill sortie & never lost my wings in any of my dives. And this is not my ride.

Or are you talking about the 190a8?

Dog out....

Offline RAM

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« Reply #6 on: July 05, 2000, 03:50:00 PM »
Originally posted by Wardog:

What folding wing problem??

In the first week of Tour5 I had breaking wing s in Fw190A8 at speeds going from 350 to 450 IAS in steady pullouts of 3-5G. I died 17 times more or less in a row in only one day because that, and I took a week of "leave". when I came back I had the same problem dying some 5-6 times again because that. I nearly cancelled my account because that problem, and,well I behaved a bit stupidly sometimes because I was in a pure pissing off feeling all time.

After 1.03 came out I never had that problem again. But for sure that thing ruined my fun during first 2 weeks of tour5.

Offline Hangtime

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« Reply #7 on: July 05, 2000, 04:22:00 PM »
Hang holds up hand; opens mouth... then slowly takes arm down and shuts trap.


[This message has been edited by Hangtime (edited 07-05-2000).]
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Offline StSanta

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« Reply #8 on: July 05, 2000, 04:37:00 PM »
<S!> Duck, yeh ran across ya in A5, I remember that. You got me then, and they you were nasty enough to shoot down my b17 IIRC

<S!> Our fights end up with me sweating a lot lol  


Offline Spatula

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« Reply #9 on: July 05, 2000, 05:03:00 PM »
I like to analyse my stats to see what planes give me the most amount of trouble and which dont among lots of other interesting conclusions can be drawn from them that do help me. These stats are only for the P-51D, which is my main stay ride.

Spatula has 189 kills and has been killed 30 times in the P-51D. = 6.3:1 k/d

the list below is ordered in difficulty (least at the top) for me, but be aware the ones with low kill numbers may mean they aren't representitive. With that in mind the 109 G-10 with 15 engagments @ 2:1 kill/Death is clearly the most dangerous to me, and i know it eveytime i come up against one.  Then probably the 190 A8.

It seems the P38 is no match for a P51 - this seems very odd to me - and citabria will not be amused. Also the 38 and the spit V tend to be 'newbie planes' not sure why the 38 is a newbie plane, its very hard to fly right.

18  to 0  P-38L.           18:0
10  to 1  Spitfire Mk V.   10:1
9   to 1  Fw 190A-5.       9:1
18  to 2  N1K2.            9:1
9   to 1  B-26B.           9:1
8   to 0  A6M5b.           8:0
8   to 1  B-17G.           8:1
51  to 9  Spitfire Mk IX.  5.67:1
4   to 1  C.205.           4:1
4   to 1  F4U-1C.          4:1
3   to 0  Bf 109G-6.       3:0
11  to 4  P-51D.           2.75:1
2   to 0  P-47D-30.        2:0
2   to 0  Typhoon IB.      2:0
2   to 0  Bf 109F-4.       2:0
2   to 0  La-5FN.          2:0
4   to 2  Fw 190A-8.       2:1
10  to 5  Bf 109G-10.      2:1
2   to 1  F4U-1D.          2:1
1   to 0  Yak-9U.          1:0
1   to 0  C.202.           1:0
1   to 0  Bf 109G-2.       1:0
1   to 0  C-47A.           1:0
1   to 1  M-3.             1:1

Seems the M-3 is my equal  


Airborne Kitchen Utensil Assault Group

Offline Replicant

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« Reply #10 on: July 05, 2000, 08:04:00 PM »
The only ones notible for myself are the B26 and the Pnzr.  I've mostly been in the Pnzr all the time since 1.03 - never drove it much before.

Pnzr - 332 Kills (134 Pnzrs) 52 Deaths (15 by Pnzrs)  I'd say about 50 kills were attacking, all other in defence.

B26 - 165 Kills - 37 Deaths



[This message has been edited by Replicant (edited 07-05-2000).]

