Author Topic: Nebie ? for Terrain editor....  (Read 379 times)

Offline guttboy

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Nebie ? for Terrain editor....
« on: March 25, 2002, 12:14:08 PM »
Hi Guys,
Although not a newbie to the game I am not sure what the terrain editor is and what you can do with it.  I am assuming you can make your own maps.  Can you put enemy vehicles, fighters, buffs, goons etc in it?  Could you then use it for TGT practice?

Also where do I find it?  When I tried to download it it would not show up.


Offline pokie

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Nebie ? for Terrain editor....
« Reply #1 on: March 25, 2002, 02:09:16 PM »
Hello guttboy

 Can you put enemy vehicles, fighters, buffs, goons etc in it? Could you then use it for TGT practice?
If by this you mean vehicles that move like the 4 planes that you see in the offline mode, no.

If you meant just the vehicle objects that don't move, yes.

The Terrain Editor has a Help file that you can check out first to get the idea how to use it.  Then come here with questions or Search this form.

Try the download again.
