I just realized while doing some testing of some stuff in a terrain, that I was wrong about the speed of the Trains, Convoys and Barges in a earlier post
http://www.hitechcreations.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=39822They seem to be based on a 10 minute time frame. Meaning that it will take 10 minutes for the Train, Convoy or Barge to travel from start to Finish reguardless of how long the Road, Track or River is.
I other words, for example
Road1 is 50 miles long
Road2 is 25 miles long
Both Road1 and Road2 will have their Convoys reach the end of them at the same time. ( 10 minutes )
Now the interesting part is Road1 convoy will be travelling at 300mph while Road2 convoy will be travelling at 150mph
The reason I'm bring this up is if you had a Road, Track or River that was 100 miles long then the Train, Convoy or Barge would be travelling at 600mph and how would you ever destroy it with a plane cause you would never catch it.
What ever the length of the Road, Track or River is in miles, just multiply it by 6 to get the mph of the Train, Convoy or Barge.