Offline leonid

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« Reply #11 on: July 06, 2000, 01:08:00 AM »
Yeah, my stats for the Yak-9U, Tour 5, are piss poor too.  Had that god syndrome that infected RAM, and jumped into a few fights I shouldn't have.  Also, since its a new plane I've bought the farm a few times while finding the limits of this thing.

Now, Tour 6 is here and I think I have the Yak-9U down.  Mostly.  Probably take another tour to really feel good about it, but I'm definitely liking it a lot.
ingame: Raz

Offline StSanta

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« Reply #12 on: July 06, 2000, 06:03:00 AM »
Heh damned Yak is too dangerous  

Jumped one once in a furball, and we ended up very slow in scissors. But I forgot to deploy flap, so there I was trying to get the aircraft to lvel off and then turn left, but it just hung there with nose starting to point down. Had no way of getting out of it and I crashed.

Kill wasn't awarded to anyone for some strange reason.

All YAK's must die  


Offline Vermillion

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« Reply #13 on: July 06, 2000, 07:41:00 AM »
Wow guys, your stats you always post look so much better than when I look at people's on the "official" score sheets.  

Strange that I never see bails, ditches, or disco's on the stats posted here, or even the official "one death" that you always have even if you have never flown a sortie.

But I am gonna start using your method   It makes me look like a much better a pilot  

But I'm like Leonid, my stats for Tour 5 were horrible since I only flew about 15-20 sorties right after 1.03 came out and almost all of them in the Yak-9U and the P-47, learning how to fly and die in em.

LOL!! The funny part is that over half my Tour 5 deaths were caused by trying to learn how to land the Yak, which if you haven't flown it much, you will learn is like landing a jet. Stay fast (right at 200IAS) until the very last second then drop gear and flaps and stall right over the tarmac at about 20 feet. Otherwise the Yak has a really strange "flat stall" where on approach at around 150 IAS with flaps down it will literally drop straight down like a rock without even a stall horn warning, killing you without even a chance of recovery.

**MOL**, Men of Leisure
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Offline LLv34_Camouflage

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« Reply #14 on: July 06, 2000, 08:14:00 AM »
Yep, I started suffering from the ef-bug in 1.03.  I believe all but 2 of my intended refuels/rearms turned into bail outs...    This can be clearly seen in my A-5 and P47D K/D ratios.  

Here's my stats from Tour 5, flying the 109 G-2.

No problems with these:  

P38L:   7/0=  inf
La5FN:  6/0=  inf
Tiffie: 1/0=  inf
SpitV:  4/1=  4.00
A6M5:   5/2=  2.50
Spit9: 18/8=  2.25
P51D:   8/4=  2.00
Yak9:   2/1=  2.00

With these I can hold my own:

G-10:   9/7=  1.29
F4U-1c: 9/7=  1.29
N1K:   10/7=  1.43
F4U-1d: 1/1=  1.00
190A-8: 2/2=  1.00

Taking a beating...  

C.205:  2/3=  0.67
P47D:   5/9=  0.55
190A5:  6/11= 0.55
109G-2: 0/1=  0.00 whoops  

Buff department:  

C47:   11/0=  inf
B26B:  13/2=  6.50
B17G:  15/7=  2.14

G-2 ain't much of a ground pounder...  

M16:    0/1=  0.00
M3:     0/1=  0.00
Panzer: 0/2=  0.00

These sneaky fellas evaded my guns:  

C202:   0/0=  0.00
109G-6: 0/0=  0.00
109F-4: 0/0=  0.00

Overall K/D: 160/101= 1.58
My G-2 K/D:  138/77 = 1.79


XO, Lentolaivue 34

Brewster into AH!

"The really good pilots use their superior judgement to keep them out of situations
where they might be required to demonstrate their superior skill."

[This message has been edited by LLv34_Camouflage (edited 07-06-2000).]
CO, Lentolaivue 34
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"How about the power to kill a Yak from 200 yards away - with mind bullets!"