Author Topic: Your Favorite Mission Types & Plans  (Read 934 times)

Offline Ripsnort

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Your Favorite Mission Types & Plans
« Reply #15 on: August 02, 2001, 07:25:00 AM »
NO, more like this:

1)VMF-323 hits field X
2)Blitz is hitting field Y by himself (usually a large field)
3)Blitz calls out for goon, all acks down after .2 seconds.
4)VMF-323 is still battling field X, mass cockroaches (N1K's and M16's) have upped because VH didn't go down firt pass.
5)Blitz gets goon himself
6)Blitz's field Y is capture
7)Field X is finally capture 15 min after blitz's one man army capture field Y.


Offline dtango

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« Reply #16 on: August 02, 2001, 04:53:00 PM »
Punt for anyone that wants to comment and to keep pestering Hangtime  :).  Squid Cookie raids???
Tango / Tango412 412th FS Braunco Mustangs
"At times it seems like people think they can chuck bunch of anecdotes into some converter which comes up with the flight model." (Wmaker)

Offline wolf37

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Your Favorite Mission Types & Plans
« Reply #17 on: August 02, 2001, 06:06:00 PM »
hiya all:

Well I hav'nt been here since tour 14, but I still have an idea or two for a good jabo mission.

1. 10 P47-D's
load out.  two 1000lb bombs
           one 500lb bomb
           ten rockets
           8 guns

2. 5 P51-D's
load out.  two 1000lb bombs
           six guns

3. one C-47

The P-47's go after the hangers on there first pass, dive bombbing them with the 1000lb bombs and the 500lb bombs, the VH is a must to take out first. after the P-47's have dropped there bombs, they then straff down the acks, best to go in atleast three planes per straffing attack, the acks will only follow the first plane to get with in range. after the acks are down, the P-47's then use there rockets to finish off the hangers that are still standing. as well as help vulch any enemy aircraft trying to take off.

The P-51's primary job is fighter support. If they can hang onto there bombs long enough, they can help the P-47's in a dive bombing roll to drop the hangers faster, the FH's are the targets the P-51's should hit first. If the enemy has aircraft up before the P-47s can start there attack, the the P-51's would drop there bombs and engage the enemy fighters to keep them away from the P-47s. the P-51s can dive bomb any ground units as well if they are not busy with enemy aircraft. vulching the runways is a secondary job as well for the P-51's. once all the acks and hangers are down, and there are no enemy A/C or G/U left to deal with, the P-51's should climb to a good alt to engage any enemy A/C that might come from another airfield.

Now the C-47 should be ready to move in at a moments notice, no more then 30 sec away. remember the enemy will come from another field when they can not up at the field you are trying to attack. the longer it takes the C-47 to release troops, the greater the odds are the enemy will stop your attack, you loose the C-47 and the mission is pretty much toast. by the time another C-47 can up, fly to the field, the enemy will be reducing your fighter cap and the enemy hangers will be upping soon. that will bring a wave of enemy M-16s and Ostwinds.

In all, it should only take about three mins to level the field and have your C-47 dropping troops. this kind of mission has been done and has worked a lot. It was Zigrat who started this mission setup, and the Knights back then took base after base with this mission. But the moment you start to take to long to capture the base, it is over. Plan another mission and hit the other team, they won't be ready and you may capture a few base's before they get organized to stop you. Now if you have any questons reguarding this type of mission, Zigrat is probably the best person to ask. as he knows this type of mission better then anybody. But as I was in on a lot of those missions with Zigrat, I do know how well they worked.

best of luck in your mission planning and hope you can make them work well and have fun with them.

Offline Ripsnort

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Your Favorite Mission Types & Plans
« Reply #18 on: August 02, 2001, 06:27:00 PM »
Wolf, you'd love my USAF canned mission, hollar at me next time your in knitland, I'll post it up. :)

Offline bigUC

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« Reply #19 on: August 03, 2001, 07:54:00 AM »
Originally posted by dtango:
LOL bigUC!  I haven't seen that one yet- the mass C-47 raid.  Might have to try that mission some time.

Ripsnort made a couple of missions like that a few tours back - It might seem "gamey" but it was for a "good cause" (can't remember)and it was a sight to behold  :D  

Can't dig up any screenshots now, but a few was posted on this BBS a few months agos.
Kurt is winking at U!

Offline buhdman

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Your Favorite Mission Types & Plans
« Reply #20 on: August 03, 2001, 11:04:00 AM »
ANY Zig mission  ;)