Author Topic: using padlock  (Read 456 times)

Offline Kweassa

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using padlock
« on: March 23, 2002, 08:57:14 AM »
Besides using padlock inside the cockpit to make good chase scenes,
 I've found out  that using external  padlock with F4 chase  view  works
 better than I expected. :)

 Now, AH padlock is very interesting inside the cockpit in the way:

 a)  it doesn't break off instantly when the target plane disappears from sight

 b) the view stays in the last location/direction of the target before it disappeared

 c) begins functioning again when you find the target again

 d) but if you fail to locate the target for too many "snaps", it breaks off


 external padlock works nearly in the same way, but using F3 external view with padlock does not give out good results. The auto-adjustment of camera angles exactly matches the center area where your plane is located, thus, your plane covers the target. You can't see it on the screen.

 Now, F4 chase view with padlock on is different, it follows the target within the boundaries of the "chase view" leniently, so you can film both the target and you chasing it - but the auto-adjustment on camera range is shorter than F3 external.

 The solution I have found is to use F4 chase view + padlock, zoom out for wider field of vision when the target reaches near end of current visual boundary, and zoom in again when the target is nearing the center where your plane is located.

 I'm sure many of u already know about this.. but just for the spirit of sharing little knowledge :)

ps) Made a really nice 7MB film, but don't know where I can post it.

 If anyone who has more than 7MB e-mail space, I'll gladly send upon requests :)

Offline guttboy

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using padlock
« Reply #1 on: March 24, 2002, 09:27:30 AM »
I finally figured out that there IS a film editor last night!!!

I would love to see your film...please send it to

I should be able to download it.
